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21. A Wedding In Albania- Page 5 Of 5 National Geographic Highlights albanian archaeology Project Michael L. Galaty, Assistant Professor of Anthropolgy, is coprimary investigator for the http://www.millsaps.edu/pubrel/magazine/summer00/story4d.html | |
22. Albania : Durres Amphitheater - Europe Travel Guide - Travel Reviews - Map 4 Tra The International Centre of albanian archaeology, supported by the Packard Humanities Institute (PHI) will conduct a season of architectural survey and http://www.map4travel.com/forums/forum7/35.html | |
23. Webvita.html reports on the site (in press) Petruso, Karl M. Discussant remarks, colloquium on Deconstructing and Reconstructing albanian archaeology, annual meeting of http://www.uta.edu/anthropology/petruso/webvita.htm | |
24. France-diplomatie - Les Carnets De L'archéologie Translate this page JL Lamboley, B. Vreka, Résultats de la campagne de fouilles 1998 à Apollonia, dans International Symposium 50 Years albanian archaeology 1948-1998 (Tirana 9 http://www.diplomatie.gouv.fr/culture/culture_scientifique/archeologie/apollonia | |
25. Culture Without Context: Issue 10, How The Goddess Lost Her Head This was Hasan Ceka, a Viennatrained archaeologist who in the post-war period was to become more or less the founder of modern albanian archaeology. http://www.mcdonald.cam.ac.uk/IARC/cwoc/issue10/butrint.htm | |
26. SEDA - Home During 19911999, the albanian archaeology enters a new stage, the one of co-operation with other sister institutions. The Albanian http://www.seda.org.al/ACH/arch.htm | |
27. Albanian Telegraphic Agency (ATA), 98-11-09 In the past the archaeological excavations were carried out by the foreigners, while now the science of albanian archaeology is concentrated in the hands of http://www.hri.org/news/balkans/ata/1998/98-11-09.ata.html | |
28. Albanian Telegraphic Agency (ATA), 98-09-19 01 Organiser of armed rebellion be punished; 02 Book on albanian archaeology published in Italy; 02 Book on albanian archaeology published in Italy. http://www.hri.org/news/balkans/ata/1998/98-09-19.ata.html | |
29. WHNEWS 13.2 (17 April 1997) Contents News * World Heritage Site country. The story was based on an interview with the Director of the albanian archaeology Centre, Mr. Namik Rodinaku. According http://whc.unesco.org/news/132.txt | |
30. Relocating The Caves Of Luigi Cardini In June 2000, a team of archaeologists from the Institute of World archaeology and the albanian Institute of archaeology began a field survey in southern Albania, with the aim of relocating a number of prehistoric caves and surface sites that were first explored in the 1930s by Luigi Cardini. http://www.shef.ac.uk/~capra/3/cardini.html | |
31. Welcome To Albania Explore Vlora Shkodra Gjirokastra, albanian Tirana Kruja Saranda, Cities Korca Berati Durresi, Exlusive 3400 years Butrint Culture,History archaeology. TIRANA new! http://www.geocities.com/albaland/ | |
32. Butrint Triconch Palace, a Byzantine structure which has most recently been excavated by archaeological teams from the albanian Institute of archaeology, the Butrint http://archaeology.about.com/library/weekly/aabyb112501a.htm | |
33. Albanian Synagogue Surfaces When further excavations uncovered evidence of the structure s Jewish past, the archaeology Institute of the albanian Academy of Sciences teamed up in 2003 http://www.archaeology.org/0401/newsbriefs/albania.html | |
34. Insight: Legacy Of Medieval Serbia Kosovar albanian perspectives are carried on Kosova Home Page and the Kosovo Crisis Centre. © 1999 by the Archaeological Institute of America www.archaeology. http://www.archaeology.org/9909/etc/insight.html | |
35. Remnants Of Ancient Synagogue In Albania Revealed The existence of the ancient synagogue has now come to light as the result of an invitation from the archaeology Institute of the albanian Academy of Sciences http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2003/10/031009064923.htm | |
36. Archaeologists Head To Albania For Cultural Rescue Mission The UC archaeologists will collaborate with albanian peers, led by Iris Pojani and Afrim Hoti of the Institute of archaeology, also in Tirana. http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2001/03/010307070652.htm | |
37. History Channel - UNESCO Their efforts culminated in the foundation of an independent albanian Institute of archaeology, which continues to carry out archaeological and conservation http://www.historychannel.com/classroom/unesco/butrint/threats.html | |
38. University Of Cincinnati Research News Release Davis, codirector of the UC-albanian team, traveled to Albania this month 50th anniversary of the Academy of Science s Institute of archaeology, UC s partner http://www.uc.edu/info-services/albania.htm | |
39. UC Team Pinpoints Site Of Archaic Temple Stocker, a doctoral student in archaeology, discovered the site while on an urgent mission at Durres with colleagues at the albanian Institute of archaeology. http://www.uc.edu/news/NR.asp?id=1324 |
40. European Authorities & Contacts The president and contact person is a researcher in classical archaeology and can be contacted as below, in albanian, Italian or English http://www.abc.se/~m10354/mar/authmain.htm | |
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