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61. Legislative Assembly Of Alberta and Tourism; Province of alberta Achievement Award for culture; Government of canada Merit Award for Multiculturalism; Royal Canadian http://www.assembly.ab.ca/lao/mla/mlabio.asp?RNumber=36 |
62. Household Transmission Of Streptococcus Pneumoniae, Alberta, Canada pneumonia was diagnosed simultaneously in three married couples in alberta, canada. received appropriate antibiotic therapy after their culture and antibiotic http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/eid/vol5no1/kellner.htm | |
63. CDC - Outbreak Of Neisseria Meningitidis, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada alberta, canada; ÂThe Capital Health Authority, Edmonton, alberta, canada. showed that 50 of 56 cultureconfirmed cases in the province of alberta dating back http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/eid/vol8no5/01-0337.htm | |
64. Civilization.ca - The Ukrainians In Canada - Bibliography Edmonton Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies; Historic Sites Service, alberta culture and Multiculturalism. 1988. Cote/Call number FC3700 U5 C66. http://www.civilization.ca/academ/bibgrph/ukrbibe.html | |
65. REALM :: E M P L O Y E R F O R U M :: are the major human resources needs of canada s arts and AFA support and promote arts and culture in the We focus on albertabased artists, from amateurs to http://realm.net/employer/qanda-march2003.cfm | |
66. Horse Chat - Equiworld Message :: - Event And Show Diary - Alberta, Canada Horse Re alberta, canada Horse Show List. Canadian culture whew. The most important thing, as far as i m concerned, about canada is that we re multicultural. http://highland.equiworld.com/message/read.php?f=4&i=44&t=44 |
67. FOLKLIFE RESOURCES IN CANADA: Folklife Resources In The Library Of Congress (Ame Calgary, alberta canada T2T 5N1 Canadian Folklore Canadien Laurier Tugeon, Editor Departement d histoire Universite Laval Quebec, Quebec canada G1K 7P4. culture http://www.loc.gov/folklife/source/canada.html | |
68. ZapMeta Directory > Regional > North America > Canada > Alberta > Society And Cu Web Sites in Category Society and culture Display results 1 alberta Community Networks A project of Telecommunities canada and Industry canada s Community http://www.zapmeta.com/search/meta/db.pl?dir=298513 |
69. Any Search Info - Directory: Regional North America Canada Alberta Society And C Regional North America canada alberta Society and culture. Category contains information about by locality, adoption, animal welfare http://search-info.com/search/engine/index/Regional/North_America/Canada/Alberta | |
70. The Provincial Health Ethics Network (Alberta, CANADA) Joseph M. and Putsch, Robert W. Communication through Interpreters in Healthcare Ethical Dilemmas Arising from Differences in Class, culture, Language, and http://www.phen.ab.ca/articles/articles/CulturalDiversityEt.htm | |
71. Canadopedia : Alberta Culture And Arts alberta culture and Arts. Applied Arts. Art Galleries. Artists. Crafts. Cultural Centers. Copyright © Canadopedia, Toronto, canada. All rights reserved Disclaimer. http://www.canadopedia.com/alberta/culture-and-arts/ | |
72. Soc.culture.canada FAQ (Monthly Posting) [2/2] soc.culture.canada FAQ (Monthly posting) 2/2 http://www.miredespa.com/wmaton/scc/faq2.html | |
73. Open Directory - Regional: North America: Canada: Alberta: Society And Culture Try thumbshots on CNET Search.com. If you like thumbshots.org, please send your feedback. CNET Search would like to hear from you! ) the entire directory. only in alberta/Society_and_Culture http://open.thumbshots.org/Regional/North_America/Canada/Alberta/Society_and_Cul | |
74. Canada Online - Canadian Government News Issues And Services Trash Starting in October, televisions, computers and related equipment in alberta will be Be Careful What You Sell at Garage Sales Health canada has issued http://canadaonline.about.com/ | |
75. Travel Alberta - Travelling To & Around - Itineraries - Scenic Road Trips Another fitting piece in alberta cultural puzzle is a visit to canadaÂs largest living history park  Fort Edmonton Park  where you can experience http://www1.travelalberta.com/content/travellingto/take.cfm?roadtripID=17 |
76. Travel Alberta - Travelling To & Around - Itineraries - Scenic Road Trips s Kalyna Country, albertaÂs Kalyna Country. Follow the trails of history and adventure in albertaÂs cultural landscape  canadaÂs largest ecomuseum. http://www1.travelalberta.com/content/travellingto/tripstotake.cfm | |
77. Alberta Craft Council Home Page and profiles of about 140 American craft galleries that are interested in carrying Canadian work. Experience first hand, alberta Craft culture in the http://www.albertacraft.ab.ca/ | |
78. Cyndi's List - Canada - Alberta Lake District Genealogy Club ~ Cold Lake, alberta, canada; of Mennonite historical documents and cultural artifacts. Society Hill alberta Societies A list of http://www.cyndislist.com/alberta.htm | |
79. Alberta - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia The Fringe Festivals, canada s largest Folk Festival name a few highlight the province s cultural diversity and alberta also benefits from having the largest http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alberta | |
80. Alberta Canadian Provinces & Territories: Canadian Provinces & Territories In Al But it s the people of alberta that give the Ocean on the western coast of canada, British Columbia (BC Winnipeg has a host of cultural opportunities, including http://www.discoveralberta.com/TravelEssentials/CanadianProvincesTerritories/ | |
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