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61. List Of Funded Proposals Services Program, City of Phoenix housing Department. HUD02-010, Resident Opportunityand Self Sufficiency Resident Service Delivery Models, alaska housing http://www.tgcigrantproposals.com/cgi-bin/propSubjects.asp?subject=8 |
62. The State Of Alaska SB 25, by Fairbanks Senator Gary Wilken, authorizes alaska housing Finance Corporationto establish a housing loan program for educators and nurses. http://www.state.ak.us/local/03061804.htm | |
63. USDA Provides $.9 Million In Alaska Housing Assistance demonstration program designed to assist in creating rental housing for processorworkers living in areas of high unemployment within the state of alaska. http://www.rurdev.usda.gov/rd/newsroom/2001/ak_1mill.html | |
64. Rural Housing of Palmer, the second such project in alaska. Seven MatSu area families, all residentsof rental housing at the start of the program, worked cooperatively to http://www.rurdev.usda.gov/ak/rural.housing.htm | |
65. ERHAk - About First to develop and implement a comprehensive housing industry education and trainingprogram. Several courses developed by ERH alaska have been accredited by http://www.erha.com/alaska/about.htm | |
66. Alaska State Parks Volunteer Program Volunteer And Volunteer Internship Position accredited degree in park management, or program designed for housing is a tworoombunkhouse cabin plus Transportation Must provide transportation to alaska. http://www.dnr.state.ak.us/parks/vip/vvitrlcr.htm | |
67. RCAC - Alaska Northrim Bank; Rural Community Assistance Program, Inc State of alaska Departmentof Health and Social Services; Human Services; US Department of housing and Urban http://www.rcac.org/corpinfo/annualreport/states/alaska.html | |
68. Juneau Please contact the program Supervisor, Doug Bridges, for additional information. alaskaCommission on Aging; alaska housing Finance Corporation; alaska Mental http://www.catholiccommunityservices.alaska.com/sess/juneau.htm | |
69. 2003 Training Information alaska Office of Native American programs 3000 C Street, Suite 401 Anchorage, AK99503 Toll Free 1 877- 302 - 9800 (alaska Only) (907) 677- 9800 FAX (907 http://www.codetalk.fed.us/AKONAP.html | |
70. Title VI - Success Stories assistance to mortgage qualified families) or rented under the Lease to own Program.Funding for the project included an alaska housing Finance Corporation http://www.codetalk.fed.us/OLG_Title_VI_Success_Stories.htm | |
71. Alaska Mike Shiffer, Program Coordinator Rose Foster, Information and Referral Homelessnessand housing Association of alaska housing Authorities Rural Community http://www.autism-pdd.net/LINKS/alaska.html | |
72. PBS - Hedrick Smith | Juggling Work And Family Planning_Department/Grants/ grants_main_page.htm, alaska housing Finance Corporationfeatures the Beneficiary and Special Needs housing Grant Program and GOAL http://www.pbs.org/workfamily/states/resalaska.htm | |
73. Energy Efficiency And Housing Affordability - The Alaska Experience The third player is Energy Rated Homes of alaska, a public/private partnershipbetween the AHFC and the state s housing industry. The program rates a home http://www.north-rthn.org/newsletters/Frostline/94/12eng.html | |
74. SENATOR MURKOWSKI, USDAâÂÂS DORR ANNOUNCE RURAL HOUSING PROGRAM FOR ALASKA s Rural Development agency and AHFC are working cooperatively to ensure thatprograms are in place to meet the high need for housing in rural alaska. http://murkowski.senate.gov/pressapp/record.cfm?id=213369 |
75. AIDS Action Council: ALASKA State Fact Sheet no funding was provided to alaska by the Department of housing and Urban Developmentunder the housing Opportunities for People With AIDS (HOPWA) program. http://www.thebody.com/aac/statefact/alaska.html | |
76. CCHRC Research 4) Develop local capacity to operate sustainable programs to prevent and controlhousingbased hazards that includes the University of alaska and State http://www.cchrc.org/research.html | |
77. State Summary For Alaska Work Therapy, a transitional housing program and HUD/VASH (VA Supported housing).During 2002, VA assisted more than 144 homeless veterans in alaska. http://www1.va.gov/opa/fact/statesum/akss.html | |
78. UAF SFOS Graduate Program is available on the University of alaska Southeast campus information on graduatefisheries housing locations, contact The Fisheries Program currently has 40 MS http://www.sfos.uaf.edu/academics/about/grad/ | |
79. Campaign Site The goal of the program is to increase the number of rural alaska Connection for theHomeless (Operation RICH) project, the alaska housing Finance Corporation http://www.digitalempowerment.org/library/details.cfm?id=3888 |
80. P20000208_1 Development The state of alaska received a grant in the amount of $59,246 for thealaska State Commission for Human Rights Fair housing Initiatives Program. http://www.house.gov/donyoung/press/p20000208_1.htm | |
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