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         Alaska Schools General:     more books (84)
  1. Elvis Presley's Pharmacist Was My Sunday School Teacher: Mr. Whitekeys Presents 333 Extremely Minor Celebrities!
  2. Beavers using embarrassing loss in Alaska as fuel.(Basketball College)(OSU hopes its loss to a Division II school helps provide motivation): An article from: The Register-Guard (Eugene, OR) by Gale Reference Team, 2007-11-23
  3. Adventure at the Bottom of the Word/Adventure at the Top of the World by Shelley Gill, 2001-10
  4. Denali National Park and Preserve (Heinemann First Library) by Margaret Hall, 2006-05-31
  5. Let's Explore the Pacific West (America, This Land Is Your Land) by Jill C. Wheeler, 1994-09
  6. Salty Takes Off by Gloria Rand, 1991-03
  7. Hungry Giant Of The Tundra by Teri Sloat, 2001-05
  8. Children of the Gold Rush by Claire Rudolf Murphy, 2001-03
  9. The Hour of the Wolf (Hour of the Wolf CL) by Patricia Calvert, 1983-10
  10. Native American Crafts of the Northwest Coast, the Arctic, and the Subarctic by Judith Hoffman Corwin, 2002-03
  11. Neeluk: An Eskimo Boy in the Days of the Whaling Ships by Frances Kittredge, 2003-07
  12. Goodbye, My Island by Jean Rogers, 2001-10
  13. Winter Watch by James Ramsey, 1999-10
  14. Follow the Lemming (Wild Thornberry's Ready-To-Read) by Kiki Thorpe, 2001-10

61. Grocery Manufacturers Of America | Public Policy
GMA Letter of Opposition to alaska School Marketing Restrictions; September 26, 2002 SURGEON general CALLS FOR OBESITY August 29, 2002 LA SCHOOL DISTRICT’S

62. SitNews - Alaska Legislature Approves Historic Increase To Education
appropriates an additional $2 million in general funds. to hold harmless small rural school districts that million for the University of alaska, including $5.8
Alaska Legislature Approves Historic Increase to Education
Bi-partisan Olive Branch Becomes Vehicle for Deal
May 11, 2004
Juneau, AK - An Alaska House and Senate Conference Committee approved a compromise budget package Monday night that increases K-12 education funding by $82 million, the largest single increase to education in the State's history, and provides for capital needs. "We struck the three-quarter deal on the education budget, but because of the lateness of the session, Senate Bill 283 became an efficient way to deal with this year's capital budget as well," said Senate President Gene Therriault (R-North Pole). Senate Finance Co-Chair Gary Wilken said the budget will keep Alaska growing. "The capital budget that we passed for '05 is $1.6 billion to build Alaska, to keep Alaskans working and to provide the infrastructure so we can grow the economy. Once again, the State is able to maximize more than $1.4 billion in federal monies with less than $200 million in State money. Yet the money is allocated wisely, making it a robust budget that touches every person in every corner of Alaska. The Senate and House are proud of it and encourage its passage so we can get on with building Alaska," Sen. Wilken said. Speaker Pete Kott (R-Eagle River) said of the compromise, "This bill has been a long time coming. It's the culmination of extensive effort by legislators and staff, working together in a civil manner, to create a funding solution that has bipartisan support. This legislature makes clear that education is a top priority in Alaska."

63. Alaska Student Loans - About_commission
ranging from Choice, School Designator, High School Graduation Qualifying Elsa Froehlich Demeksa University of alaska Board of Rosa L. Foster general Public.


Commission Members

Corporation Board

Senior Staff
Bobette D. Bush, Chair
Alaska Commission on Postsecondary Education
Term Expires June 2005 Bobette D. Bush of Aniak was first appointed to the Commission in 1993, and most recently reappointed in April 2003 by Governor Frank Murkowski. A career K-12 educator, Ms. Bush retired from her position in 2002 as the superintendent of the Kuspuk School District in Aniak, Alaska. Her professional experience includes 11 years of teaching, serving as curriculum coordinator and curriculum staff development director in the Kuspuk School District prior to being named superintendent. Ms. Bush is a long-time member of the College of Rural Alaska Council; Bethel Broadcasting, Inc.; and the Kuskokwim College Council. Milton B. Byrd, Ph.D., Vice Chair
Alaska Commission on Postsecondary Education
Term Expires August 2006 Milton B. Byrd of Anchorage was first appointed to the Commission in 1994 and was most recently reappointed in April 2003 by Governor Frank Murkowski. Dr. Byrd is President and founder of Charter College, a private, for-profit institution founded in 1985 offering certificate programs as well as two and four-year degree programs. A career postsecondary educator, Dr. Byrd has held faculty positions at Indiana University and Southern Illinois University; and held administrative positions at Southern Illinois University (associate dean of instruction), Northern Michigan University (vice-president for academic affairs) and Florida International University (provost). Dr. Byrd was also the president of Adams State College in Colorado and Chicago State University. An Alaska resident since 1981, he has been active on many regional and national boards and councils, including governmental and private, relating to education and public policy.

