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Albanian Government: more books (24) | |||||
21. Albanian Government Halts Action Against Insurgents albanian government Halts Action Against Insurgents. By Tracy Wilkinson Los Angeles Times TIRANA, Albania In an effort to pacify http://www-tech.mit.edu/V117/N10/albania.10w.html | |
22. Ministry Of Foreign Affairs Of Albania The MFA expresses on behalf of the albanian government that the official approval of this document, according to the applied model for the countries that http://www.mfa.gov.al/english/lajm.asp?id=1193 |
23. NAAC Calls For Greater Transparency And Accountability From Albanian Government National Albanian American Council. NAAC Calls for Greater Transparency and Accountability from albanian government. Washington, DC http://www.naac.org/pr/2004/03-08-04.html | |
24. November 9, 1936 - Albanian Government Of Frasheri Falls November 9, 1936 In History, Event albanian government of Frasheri falls. Related Year 1936 Related Events November 9, 1936 Related Countries Albania. http://www.brainyhistory.com/events/1936/november_9_1936_95142.html | |
25. AlbanianYellowpages.com - Information Pages THE albanian government Qeveria Shqiptare. Office of President Zyra e Presidentit Blvd. Dëshmorët e Kombit, Tiranë Rexhep Meidani President Tel. http://www.albanianyellowpages.com/infopages/europe/albania/THE-ALBANIAN-GOVERNM | |
26. Tema - Pack Albanian Government Does Not Work For Its People Pack albanian government does not work for its people. 17/01/2004 Tema ALBANIA . Pack albanian government does not work for its people. 17/01/2004 Tema. http://coranet.radicalparty.org/pressreview/print_right.php?func=detail&par=7910 |
27. Tema - Pack Albanian Government Does Not Work For Its People Pack albanian government does not work for its people. 18/01/2004 Tema ALBANIA . Pack albanian government does not work for its people. 17/01/2004 Tema. http://coranet.radicalparty.org/pressreview/print_right.php?func=detail&par=7869 |
28. HRW Calls On New Albanian Government To Respect Freedom Of Human Rights Watch/Helsinki Calls on new albanian government to Respect Freedom of Expression. (New York, August 27, 1997)A number http://www.hrw.org/press/media.htm | |
29. Human Rights Watch World Report 2002: Europe & Central Asia: Albania In 2001 the albanian government continued to treat trafficking victims as criminals far more criminal charges were brought against victims of trafficking, who http://www.hrw.org/wr2k2/europe1.html | |
30. Albania - Consular Information Sheet DUAL NATIONALITY The albanian government considers any person in Albania of Albanian parents to be an Albanian citizen. In addition http://travel.state.gov/albania.html | |
31. Albania International Adoption through. The albanian government cannot issue this transit visa until the child is issued a travel document (such as a passport). In http://travel.state.gov/adoption_albania.html | |
32. CEEBIC The albanian government does not screen foreign investments. The albanian government recently acceded to the world trade organization. http://www.mac.doc.gov/ceebic/countryr/albania/albaniainvestmentclimate.htm | |
33. Albania In the process of implementing the commitments of the Millennium Summit declaration, the albanian government is taking the required measures to integrate the http://www.un.org/webcast/ga/57/statements/020920AlbaniaE.htm | |
34. Albania International disputes The albanian government calls for the protection of the rights of ethnic Albanians outside its borders in the Kosovo region of Serbia http://www.infoplease.com/ipa/A0107268.html | |
35. ReliefWeb: Albanian Government Declares State Of Emergency In Flood-hit albanian government declares state of emergency in floodhit. TIRANA, Sept 23 (AFP) - The albanian government declared a state of emergency Monday in northern http://www.reliefweb.int/w/rwb.nsf/0/db464741495c95e885256c41005fdc11?OpenDocume |
36. Albanian Government In Crisis As Parliament Rejects Ministers albanian government in crisis as parliament rejects ministers. Thursday, 23Oct-2003 110PM PDT. Story from AFP Copyright 2003 by http://quickstart.clari.net/qs_se/webnews/wed/dq/Qalbania-politics.RxxG_DON.html | |
37. Albanian Uprising March 14 Foreign governments evacuate. albanian government calls for foreign troops. March 13 - All of Albania now in revolt. albanian government Sources. http://www.eskimo.com/~galt/albania.html | |
38. International Crisis Group (ICG) - Conflict Prevention And Resolution Political feuding virtually paralysed the albanian government in the first half of 2002, until the European Parliament brokered an agreement between the main http://www.crisisweb.org/home/index.cfm?id=1472&l=1 |
39. The Centre For SouthEast European Studies - SEE Security Monitor albanian government on Indefinite Hold? February 14, 2002. AL. albanian government ON INDEFINITE HOLD? Meta s decision does not automatically http://www.csees.net/news_more.php3?nId=33&cId= |
40. The Centre For SouthEast European Studies - SEE Security Monitor albanian government welcomes developments in Kosovo, Macedonia. March 01, 2002. MK. Text of report by Albanian radio on 28 February http://www.csees.net/news_more.php3?nId=377&cId= |
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