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141. History Of Macedonia And The Macedonian Nation Atlas of World history showing Pirin Macedonia as entirely Macedonian Why the Macedonians and the Bulgarians are two Separate Nations? Macedonians in Albania. http://historyofmacedonia.org/ | |
142. Albania Chat Room Nje tjeter chat shqiptar ne serverin irc.webmaster.com. http://www.albaniachat.tk |
143. Oxfam - Albania In Focus - History Of Oxfam In Albania The story so far 1999 An Oxfam water tank in Kukes 1 camp, Kukes, northern Albania. Photo Jenny Matthews / Oxfam. A short history of Oxfam in Albania. http://www.oxfam.org.uk/what_we_do/where_we_work/albania/albania_in_focus/about_ | |
144. AlbaFind: Index An index and search engine of albanian Web sites. http://www.albafind.com/ | |
145. CNN - Serbs Block Albanian Rebels From Flying To Kosovo Talks - February 5, 1999 CNN http://www.cnn.com/WORLD/europe/9902/05/kosovo.refusal/index.html | |
146. AlbaniaSoccer National Team information, results and fixtures for the First Division, albanian Cup, ALSuperCup, Kosova 1, and the Kosova Cup, plus teams in European Cups. http://albaniasoccer.tripod.com/ | |
147. Pheast.com Albanian Authentic albanian dishes, including those of famous New York chefs. http://www.pheast.com/recipes/albanian/ |
148. Untitled The flight attendant working for albanian Airlines provides details and inside information about the national carrier. With a lot of pictures of the fleet, the staff and the albanian Air Force. http://lidi.freehomepage.com/ | |
149. Jehona Labe, Albanian Music ! Jehonalabe, Musike Shqiptare.Kenge Labe, Folks musik. albanian Folklor,Vlora, Laberi, Jugu i shqiperise, bregu. http://www.jehonalabe.tk/ |
150. Albanian Pilot Online General information about the albanian Armed forces and the Kosovo Liberation Army. http://www.geocities.com/albanianpilot/Index3.html | |
151. CNN.com - Dozens Of Albanian Rebels Surrender - May 16, 2001 CNN http://cnn.com/2001/WORLD/europe/05/16/Kosovo.Albanians/index.html | |
152. CNN - Hundreds Gather At Mass Reburial Of Ethnic Albanian Victims - October 9, 1 CNN http://www.cnn.com/WORLD/europe/9910/09/yugoslvia.kosovo.ap.02/index.html | |
153. CNN - More Lost Albanian Men Cross Out Of Kosovo - May 23, 1999 CNN http://www.cnn.com/WORLD/europe/9905/23/kosovo.refugees.02/index.html | |
154. Kosovo Albanian Leader, On 'liberation' Anniversary, Calls For Tolerance CNN http://cnn.com/2000/WORLD/europe/06/12/yugo.kosovo.01.ap/index.html |
155. 403 Error - File Not Found Aims to help Albanians physically and spiritually in the USA and worldwide. http://albmuzika.virtualave.net/aci.html | |
156. National Albanian American Council NAAC is an organization dedicated to advocating for Albanians and promoting peace and economic development in the Balkans by fostering democratic policy, promoting respect for human rights, and conducting educational and developmental programs. Includes press releases, calendar of events and information on public forums. http://www.naac.org/ | |
157. Index Drita announces new CD release. This folk orchestra presents traditional and popular music of Albania and Kosova performed on authentic albanian instruments. http://home.earthlink.net/~rowanwood | |
158. Www.radioateda.com Registration required. Live albanian music, news, forums and chat. Includes information on staff, events and schedule of programs. http://www.radioateda.com/ |
159. New Page 1 Government agency with responsibility for development of a favorable business climate for foreign and local investment. Includes profile of the country and information on foreign investment, banking and insurance. http://aeda.gov.al/ | |
160. CNN - Kosovo Albanian Rebels Say They Will Sign Peace Deal - March 8, 1999 CNN http://www.cnn.com/WORLD/europe/9903/08/kosovo.02/index.html | |
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