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61. AboutOurKids.org | Drugs, Alcohol, And Your Kid your family doctor; Hot line usually listed under An agency specializing in treatingdrug/alcohol abuse and A local counseling or mental health center often http://www.aboutourkids.org/aboutour/articles/drugs.html | |
62. Your Health - Alcohol Abuse And Alcoholism Tests may include Blood tests to look at the size of your red blood Blood teststo check for alcoholrelated liver disease and other health problems. http://www.aurorahealthcare.org/yourhealth/healthgate/getcontent.asp?URLhealthga |
63. Your Health - Reducing Your Risk Of Alcohol Abuse And Alcoholism Source National Institute on alcohol Abuse and alcoholism. Always seek the adviceof your physician or other qualified health provider prior to starting any http://www.aurorahealthcare.org/yourhealth/healthgate/getcontent.asp?URLhealthga |
64. James Madison University - ALCOHOL AND YOUR HEALTH: WHERE DO YOU DRAW THE LINE? Home, alcohol AND your health WHERE DO YOU DRAW THE LINE? http://www.jmu.edu/jmuweb/students/news/students3980.shtml | |
65. WWAY NewsChannel 3, Wilmington, NC: Your Health road. What does that mean to your health? Hundreds people? The Dangersof alcohol We ve all heard about teens and alcohol abuse. Now http://www.wwaytv3.com/Global/category.asp?C=7220&nav=0zHV |
66. Alcohol And Your Heart You may have heard alcohol is good for your heart. Of course, we also know alcoholimpairs health. So where do you draw the line between helpful and harmful? http://careconnection.osu.edu/hospitalsandservices/publications/?ID=341&SIDS=9&o |
67. Alcohol Is Good For Health Dean Edell, MD, asserts that Âyou would have to be living on another planetnot to know that alcohol in moderation is good for your health. 2. http://www2.potsdam.edu/alcohol-info/HealthIssues/1074864884.html | |
68. WNEM-TV5 Your Health: Alcohol And Cancer your health alcohol And Cancer, http://www.wnem.com/Global/story.asp?S=1800397&nav=7k79MRqJ |
69. Fall 2003: To Your Health? Fruits and vegetables are full of healthpromoting nutrients. of red wine will prolongyour life. among the scientific community that alcohol protects against http://nutrition.tufts.edu/magazine/2003fall/alcohol.html | |
70. Health - The Effects Of Alcohol On Your Body Before you can see whether or not the amount of alcohol you could drink couldbe affecting your health, you first have to work out how much you drink. http://www.teawamutu.co.nz/directory/health/alcohol.shtml | |
71. Wine, Wine, alcohol and your health. Wine is not only the oldest dietary alcoholic beveragebut the oldest medicinal agent in continuous use throughout human history. http://www.icakusa.com/healthcaps/food/wine.html | |
72. Marijuana Facts, Effects Of Marijuana At SAMHSA's NCADI Marijuana affects other aspects of your health. be laced with other dangerous drugswithout your knowledge. As with alcohol and many other drugs, not everyone http://ncadi.samhsa.gov/govpubs/phd641/ | |
73. WorkSMART - Your Health - Drugs And Alcohol Support At Work work? more How does drug and alcohol abuse affect workplace healthand safety? more Is it illegal to drink at work? more http://www.worksmart.org.uk/health/viewsubsection.php?sun=16 |
74. Drug And Alcohol Misuse - Mental Health And Growing Up Risks and dangers. Using street drugs or alcohol may make you feelgood, but they can damage your health. Here are some of the basic http://www.rcpsych.ac.uk/info/mhgu/newmhgu34.htm | |
75. Drug & Research News How Does alcohol Affect your health? Check it out in free screeningson National alcohol Day Robert Preidt. WEDNESDAY, April 7 http://www.ivillagehealth.com/news/drugs/content/0,,412636_628914,00.html | |
76. To Your Health child is using alcohol or any other drug, rely on your pediatrician for advice andhelp. From the American Academy of Pediatrics. October is Child health Month http://www.rockford.uic.edu/toyourhealth/alc.htm | |
77. NurseWeek/HealthWeek|Alcohol And The First Amendment EDITOR S NOTE CHEERS to your health, alcohol and the first amendment.Image by Malcolm Garris/PhotoDisc March 4, 1999. For at least http://www.nurseweek.com/ednote/99/990304.html | |
78. Drug Alcohol Office OA3247, alcohol and your health Australian health guidelines. health ProfessionalFact Sheets. OA3246, alcohol and your health - Australian alcohol guidelines. http://www.dao.health.wa.gov.au/index.cfm?section=pubs&page=alcohol |
79. LHMU: Rights: Drugs And Alcohol Can Harm Your Health Drugs and alcohol can harm your health. Using alcohol, tobacco, prescriptiondrugs or illicit drugs at work can have serious consequences. http://lhmu.org.au/lhmu/rights/drug.html | |
80. A Healthy Diet Plan From Realslimmers Drinking too much not only adds unwanted calories, it can be bad for your health,and your bank balance (see pointers below). alcohol also stimulates appetite http://www.realslimmers.com/Content.go?id=1753 |
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