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41. Introduction In 1993 Lord Rothschild and Lord Sainsbury set up the Butrint Foundation to assist the albanian authorities with the conservation and archaeology of the site. http://www.butrintfound.dial.pipex.com/introductionframe.html | |
42. Albanian Archaeological Wonder Makes Comeback albanian Archaeological Wonder Makes Comeback. (Economist 16/08/01; archaeology - 14/01/01; The Butrint Foundation ). ÂI saw before http://www.balkantimes.com/html2/english/010827-JEFF-001.htm | |
43. 2000 Reconnaissance Project In Butrint, Albania - Elizabeth Greene The Center also houses a newly established rescue archaeology unit that works with the albanian Institute of archaeology to protect and record the nation s http://www.princeton.edu/~esgreene/albania2000/ | |
44. Economist.com | Mediterranean Archaeology to teach young albanians the pragmatic, handson traditions of British archaeology. And it is already visited daily by busloads of albanian schoolchildren, who http://www.economist.co.uk/books/displayStory.cfm?Story_ID=739297 |
45. Ancient Synagogue Excavated In Albania First discovered by albanian archaeologists twenty years ago, the site was only recently investigated by the archaeology Institute of the albanian Academy of http://www.isjm.org/news/article11.htm | |
46. Greek011299 Davis, the Carl W. Blegen Professor of Greek archaeology at UC, is codirector of the UC-albanian archaeological team which traveled to the Apollonia region of http://www.cincypost.com/living/1999/greek011299.html | |
47. Archaeology Museum owes much credit to the founders of Azerbaijanian archaeology, and among as an architectural detail, a capital with an albanian (Caucasian) inscription http://members.fortunecity.com/shahink/archeolo.htm | |
48. Tiwanaku And Andean Archaeology Page - Archaeology, Cultural Heritage And Politi We are practicing what could be called archaeology of war, studying ravaged groups Bosniacs speak a version of Serbian while Kosovars speak albanian.) The war http://www.tiwanakuarcheo.net/1_main/saa2002.htm | |
49. Tiwanaku And Andean Archaeology Page - Museums In Distress: Building National Mu the tenyear period when teaching and learning for Kosovar albanian professors, teachers In the two cases reviewed, archaeology, an important component in such http://www.tiwanakuarcheo.net/1_main/saa2001.htm | |
50. Ministria E Arsimit Dhe E Shkences CHORA ). KORKUTI, MUZAFER. albanian ACADEMY OF SCIENCES INSTITUTE OF archaeology. PSOMOPOULOS, P. ATHENS TECHNOLOGICAL ORGANIZATION. http://www.mash.gov.al/kerkimi_shkencor/proj_grek.html | |
51. Culture Without Context: Issue 10, Editorial The Foundation is a British charitable trust which works in collaboration with the albanian Institute of archaeology and Ministry of Culture with the http://www.mcdonald.cam.ac.uk/IARC/cwoc/issue10/editorial.htm | |
52. Art By Country Or Culture Prehistoric archaeology of the Aegean. . AFGHANISTAN . A link directory. albanian painters, fine arts, articles, albanian music, albanian literature. . http://www.zeroland.co.nz/asia_china_art.html | |
53. Activities Netherlands (Loes VanWilligen). Â International Centre for albanian Archaecology, albanian Rescue archaeology Unit,. Tirana, Albania (Lorenc Bejko). http://luka.inantro.hr/Collabor_Institut.htm | |
54. Search Europe: Countries: Albania: Arts And Entertainment (Added Fri Jun 06 2003). archaeology of Albania. Art and archaeology of ancient Albania (Illyria). (Added Fri Jun 06 2003). Drita albanian Folk Orchestra. http://www.searcheurope.com/search/Countries/Albania/Arts_and_Entertainment/inde | |
55. [Projekat Rastko] Archaeology in the Middle Ages, albanians cannot show a single archaeological trace of The oldest instances of albanian material culture, taken over from Turkey, originate http://www.rastko.org.yu/arheologija/djordje_jankovic.html | |
56. Maritime Underwater Nautical Archaeology - Private Programs For the first time in albanian history this centre will study, preserve, and defend the underwater archaeological potential of their coasts. http://www.munarchaeology.com/munarchaeology/programs/private.htm | |
57. ECOCLUB, International Ecotourism Monthly, Issue 52, September 2003 The archaeology of Butrint, which is being excavated by a mixed British and albanian team, is exceptionally interesting but what gives Butrint its special http://ecoclub.com/news/052/special.html | |
58. ECOCLUB, International Ecotourism Monthly, Issue 52, September 2003 organisation set up in 1993 by Lord Rothschild and Lord Sainsbury of Preston Candover to assist the albanian authorities with the archaeology and conservation http://ecoclub.com/news/052/interview.html | |
59. 29 JULY 1998 SOUTHEASTERN EUROPE BULGARIAN PARLIAMENT PASSES PM ROW OVER WHO WILL MANAGE albanian ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITE Conservative employees of the Institute for archaeology and National Monuments sent a petition to http://www.b-info.com/places/Bulgaria/news/98-07/jul29.rfe |
60. 2001 Projects Additional goals of the 2001 project will be the education of young albanian archaeologists in the techniques and practice of nautical archaeology and the http://ina.tamu.edu/fieldprojects01a.htm | |
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