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Alport Syndrome Genetics: more detail | |||
1. Alport Syndrome Home Page Molecular Pathology and genetics of alport syndrome, edited by K Tryggvason,Contributions to Nephrology (Contrib. Nephrol. Basel http://www.cc.utah.edu/~cla6202/ASHP.htm | |
2. Molecular Genetics Of Alport Syndrome Molecular genetics of alport syndrome. By David F. Barker, Ph.D. Presentedat Patient, Family and Friends Day Fourth International http://www.cc.utah.edu/~cla6202/DBb.htm | |
3. Alport Syndrome - Parents - Boys Town National Research Hospital genetics and Deafness alport syndrome. alport syndrome (AS) is characterized by hereditary nephritis (kidney disease known as Bright's disease in the past) and sensorineural hearing loss. http://www.boystownhospital.org/parents/info/genetics/alport.asp | |
4. EMedicine - Alport Syndrome : Article By Ramesh Saxena, MD, PhD alport syndrome In 1927, Cecil A. alport described 3 generations of a family with combinations of progressive hereditary nephritis and deafness. alport also noted that hematuria was the most many more families were described, and the eponym alport syndrome (AS) was coined in 1961 advances in delineating the molecular genetics of AS, the pathogenesis of renal http://www.emedicine.com/med/topic110.htm | |
5. Alport's Syndrome alport's syndrome Kidney Foundation of Canada - General overview of the disease includes details on the genetics for alport's syndrome - alport's syndrome MediFocus MedCenter http://www.health-nexus.com/alport's_syndrome.htm | |
6. Gallaudet University's Genetics Program Home ·. genetics Clinic ·. Summer Programs in genetics ·. Studies in Genetic Deafness alport syndrome. alport syndrome. Ask NOAH About Kidney and Urologic Diseases http://depts.gallaudet.edu/genetics/resources1.htm | |
7. Current Progress - Parents - Boys Town National Research Hospital progress in the field of hereditary deafness has proceeded more slowly than progressin other areas of human genetics. alport syndrome, XLR, Xq, COL4A5, 8. http://www.boystownhospital.org/parents/info/genetics/current.asp | |
8. KFOC - Alport Syndrome As outlined above, the genetics of alport syndrome is complex. Diagnosisin young children may be tricky, even with the help of a renal biopsy. http://www.kidney.ca/english/publications/factsheets/alport.htm | |
9. Alport Syndrome Forensic Medicine Gastroenterology General Medicine. genetics. Geriatrics Gynecology Headache Health Care Providers Health alport syndrome. alport syndrome http//alport.cjb.net http://www.medlina.com/alport_syndrome.htm | |
10. CCHS Clinical Digital Library Access document Hereditary Nephritis, Including alport syndrome Access documentPathogenesis and genetics of Hereditary Nephritis Access document. GeneClinics http://cchs-dl.slis.ua.edu/clinical/nephrology/glomerulonephritis/multisystem/al | |
11. NEJM -- Alport's Syndrome, Goodpasture's Syndrome, And Type IV Collagen Review Article from The New England Journal of Medicine alport's syndrome, Goodpasture's syndrome, and Type IV Collagen Structure and Distribution of Type IV Collagen. alport's syndrome. genetics. Pathogenesis http://www.nejm.org/cgi/content/extract/348/25/2543 | |
12. Disease Directory : Urological Disorders : Glomerular : Alport Syndrome Review Article from The New England Journal of Medicine alport s syndrome,Goodpasture s syndrome, and Type IV Collagen. alport s syndrome. genetics. http://www.diseasedirectory.net/Urological_Disorders/Glomerular/Alport_Syndrome/ | |
13. The Infography About Alport's Syndrome A professor whose research specialty is alport's syndrome recommends these sources. Molecular Pathology and genetics of alport syndrome, Contributions to Nephrology (Contrib http://www.infography.com/content/091343595688.html | |
14. Entrez PubMed recessive and Xlinked alport syndromes, which have Israeli family with Fechtner syndromeplus impaired Chromosomes, Human, Pair 22/genetics*; Collagen/genetics; http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?holding=npg&cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed |
15. Entrez PubMed alport syndrome in the light of current molecular genetics Article inFrench Pirson Y. Service de Nephrologie, Cliniques universitaires St. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&dopt=Abstra |
16. MediFocus MedCenter Preview For Alport S Syndrome Kidney International. 1997; alport s syndrome. Journal of Medical genetics. 1997;alport syndrome. Kidney International Supplement. 1997; alport syndrome. http://www.studentnow.com/health/nk001.htm |
17. NEJM -- Alport's Syndrome, Goodpasture's Syndrome, And Type IV Collagen . Full Text of this Article. Structure and Distribution of Type IV Collagen.alport s syndrome. genetics. Pathogenesis. Clinical Presentation. http://content.nejm.org/cgi/content/short/348/25/2543 | |
18. NEJM -- Sign In 61 , 62 Clinical variability among kindreds with alport s syndrome reflects thecomplexity of collagen genetics (involving one of three loci with multiple http://content.nejm.org/cgi/content/full/348/25/2543 | |
19. Karger Publishers Vol. 117. Molecular Pathology and genetics of alport syndrome. Editor(s) Tryggvason,K. (Oulu). Molecular Pathology and genetics of alport syndrome. http://content.karger.com/ProdukteDB/produkte.asp?Aktion=showproducts&ProduktNr= |
20. Alport Syndrome,Hereditary Nephritis,Alport Syndrome,Hereditary Nephritis,Heredi Genetic Counselling. As outlined above, the genetics of alport syndromeis complex. Diagnosis genetics and Deafness alport syndrome alport http://www.icomm.ca/geneinfo/alport.htm | |
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