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21. About Us - Support The Library Brief history and listing of projects. http://lexicon.ci.anchorage.ak.us/aboutus/support/ | |
22. Libweb - Directory Of USA Public Libraries, Alaska The original directory of library home pages. This page is a directory of Public libraries in alaska. libraries on the Web. USA Public alaska. Current update 05/01/04 Anchorage Municipal http://sunsite.berkeley.edu/Libweb/Public_AK.html | |
23. Western Pacific Chapter, AALL A regional chapter of the American Association of Law libraries. Covers alaska, California, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Washington, Wyoming, the U.S. Pacific Territories, and Western Canada. http://www.aallnet.org/chapter/westpac/ | |
24. Welcome To SLED - Statewide Library Electronic Doorway will unveil alaska s Digital Archive, a wealth of historical photographs, oral histories,moving images, documents, and other materials from libraries, museums http://sled.alaska.edu/ | |
25. ::: UW Libraries Digital Collections ::: Image collections of the University of Washington libraries Digital Initiatives Program on the topic of the history, natural sciences, and regional cultures of alaska and the Pacific Northwest. http://content.lib.washington.edu/ | |
26. Department Of Education & Early Development - Libraries, Archives, And Museums Early Development libraries, Archives, and Museums. Archives. libraries.Museums alaska State Museum and Sheldon Jackson Museum. http://www.eed.state.ak.us/lam/ | |
27. The Alaska State Library The official website of the alaska State Library. Division Department State of alaska SLED Catalog. Ask a Librarian Chat Service. ERate. For libraries I need to find alaska State Publications. Ask A Librarian http://www.library.state.ak.us/ | |
28. Alaska Library Directory - Alaska State Library Resources Services for libraries. alaska Library Directory (last updated April 11, 2002) Maintained by the alaska State Library.If you have directory corrections, updates, or comments, please http://www.library.state.ak.us/dev/aslld99.html |
29. The State Of Alaska State Home Page, Home Division Department State of alaska SLED Catalog, SearchLibrary. Some Books About alaska. alaskana for libraries A Core List, 1993. http://www.library.state.ak.us/hist/hist.html | |
30. Department Of Education & Early Development - Libraries, Archives, And Museums State of alaska Department of Education Early Development libraries, Archives, and Museums. Archives. libraries. Museums alaska State Museum and Sheldon Jackson Museum. - , http://www.educ.state.ak.us/lam/home.html | |
31. Alaska Library Resources - A Thematic Unit By The Homeschool Learning Network Article issued September 10, 2001. alaska s libraries. Many of alaska s librariesoffer access to their catalogs, magazines and newspapers via the Internet. http://www.homeschoollearning.com/units/ak_unit_09-10-01.shtml | |
32. AkLA-A Home Page of the alaska Library Association provides a venue for the Anchorage library communityto meet, interact, develop, and exchange ideas relevant to libraries and http://home.gci.net/~aklaa/ | |
33. Wendler Middle School In Anchorage Alaska Library Student Info Page Visit local bookstores and libraries to find out about programs available for middleschool readers. Check out online resources for current title suggestions. http://www.asdk12.org/schools/wendler/pages/literacy.html | |
34. Wendler Middle School In Anchorage Alaska Library Student Info Page Wendler Library Student Info. Punch binder ($.35 a binder); Opaque projector;Inter library loan (borrowing from other libraries in the ASD). http://www.asdk12.org/schools/wendler/pages/library.html | |
35. Comments Filed With The FCC Federal-State Joint Board On Universal In alaska, it is quite probable that telecommunications services deemed essentialby a majority of schools and libraries for educational purposes may not be http://www.itc.org/aaron/federal/alaskali.html | |
36. Libweb - Directory Of USA Academic Libraries, Alaska This page is a directory of Academic libraries in alaska. Berkeley Digital LibrarySunSITE. libraries on the Web. USA Academic alaska. Current update 05/24/04. http://sunsite.berkeley.edu/Libweb/Academic_AK.html | |
37. Listings Alaska: USA : Alaska : Libraries Home Division Department State of alaska SLED Catalog Ask a Librarian Chat ServiceInfoleads A Newsletter for AK State Agencies ERate For libraries About ASL http://listingsus.com/Alaska/Community_Services/Libraries/ | |
38. Alaska Library alaska Library. What is this? Click here to download a free trial copy. These arethumbnail previews. Actual images are highquality vector art. alaska Library. http://www.smartdraw.com/libraries/content/Library/maps___geography/us_states/l_ | |
39. AuthorsToAlaska AUTHOR VISITS (Section A6 of the Handbook for alaska K-12 School libraries, 2000)Inviting authors to visit your school is a great motivator for reading. http://www.asd.k12.ak.us/Depts/Library_Resources/A2A.html | |
40. BCR - AFL, February 2004 - Alaska Library Association Conference Action for libraries  February 2 0 0 4 BCR Staff Preparing for AlaskaLibrary Conference. BCR s Rosario Garza, assistant director http://www.bcr.org/publications/afl/2004/february/alaska.html | |
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