64. Study Of William E. Beltz School, Nome, Alaska (1969)
who was the first President of the alaska State Senate. general Statement. Guidelines for both the academic and dormitory functions of the Beltz School must be
Alaskool Central What's New Search Alaskool Guestbook ... About the project and its developers Education [Alaskool note: This is a historic document and addresses are not necessarily current.] STUDY
State of Alaska
Office of the Governor
Commission for Human Rights
520 Mackay Building
December 11, 1969 The Honorable Keith H. Miller
Governor of Alaska Dr. Clifford Hartman Commissioner, Department of Education Dr. Walter Soboleff Chairman, Alaska Board of Education Honorable Members of the State legislature Ladies and Gentlemen: In October 1969, Mr. James Harper, Director of Regional Schools for the State of Alaska, requested the State Commission for Human Rights to do a study of the William E. Beltz School in Nome. The request arose out of the concern which Mr. Harper and the Commission shared over the suspension of a number of students for drinking offenses. However, both the Commission and Mr. Harper felt that a comprehensive survey of the operation of the school should be made, since the successful education of our Native youngsters is of vital importance to the State, and since a knowledge of the successes and failures of Beltz could be applied to other regional schools as they open throughout the State.

65. American Civil Liberties Union : ACLU Files Lawsuit Challenging Alaska School Di
that is guaranteed in the alaska Constitution been violated, an injunction against the school preventing them Free Speech Issues general Campaign Finance Reform

66. American Civil Liberties Union : ACLU Files Lawsuit Challenging Alaska School Di
that is guaranteed in the alaska Constitution. an injunction against the school preventing them Student Rights Issues general Discrimination Dress Codes and

67. AKInclusion
over alaska, ruled that a school district must show that it has made a good faith effort to enable a student to participate in the general education setting.
Skip navigation links Updated July 26, 2002 Educating Students with Disabilities in General Education Classrooms:
A Summary of the Research
Prepared by
Caroline Moore
Western Regional Resource Center
University of Oregon
Eugene, Oregon in cooperation with
Debra Gilbreath
Alaska Department of Education, Teaching and Learning Support and the Alaska 2000 Design Team,
with special assistance from
Fran Maiuri January, 1998 Educating Students With Disabilities in
General Education Classrooms: A Summary of the Research
"Education contributes to an individual's journey toward self reliance and independence. Schools and instruction must be designed and organized to meet the varying needs of individual learners....Alaska is striving to improve educational outcomes for all students." (Dr. Shirley Hollaway, Commissioner of Education for Alaska, in a speech given to the Special Education Directors' Conference, Anchorage, AK, September 1996) "The entire context of American education is changing. We need teachers skilled in using computers as a powerful teaching tool, and many more teachers well-versed in teaching English as a second language. Our teachers need to teach to a higher level of achievement, and be prepared to teach all of America's children-the gifted and talented, our many new immigrants, the college-bound achiever, and the disabled child who is learning so much more because he or she is now included."

68. AACSB International
University of alaska Anchorage (USA alaska). University of alaska Fairbanks (USA - alaska). Australian Graduate School of Management (Australia).

69. AACSB International
University of alaska Fairbanks (USA alaska). The Arizona). Thunderbird, The Garvin School of International Management (USA - Arizona).

