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21. Audit Digest #04-4600-00 alaska housing Finance Corporation s rural loan programs and HALF were created twodecades ago to overcome certain barriers to home ownership in rural alaska. http://www.legaudit.state.ak.us/pages/digests/2000/4600dig.htm | |
22. DOE Weatherization Assistance Program: Alaska Weatherization And Low-Income Ener Building Resources (PDF 800 KB) The alaska housing Finance Corporation publishesthis short brochure about its energy efficiency programs for homeowners http://www.eere.energy.gov/weatherization/cfm/index.cfm/state_abbr=ak | |
23. Alaska Housing Finance Corporation V. Alaska State Employees We affirm in part and reverse in part. II. FACTS AND PROCEEDINGS A. Facts In 1992the alaska legislature consolidated state housing programs under AHFC. http://touchngo.com/sp/html/sp-4380.htm | |
24. Home Loans alaska housing Finance Corporation programs. Click on the programname to go to the rate chart. 30 15 year Standard Fixed Rate http://www.firstbankak.com/homeloans/akhousing.html | |
25. The State Of Alaska Back to top Financial Assistance Services alaska housing Finance Corporation ChildCare Grants Council on the Arts Grant programs Department of Adminstration http://www.state.ak.us/local/service1.html | |
26. Assisted Housing Programs In The United States - Section 8 - Public Housing - Ho More of this Feature.  Part 1 Public housing  Part 2 Section 8. Alabama,alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, DC http://apartments.about.com/library/weekly/aa042301c.htm | |
27. HRSA Information Center, Search Results Your search on housing programs returned 0 HRSA Resources and 52 NonHRSA resources.HRSA Resources. Not Listed. State housing Department- alaska. Not Listed. http://www.ask.hrsa.gov/OrgAndPubSearchResults.cfm?type=keyword&keywordselect=57 |
28. Alaska Housing Finance Corp.'s Issuer Credit Rating Raised To 'AA' Based On Legi is a selfsupporting, non-stock corporation of alaska with an residential and multifamilymortgage loans and administer state and federal housing programs. http://www.forrelease.com/D20031023/sfth110.P2.10232003183628.27323.html | |
29. ABC Mortgage Consulting: Breakthrough Mortgage Advice alaska alaska housing Finance Corporation Loan programs. CaliforniaAgape Economic Development, Inc. - Downpayment assistance program. http://www.abcmortgage.net/firsttimehomebuyers.htm | |
30. Seniors News, Seniors Site, TodaysSeniorsNetwork.com Seniors Web Office was created by the alaska Legislature in $130 million for senior housing developmentsstatewide. provides energy and weatherization programs, lowincome http://todaysseniorsnetwork.com/alaska_grant.htm | |
31. Alaska State Parks Volunteer Program Volunteer And Volunteer Internship Position Experience in developing interpretive programs. Allowance/housing housing and anexpense allowance provided. alaska State Parks Kodiak 1400 Abercrombie Dr http://www.dnr.state.ak.us/parks/vip/vvinaths.htm | |
32. RCAC - Housing of Agriculture (USDA) state staff and Mutual SelfHelp housing Program grantees in11 Western states (USDAÂs Region IV) alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado http://www.rcac.org/programs/serv-housing.html | |
33. 14.862 INDIAN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM Indian tribes and alaska Native villages may use block which are eligible for fundinginclude housing rehabilitation programs, acquisition of |
34. Gateway Classes Receive Accreditation View Manor, 801 Karluk, in Anchorage, which is owned by alaska housing Finance Corporation(AHFC). Participants in AHFC s housing assistance programs are given http://www.wate.com/Global/story.asp?S=1847526 |
35. Marilyn Bode's Housing Links & Resources, Ph.D of alaska and Cornell University. Kansas housing Information The Kansas Departmentof Commerce and housing has a description of state housing programs. http://www.oznet.ksu.edu/atid/Housing Links & Resoources/Housing Links & Resourc | |
36. Biggest General Fund Spending Programs (Operating) Revenue, alaska housing Finance Corp, 39,487.9, 0.0, 20,218.6, 19,269.3, 322.Subtotal, $2,212,593.0, $1,075,737.4, $868,530.2, $268,325.4, 3,653. All OtherPrograms, http://citizensguide.uaa.alaska.edu/1.BUDGET_PIES/tables/more_tables.htm | |
37. Federal Transfers For Operations of Labor, Employment Training of the Department of Community and Regional Affairs,and Public housing programs of the alaska housing Finance Corporation http://citizensguide.uaa.alaska.edu/1.BUDGET_PIES/ | |
38. Assessment Of American Indian Housing Needs And Programs: Final Report documents the severe housing needs of the American Indian and alaska Native (AIAN Assessmentof American Indian housing Needs and programs Final Report http://www.huduser.org/publications/hsgspec/native.html | |
39. Study Finds Severe Housing Needs Among American Indians And Alaska Natives Federal housing programs have been a critical source of and Needs of Native Hawaiiansand housing Problems and Needs of American Indians and alaska Natives (a http://www.huduser.org/periodicals/rrr/aian.html | |
40. Valdez AK - HOUSING AVAILABLE - CityInsider - Valdez Alaska alaska Forecast. About the house. The Lake house has five rooms available forguests Assisted housing Program Locations to see what programs are http://www.cityinsider.com/classifieds.asp?go=Valdez AK - HOUSING AVAILABLE |
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