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Alport Syndrome Genetics: more detail | |||||
41. :: Department Of Medical Genetics :: Medical genetics), FCCMG Professor Emeritus, Department of Medical genetics Director,Alberta G., Kashtan CE, Pober B., Renieri A. alport syndrome and Mental http://www.fp.ucalgary.ca/medicalgenetics/pages/pages_faculty/brian_lowry.html | |
42. Genetics And Genetic Engineering Albinism, alport syndrome. Angelman syndrome, Cystic Fibrosis. Ataxia, Downsyndrome. HHMI s Blazing a Genetic Trail, Birth defects and genetics. http://www.schools.ash.org.au/immanuel/genetics.htm |
43. Centre For Human Genetics Seminars October 1999 Human genetics in the Greater UCL week by week. October 1999. Week starting Monday4 October. Tuesday 5 October 15.35 Recurrence of Disease in alport s syndrome http://www.gene.ucl.ac.uk/chg/semsoct99.html | |
44. Untitled Document Shows TB Molecular genetics of alport syndrome. Kidney int 1993;4338-44. http://www.aanefrologia.com/sito/Alport.htm | |
45. Molecular Genetics Aims of the Molecular genetics Research Group. approach we have used on the haemophiliashas been broadened to include other diseases such as alport syndrome. http://www.kcl.ac.uk/depsta/memoge/moleculargenetics.html | |
46. Molecular Genetics Publications (1999) Advances in genetics, vol 41. Plant KE, Green PM, Vetrie D Flinter FA(1999) Detection of mutations in COL4A5 in patients with alport syndrome. http://www.kcl.ac.uk/depsta/memoge/moleculargeneticspublications.html | |
47. Ustav Biologie A Lekarske Genetiky 2.LF UK A FNM Internal Grant Agency (IGA MZ ÃR) Molecular genetics diagnostics of Turner syndrome- method of in COL4A5 geny in patients with alport syndrome.(IGA 3783-3 http://ublg.lf2.cuni.cz/e_research.html | |
48. VSpring Capital :: Management :: Advisors :: Albert Bertha He received his Ph.D. in genetics at Stanford University. specifically Hemochromatosis,Antithrombin III Deficiency, alport syndrome, Neurofibromatosis I http://www.vspring.com/man_adv_skolnick.html | |
49. 1° Casari G. (Milan) Molecular genetics of autosomal dominant medullary cystic FlinterF. (London) - Clinical diagnostic aspect of alport s syndrome; Karet FE http://utenti.lycos.it/FMRB/Programme.htm | |
50. Useful Links Alliance http//www.alagille.org; alport syndrome Home Page http http//www.csmc.edu/genetics/skeldys/default com/hotsprings/2179;Joubert syndrome Foundation Corp http://www.genetichealthvic.net.au/pages/links.html |
51. CIN'2003. Suzanne Meleg-Smith. Enfermedad De Alport: Un Diagnóstico DifÃcil Translate this page 15.- Mochizuki, T., et al., Identification of mutations in the A3(IV) and A4(IV)collagen genes in autosomal recessive alport syndrome. Nature genetics, 1994. http://www.uninet.edu/cin2003/conf/smelegs/smelegs.html | |
52. 105 Document(s) Found In Genealogy Causes of Hearing Loss and Hearing Loss in General alport syndrome (Source Boystown DHSOregon WWW Links and Resources The Oregon genetics Program WWW Links http://msfindit.statelib.wa.gov/oregon/search.asp?nb=0&as=0&tid=214 |
53. Hum. Mol. Genet. -- Abstracts: Lemmink Et Al. 3 (8): 1269 unrelated patients with sporadic or nonX-linked alport syndrome were screened heterozygousand another homozygous (Mochizuki et al., Nature genetics, in press http://hmg.oupjournals.org/cgi/content/abstract/3/8/1269 | |
54. Hum. Mol. Genet. -- Abstracts: Knebelmann Et Al. 4 (4): 675 Human Molecular genetics, Vol 4, 675679, Copyright © 1995 by Oxford University anAlu sequence in the COL4A3 mRNA causing autosomal recessive alport syndrome. http://hmg.oupjournals.org/cgi/content/abstract/4/4/675 | |
55. Entrez PubMed and that a patient with anterior lenticonus associated with alport syndrome hada Collagen Type IV/genetics*; Collagen Type IV/metabolism*; Collagen Type IV http://www.biomedcentral.com/pubmed/12796257 | |
56. Informagene - Dizionario Translate this page Bibliografia Tryggvason K. Molecular pathology and genetics of alport syndrome.Contributions to Nephrology 117, Karger, Basilea, 1996. Sessa A. et al. http://www.telethon.it/informagene/dettaglio_malattia.asp?id=72 |
57. Dysmorphic Child Referral Guidelines proteinuria and hematuria in alport syndrome, the need prolapse in Marfan syndrome,recurrent otitis PEDIATRIC DYSMORPHOLOGY/genetics SPECIALTY REFERRAL (In http://www.mamc.amedd.army.mil/Referral/guidelines/dev_ped_dysmorphic.htm | |
58. Rural Nurse Organization Clinic Digital Library genetics Resources See also General genetics Resources GeneClinics HomepageAlport syndrome Access document. Online Mendelian Inheritance http://ruralnurseorganization-dl.slis.ua.edu/clinical/nephrology/glomerulonephri | |
59. OUP: Genetics Of Renal Disease: Flinter 8 Frances Flinter alport syndrome; 9 Anand K SaggarMalik Stefan Somlo 13 PasqualeStrazzullo Pietro Vuotto genetics of stone forming diseases; 14 David http://www.oup.co.uk/isbn/0-19-263146-2 | |
60. PUBLICATIONS 93 eds) MosbyYear Book, volume 221-14, 1993. Tryggvason K, Zhou J, Hostikka SL,Shows T. Molecular genetics of alport syndrome. Kidney Int 4338-44, 1993. http://www.oulu.fi/faculties/resea/biocente/publct93.html | |
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