70. The Chilkat Valley News, Haines Alaska: Story 4
school, the swimming pool and school activities are paid for directly by the borough, and therefor are not counted as part of the school’s general fund budget
Serving Haines and Klukwan since 1966 Volume XXXI Number 43 Home Editorial Classifieds Duly Noted ... Advertise
Fewer students cost district $61 By Steve Williams A drop in enrollment at Haines schools is expected to cost the district more than $60,000. Erickson said what’s left isn’t enough to complete the school year. "We had a spending freeze at the beginning of the year, in which we allowed teachers to spend one half of what’s in their budget. Now we see that we aren’t going to be able to get by with that." He said he may recommend increased classroom fund raising or fees to offset materials costs for some courses. But he said the bulk of the shortfall may have to be made up by increasing borough funding, through juggling accounts to avoid a state-mandated cap of $1,419,705 on local general fund spending. "We’re investigating ways the borough can possibly offset the losses." "As an example, snow plowing. If that can be picked up by the borough directly, it’ll save the district around $8,000. That’s the kind of option we’re looking at right now. Some will take legal review to see if the education department will allow it." "The more things I can get out of general fund into special funding categories the better."

71. Intro To High School - Interior Distance Education Of Alaska
Introduction to High School in IDEA The following pages provide general guidelines for homeeducating a high school student through IDEA.

72. Archived Information: H.R. 6 Improving America's Schools Act Of 1994
A r c h i v e d I n f o r m a t i o n
H.R. 6
Improving America's Schools Act of 1994
One Hundred Third Congress of the United States of America AT THE SECOND SESSION Begun and held at the City of Washington on Tuesday, the twenty-fifth day of January, one thousand nine hundred and ninety-four An Act To extend for five years the authorizations of appropriations for the programs under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, and for certain other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,
This Act may be cited as the ``Improving America's Schools Act of 1994''.
This Act is organized into the following titles:
Index of Amended Sections

73. Galena City School District - Frontiers Of Learning In Alaska
and theoretical backgrounds to curriculum development in general, and in alaska in particular, and to present the Galena City School District s response to
CONTENTS Historical and Theoretical Backgrounds
What is Curriculum?

Who is responsible for Curriculum?

What is the function of a curriculum?
What are standards, frameworks, competencies and benchmarks?
Historical and Theoretical Backgrounds
The purpose of this paper is to summarize the historical and theoretical backgrounds to curriculum development in general, and in Alaska in particular, and to present the Galena City School District's response to state and federal requirements. The Galena City School District's regular, charter and cyber-school programs are already outstanding and deserve recognition for the breakthrough education they are providing children. Ideally, the completion of a curriculum document and assessment system for each of these three programs will articulate and legitimize these innovative programs in the eyes of the Alaskan educational community. [return to top]
What is Curriculum?
Curriculum has two generally accepted meanings. The first meaning is very general and encompasses everything the school has to offer children educationally, teachers, textbooks, instructional plansthe whole program. The second definition is more narrow and technical and that is the sense which we will use today: a written document which outlines the instructional objectives and the sequence or order of those objectives which will be taught to children. The curriculum outlines and defines what is taught to children in school, the content of instruction. The curriculum of school is usually divided into subject areas: standard areas for curriculum include Language Arts and Reading, Mathematics, Social Studies, and Science. Additional areas often developed include Fine Arts, Foreign Languages, Career or Vocational Education, Physical Education, Health, and Technology.

74. Alaska Schools
aalaska schools. We are creating a directory of schools in alaska. All alaska schools are free to submit. We will include your site along with a description.
a Alaska Schools We are creating a directory of Schools in Alaska. If you have a site for a school in Alaska please submit it for inclusion in this directory. All Alaska Schools are free to submit.
We will include your site along with a description.
All we ask in return is that you include a link to our site somewhere on your site. Go to linking information
Try a Free Tutorial
Course Directory
HIPAA Training for HIPAA Compliance
European Computer Driving Licence

International Computer Driving Licence

UK Further Education

End User Business Skills Development
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Available With All Tutorials and Study Guides. Now you can have real-time access to subject-matter mentors 24 hours/day, 7 days/week while you learn online. You can take advantage of individual attention from an expert without leaving your computer - ask questions as soon as they arise and receive an immediate response. For More Information, Click here Mountain Village Alaska
Alaska Hotels
Lower Yukon School District PO Box 32089 Mountain Village, Alaska

general 2004 University of alaska SE Spring and Fall Class Schedules Association Arctic Science Journeys Radio - Association of alaska School Boards - A

76. CV/Alaska Classroom
alaska Jeopardy for Elementary to Middle School This Jeopardy game made in PowerPoint covers topics including general alaska history, geography, the pipeline

77. Alaska Votes 2002
If approved, the 236.8million-dollar general obligation bond pay for upgrades to some University of alaska facilities and 50 public school projects around

