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1. Plano ISD ENews Registration Information Outside US and Canada. Alabama. alaska. Alberta. American Samoa Dallas Morning News. Campus ptas/ptos. School Board Members http://elist.pisd.edu/getinfo.php | |
2. Plano ISD ENews Registration Information Outside US and Canada. Alabama. alaska. Alberta. American Samoa Organizaciones de voluntario escolares ptas/ptos. Miembros de la Junta de Educación http://elist.pisd.edu/getinfo_sp.php | |
3. Education Teachers Directory Of Alaska Everything from A to Z. For teachers, principals, ptas, ptos, and parents. Try your search on our new alaska City Guide. Database updated 5/22/2004. http://alaska.uscity.net/Education/Teachers/ | |
4. PTO - PTA Fundraiser Ideas/ PTO - PTA Fundraisers / PTO - PTA Fundraising Fundraising by Location. Canada. Alabama Fundraising. alaska Fundraising. Arizona Fundraising Promotions for ptas and ptos PTA-PTO fundraiser special http://www.fundraiser-finder.com/fundraising-cat/pto-pta.php | |
5. The Role Of The PTA - Alaska - GreatSchools.net Alabama. The PTO site provides information on how ptos differ from ptas and how http://www.greatschools.net/cgi-bin/showarticle/ak/29/parent | |
6. Alaska PTA Frequently Asked Questions and more than (to be updated) local campus level ptas. with $2.50 of the dues dedicated to alaska PTA and There is no affiliation with other ptos, and there http://www.alaska.net/~akpta/ptafaq.html | |
7. Myschoolonline.com: Learn More Classes ptas/ptos - Extracurricular groups Select a State Ala. alaska. Ariz. Ark. Calif. Colo http://myschoolonline.com/channel/0,2916,77,00.html | |
8. Everything Elementary.com  Elementary School Products From A To Z For Teachers School Products from A to Z for teachers, principals, ptas, ptos and Parents is alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Canada International Shipping Please call us or http://www.everythingelementary.com/service.cfm?page=shipping_info&SecID=11 |
9. The Role Of The PTA - California - GreatSchools.net Alabama. alaska. Arizona. Arkansas. California. Colorado. Connecticut. Delaware The PTO site provides information on how ptos differ from ptas and how you can join their national network. http://www.greatschools.net/cgi-bin/showarticle/ca/29/parentPTA | |
10. JuneauEmpire.com: Opinion: Keep Demanding More For Alaska's Schools 05/03/04 In Juneau, parents formed a nonpartisan advocacy group alaska Kids Count, with the goal of increasing funding for K Likewise, ptas and ptos in Anchorage http://juneauempire.com/stories/050304/opi_schoolsak.shtml | |
11. Fundraising Special Events / Shows / Fairs Etc. Fundraisers Fundraising by Location. Canada. Alabama Fundraising. alaska Fundraising. Arizona Fundraising Operation Bookworm ptas/ptos can offer Operation Bookworm books as a way to earn money http://www.fundraiser-finder.com/fundraising-cat/special-events-5.php | |
12. ACCESS - Summer 1995 by many schoolbased programs in alaska that previously struggled to provide efficient, cost highly motivated parents who participate in ptas, ptos, and school booster clubs http://www.healthinschools.org/pub/access/Summer95.html | |
13. Archived: Educational Improvement Partnerships--National Programs followed by Vermont (16 percent), Rhode Island (15 percent), alaska (13 percent are operated by schools and districts, 23 percent by ptas and ptos, and the http://www.ed.gov/pubs/Biennial/128.html | |
14. ADVOCACY REPORT Staff also reached out to alaska, another state with active consent, to discuss strategies. and schoolaffiliated groups such as ptas ptos, booster clubs, and other parent and http://www.njsba.org/del_assembly/May03/advocacy_11-02_3-03.htm | |
15. Society, Organizations, Education, PTA: Councils enewsletter, PTA links, and resources for local units in alaska. Area Council - Organization information for the Council serving ptas and ptos in Kansas. http://www.combose.com/Society/Organizations/Education/PTA/Councils/ | |
16. Councils MatSu Council of ptas - alaska - PTA facts links, Council Schools Area Council - Organization information for the Council serving ptas and ptos in Kansas http://www.1arbeer.com/Society/Organizations/Education/PTA/Councils/ | |
17. Education: PTA: Councils information, enewsletter, PTA links, and resources for local units in alaska. Organization information for the Council serving ptas and ptos in Kansas. http://www.puredirectory.com/Society/Organizations/Education/PTA/Councils/ | |
18. Society Organizations Education PTA Councils enewsletter, PTA links, and resources for local units in alaska. Area Council Organization information for the Council serving ptas and ptos in Kansas. http://www.pastconnect.com/odp/directory/society/organizations/education/pta/cou | |
19. Publications sitespecifically by many school-based programs in alaska that previously to overuse the highly motivated parents who participate in ptas, ptos, and school http://www.healthinschools.org/pubs/access/Summer95.asp | |
20. Organizations - Councils Top Links and Nat l ptas MatSu Council of ptas - alaska - PTA facts Schools Area Council - Organization information for the Council serving ptas and ptos in Kansas. http://www.educational-organizations.com/Top_Society_Organizations_Education_PTA | |
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