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161. Error - Page Not Found Forume ne gjuhen shqipe mbi shkencat besimin fetar politika shqiptare sport si dhe albania e kosova ne albanian. http://pub2.ezboard.com/balbania | |
162. Ministry Of Foreign Affairs Of Albania Population. 3,364,571 (June 1999). 95% albanian, 3% Greek and 2% various. Rate Of Population Increase. Capital City. Tirana (since 1920). Official Language. albanian. http://www.mfa.gov.al/english/info.asp |
163. Index Personal website containing information about albanian people and culture. http://www.geocities.com/akacubaj/ | |
164. CNN - Yugoslav Troops Seize Border Village In Albania, Say Albanian Officials - CNN http://www.cnn.com/WORLD/europe/9904/13/yugo.albania.02/index.html | |
165. BBC News | Kosovo | History, Bloody History Albanians. Just as Serbs and Albanians fight for it today, their respective historians have long quarrelled over its true history. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/special_report/1998/kosovo/110492.stm | |
166. Albanian Information - Albanian.com Historical and grammatical information on the albanian language. http://albanian.com/main/culture/language/ | |
167. CNN.com - Albanian Rebels Vow To Disarm - May 21, 2001 CNN http://cnn.com/2001/WORLD/europe/05/21/presevo.rebels/index.html | |
168. Welcome To AEM UK based mission to bring the gospel to Albanians. Opportunities for work, prayer, events, newsletter, books people, how to help and beliefs. http://www.aemission.org/ |
169. Index Of / Organization of Evangelical Christian missionaries and humanitarian organizations. Includes information on the mission, activities, participants and memberships. http://www.aepfoundation.org/ | |
170. Albart - Albanian Artists Contains some authors and their works in sculpture, picture and handcraft. http://www.albacenter.it/albart/english/index.htm | |
171. Ethnic Albanians In Greece Study and facts about the Chams question. http://www.mfa.gov.tr/grupa/ac/ack/Default.htm |
172. Your Title Here http://www.geocities.com/MotorCity/Track/4165/ |
173. CNN - Dole Says Kosovo Albanians Will Sign Peace Accord - March 5, 1999 CNN http://www.cnn.com/WORLD/europe/9903/05/kosovo.02/index.html | |
174. CNN - Mass Graves In Kosovo May Hold Thousands Of Ethnic Albanians - August 2, 1 CNN http://www.cnn.com/WORLD/europe/9908/02/yugo.01/index.html | |
175. CNN - Kosovar Albanians Want Nothing Less Than Independence - February 3, 1999 CNN http://www.cnn.com/WORLD/europe/9902/03/kosovo.03/index.html | |
176. CNN - Kosovo Albanians Hurl Stones, Gasoline Bombs At Serb Convoy - October 5, 1 CNN http://www.cnn.com/WORLD/europe/9910/05/yugo.kosovo.02/index.html | |
177. CNN - Dole: Ethnic Albanians Agree To Sign Peace Deal Sunday - March 6, 1999 CNN http://www.cnn.com/WORLD/europe/9903/06/kosovo.01/index.html | |
178. CNN - NATO Peacekeepers Scuffle With Ethnic Albanians In Kosovo - August 7, 1999 CNN http://www.cnn.com/WORLD/europe/9908/07/kosovo.02/index.html | |
179. Histori 17, The Expulsion of the Albanians Ky eshte nje memorandum i paraqitur ne 7 Mars 1937 ku duket qarte plani i Serbve per te pastruar Kosoven nga shqiptaret. http://www.albasoul.com/historia/ | |
180. CNN - Serbs, Kosovo Albanians Unbending On Eve Of Peace Talks - February 5, 1999 CNN http://www.cnn.com/WORLD/europe/9902/05/kosovo.01/index.html | |
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