78. Graduate Programs At University Of Alaska, Anchorage
Phone 1907-786-4770 Fax 1-907-786-4607 We offer a general program in graduate studies in the University of alaska, Anchorage School of Education
Graduate student loans and financial aid specifically for Graduate students
University of Alaska, Anchorage
Graduate Programs, departmental information, school contacts for United States Naval Postgraduate School in San Diego, CA
Departmental Links (Advertisers)
How to advertise your program here!
University of Alaska Anchorage
3211 Providence Drive
Anchorage, AK 99508 U.S.A.
Click to send E-mail to:
International Students Click to send E-mail to:

The Justice Center is an academic, research, and public education program serving Alaska.
Degrees Offered: Paralegal Certificate Research Areas: administration of justice; corrections; policing; law University of Alaska, Anchorage College of Arts and Sciences Biological Sciences 3211 Providence Anchorage, AK 99508 U.S.A. Click to send E-mail to: Phone: Fax: We offer a general program in graduate studies in the biological sciences with specializations in either molecular/developmental or various ecological disciplines. We also offer a PhD degree through a joint program with the Fairbanks campus. Degrees Offered: M.S. Biological Sciences;

79. Fall 2003 KU Graduates -- ALASKA THROUGH MINNESOTA
alaska THROUGH MINNESOTA. MN, Minnetonka, Lauren Elizabeth Murphy, Bachelor of general Studies, PsychologyBGS, Senior, Female, Hopkins High School, Minnetonka, MN.
March 23, 2004
Fall 2003 KU graduates
State County City StudentName Award Major Std Level Sex Parent/Grdn Name High School HS City HS State AK Anchorage Matthew James Geitz Bach of Science in Journalism Strategic CommunicationsBSJ Senior Male A J Dimond High School Anchorage AK AL Jacksonville Frank Albert Brown Master of Science Nurse AnesthesiaMS Graduate Male AL Jasper Nicholas Manning Thomas Bachelor of Arts HistoryBA Senior Male Walker High School Jasper AL AZ Avondale John Stephen Harvey Jr Bach of Science in Education Sport ScienceBSE Senior Male John and Dawn Harvey Arcadia High School Phoenix AZ AZ Phoenix Siddhartha Gavirneni Master of Science Computer EngineeringMS Graduate Male AZ Scottsdale Dawn Rachelle Manning Bachelor of General Studies Communication StudiesBGS Senior Female Lawrence High School Lawrence KS CA Bakersfield Jonathan P. Lange Master of Science GeologyMS Graduate Male Leavenworth Senior High School Leavenworth KS CA Elk Grove Brandon Marten Shepard Bachelor of General Studies Communication StudiesBGS DECL Senior Male Rick and Janet Shepard Elk Grove High School Elk Grove CA CA Goleta Christopher Burr Dewell Master of Arts Graduate Male CA Indio Scott Thomas Burrage Bachelor of General Studies Communication StudiesBGS DECL Senior Male Palm Desert High School Palm Desert CA CA Lafayette Christy Marie McCain Doctor of Philosophy Graduate Female CA Loma Linda Craig Ryan Beeson Master of Science Counseling PsychologyMS Graduate Male CA NewportBeach Brett C Deuth Bach of Science in Business Business AdministrationBSB Senior Male Lake Zurich Senior High School

80. Alaska School Activities Association
alaska School Activities Association. Online Forms. Click Here. Copyright © 2003 alaska School Activities Association, All Rights Reserved.
About Us Newsletter Calendar of Events Handbook ... Home Page Alaska School Activities Association Online Forms Online Music Forms
ALL-STATE Music Festival Intent
Online Ejection Forms Hockey Officials Penalty Incident Report Officials Ejection Report (Except Hockey) Schools Contest Ejection Form 2003-2004 ASAA Handbook Adobe Acrobat Reader is required to view the handbook. Looking for printable forms? Click Here About ASAA

Classifications and Directiories
Music Handbook Music Handbook Introduction
All-State Music Festival

Solo and Ensemble Festival

All-State Music Festival Intent Form
... Music Festival Supervision Form DDF Handbook ASAA 2003-2004 DDF Handbook Often Used Forms Master Eligibility Form
ASAA has now created a more "user friendly" Master Eligibility Form. There are 2 processes by which a school can submit this form. Form In Adobe Acrobat:
1. Download the form (

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