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101. CNN - Milosovic Meets Ethnic Albanian Leader - April 1, 1999 CNN http://www.cnn.com/WORLD/europe/9904/01/kosovo.diplomacy.02/index.html | |
102. Albanian Recipes A dozen recipes from the Frosina Information Network. http://www.frosina.org/recipes/recipes.shtml | |
103. About Albanian Airlines National airline. Includes information on the company, list of destinations, flight schedules, fares, reservations and news. http://www.flyalbanian.com/ | |
104. Albanian Music Muzike Shqiptare Muzik Shqip Mp3 Albania Koleksion ne MP3 dhe Real Player te muzikes shqip te marra nga faqet me te mira me muzik. http://www.albamusic.tk |
105. Project: Contents This incomplete site is devoted to information on ancient IndoEuropean languages spoken in the Balkans Thracian, Dacian and Moesian. It also contains a corpus of Greek and Latin sources, as well as information on ancient Balkans geography, and possible substratum influences on albanian, Romanian, and Bulgarian, and etymological information on Romanian. http://soltdm.tripod.com/ | |
106. AlbLinux.net - Albanian Linux Portal - Portali i par« n« shqip kushtuar Linuxit http://www.alblinux.net | |
107. Albalinks.tk Albania lidhjet dhe direktoria me faqet m« t« mira Shqiptare. http://albalinks.tk |
108. Albanian Students Home Page - Where Albanian Students Get Together Presents information about scholarships and how to get them. Has also links to other web pages. http://www.albstudent.com | |
109. Mirror Site Of The Albanian Centre For Human Rights ACHRis nongovernmental, non-profitable and non-political organisation focused on the human rights education in the schools. http://www.human-rights.net/ACHR/ | |
110. CNN.com - Deadline Nears For Macedonia Deal - May 10, 2001 CNN http://cnn.com/2001/WORLD/europe/05/10/macedonia.02/index.html | |
111. CNN - Kosovo Albanian Leader Rugova In Rome For Talks - May 5, 1999 CNN http://www.cnn.com/WORLD/europe/9905/05/kosovo.04/index.html | |
112. Supreme Court Revokes Ruling Against Ethnic Albanian Activist CNN http://cnn.com/2000/WORLD/europe/06/07/yugo.brovina.ap/index.html |
113. ALBANIAN POEMS Experimental poems in albanian, with English translation, plus some poems in English about Albania. http://www.beyond-the-pale.co.uk/albanian.htm | |
114. Albanian American Civic League Registered lobby in Washington, DC, representing the concerns and interests of the albanian people. Includes information on activities, directors, memberships and publications. http://www.aacl.com/ | |
115. Shaban's Albanian Music Portal -- SAMP Information on songs, videos and artists. Includes top 10 lists and forums. http://www.shabangjokaj.com/ | |
116. Travel In Albania Separated from Italy by only 76 km (47 mi) of the Adriatic, Albania, throughout its history, has been occupied by Italian powers expanding eastward into the http://www.albinfo.com/albtravel.html | |
117. Albanian Daily News Online newspaper. Includes national news and information on subscriptions. http://www.albaniannews.com/main.asp | |
118. Albanian Armed Forces Information and pictures about the Army, Navy and Air Force. http://www.stormloader.com/albanianarmy/Untitled1.htm |
119. Albanian Students Chat On Albchat.com Eshte forumar per te lidhur komunitetin Shqiptar ne internet dhe per te ndihmuar bizneset. http://www.albchat.com |
120. Albinfo.com Albania Search Directory of links to information about Albania. http://www.albinfo.com | |
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