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Alaska K-12 Schools: more detail | ||||
21. Alaska Science And Technology Foundation : Grant DataBase Executive Summary The task of providing for Internet Connectivity to the k12 schools in alaska looked impossible 3 years ago. Yet look at us now! We re done! http://www.dced.state.ak.us/astf/index.cfm?FuseAction=Grants&View=Summary&GrantT |
23. Reference & Other Links; Alaska Frameworks Project The alaska Department of Education Early Development is the introduction of this technology into K12 schools. this project are To help k12 educators learn http://www.educ.state.ak.us/tls/frameworks/langarts/links/referlnk.htm | |
24. K-12 Education Homepage Dell offers k12 schools a wide variety of tools, resources and solutions to meet alaska State Flag, Welcome to the alaska Educational Store. The pricing on this http://www1.us.dell.com/content/default.aspx?c=us&cs=RC957118&l=en&s=k12 |
25. Alaska 6,172; Number of schools 69; Number of teachers 572. k12 Public and Private School Student Academic Performance. NAEP test results NAEP Tests alaska Student http://www.heritage.org/Research/Education/Schools/alaska.cfm | |
26. NEA-Alaska VOTER GUIDE local schools; prototype schools available; use of upper level centralized prep schools. Comfort in a long term career in alaska s k12 system; support of state http://www.neaalaska.org/stateprimary/senateEwilken.htm | |
27. Agent K-12 - State Information 14, 2001. Delay HighStakes Graduation Exam, alaska Board Says, Jan. 10, 2001. 502, Public schools, 8,000, Public school teachers. 134,000, Pre-k-12 students. http://www.agentk-12.edweek.org/state_page.cfm?stateabbrv=ak |
28. K-12 Schools schools Community. The teachers affiliated with the Red Cedar Writing Project have joined teachers in California, New Mexico, alaska, Pennsylvania, North http://writing.msu.edu/content/schools.html | |
29. ESRI Schools And Libraries Program - Downloads compressed for Macintosh ArcView for schools Libraries file75 KB from ESRI Canada) k-12 SchoolTools extension ELEV_AK.ZIP ZIP-0.6 MB - alaska; ELEV_CA.ZIP http://www.esri.com/industries/k-12/material.html | |
30. HOT LIST Of Schools Online - Gleason Sackmann Copyright 1994 HOTLIST OF k12 SCHOOL SITES © 1994 Gleason Aurora Elementary School - Elmendorf AFB, alaska. http://www.edu-cyberpg.com/Schools/schools.asp?state=Alaska |
31. Alaska Quality Schools Coalition - Alaska Staff Development Network - Working To is available to all alaskan school districts who make a firm commitment to implement the alaska Quality schools Model in all schools for all students k12. http://www.asdn.org/gates_ak_qsc.html | |
32. Private School - Alaska - Can You Afford To Send Your Kids To A www.eschoolsearch.com/. Greatschools.net k12 schools in California public, private and charter schools nationwide. by state Alabama, alaska, Arizona, Arkansas http://www.servicesdirectory.us/dir/345/3.php |
33. Charter School - Alaska - A Charter School Has Open Enrollment, So found in Charter School alaska Greatschools.net k-12 schools in California Anchorage, alaska 99519-6614 http//www.asd.k12.ak.us/. Find Local Businesses on http://www.servicesdirectory.us/dir/340/3.php |
34. Official Usa.com: Alaska Education alaska Education Organized by state, Colleges, Universities, k12 schools, State Libraries, Research Sites, Subject Index. http://www.officialusa.com/stateguides/alaska/ | |
35. American Indians And Alaska Natives In Higher Education: Research On Participati on Rural Education and Small schools Charleston WV. American Indians and alaska Natives in Higher Education research, and continuity with the k12 system. http://www.ericdigests.org/1992-2/indians.htm | |
36. ED348197 1992-08-00 American Indians And Alaska Natives In Higher Education: Res American Indians and alaska Natives in Higher Education Research on in participation and graduation also depends on maintaining continuity with k12 schools. http://www.ericfacility.net/databases/ERIC_Digests/ed348197.html | |
37. K-12 Schools Educating Students With Limited English Proficiency of school districts and charter schools to provide a or ii) is a Native American or alaska Native who is of study must be carefully articulated K 12 and must http://www.pde.state.pa.us/k12/cwp/view.asp?A=11&Q=45272 |
38. Building A Presence For Science alaska. Quick Facts. Joined Network, March 1998. Public School Districts, 53. Number of k12 schools, 580. Number of k-12 Students, 134,000. State Coordinator. http://ecommerce.nsta.org/bap/state_networks/alaska.asp | |
39. Greater Fairbanks Chamber Of Commerce true method of financing public projects; and WHEREAS numerous public k12 schools which have been placed on the priority list by the alaska State Department http://www.fairbankschamber.org/resolutions/res32.html | |
40. TelEd98Abstract.html Helen C. Barrett, Ph.D. University of alaska Anchorage. papers presented which focus on the use of electronic portfolios in Teacher Education or k12 schools. http://electronicportfolios.org/portfolios/TelEd98Abstract.html | |
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