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1. Alaska Housing Finance Corporation List Signup Loan programs Mortgage Mortgage RIC Library Search Seniorhousing Table of alaska housing Finance Corporation PO Box 101020 Anchorage http://www.ahfc.state.ak.us/ | |
2. Association Of Alaska Housing Authorities The Association of alaska housing Authorities (AAHA) is a private, nonprofit specialized training programs on affordable housing development funding programs and techniques http://www.alaska.net/~aaha | |
3. Alaska Housing Finance Corporation Veteran loan programs; Multifamily housing programs; Rural loan programs SEP); Coordinate alaska's housing Strategy and Homeless programs; Administer State and Federal housing grants http://www.gov.state.ak.us/omb/2001site/2001AHFC.html | |
4. Providence Health System A notfor-profit organization which includes hospitals, health plans, clinics, physicians, long-term care facilities, low-income housing, assisted living, home care, and hospice, advanced medical research and education, and community outreach programs in alaska, Washington, Oregon, and California. http://www.providence.org/ | |
5. Alaska Bible Institute, Homer, Alaska Located in Homer, AK, the ABI is a small, nondenominational Bible school which offers 2 and 3 year programs. Course descriptions, housing, cost, beliefs, history, calendar. http://www.xyz.net/~abi | |
6. Energy & Construction Information programs and Requirements. AkWarm Certified Home Energy Raters. AkWarm Energy Rating Software. alaska housing Manual, 4th Edition©alaska HUD) housing Development programs http://www.ahfc.state.ak.us/Department_Files/RIC/Energy/energy-construction-info | |
7. Providence Alaska Hospital - Providence Health System Hospitals, health plans, clinics, physicians, longterm care, housing assistance, hospice, advanced medical research, library, and community outreach programs. http://www.providence.org/alaska/ | |
8. ASSOCIATION OF ALASKA HOUSING AUTHORITIES Members Page OF alaska housing AUTHORITIES. alaska housing Finance Corporation Dan Fauske, Chief Executive Officer Page http//www.alaska.net/~bbha. housing programs Affordable Homeownership http://www.alaska.net/~aaha/members.htm |
9. CPD - HIV/AIDS Housing - Programs - Competitive - Alaska FY2003 HOPWA Competitiv central, southwestern, and western regions of alaska. services essential for achievinghousing stability and such as firsttime homebuyer programs, home repair http://www.hud.gov/offices/cpd/aidshousing/programs/competitive/grants/fy03/alas | |
10. ASSOCIATION OF ALASKA HOUSING AUTHORITIES Legislation Page impress upon HUD and Secretary Cuomo of the need for appropriate consultation withTribes to implement NAHASDA and other Indian/alaska Native housing programs. http://www.alaska.net/~aaha/legisltr.htm |
11. Locating Page.... US Department of housing and Urban Development's alaska website. Homeownership information in alaska. Agriculture Rural housing housing programs for people living in rural communities. alaska http://www.hud.gov/local/ak/buying/buyingprgms.cfm | |
12. Alaska Statutes: AS 18. Health, Safety, And Housing Chapter 18. Hospice and Home Care programs. Chapter 20 Public Buildings, Urban Renewal, and Regional housing Authorities. Chapter 56. alaska housing Finance Corporation http://www.touchngo.com/lglcntr/akstats/Statutes/Title18.htm | |
13. Alaska Housing Finance Corporation Administer the State Energy Program (SEP). Coordinate alaskaÂs housing strategyand homeless programs. Administer state and federal housing grants. http://www.gov.state.ak.us/omb/results/view.php?p=143 |
14. ElderWeb:Â Regions:Â Alaska:Â Housing & Care Division of Occupational Licenses. alaska Senior housing An overview of the programs available. Source alaska housing Finance Corporation. alaska Senior Services http://www.elderweb.com/default.php?PageID=1135&Preferences=f62866525ab7dc37 |
15. Alaska Housing And Finance alaska housing Finance Corporation Mission To provide alaskans access to safe,quality, affordable housing. AHFC Overview programs FAQs Finance http://www.amazingresources.com/Finance/alaska-housing-and-finance.htm | |
16. Housing Assistance Services & Programs The alaska housing Finance CorporationÂs Public housing Division administersthe voucher program in 11 communities throughout alaska. http://www.ci.anchorage.ak.us/cdbg/housing.cfm | |
17. Housing Assistance Services & Programs two public housing providers in the Municipality the alaska housing Finance Corporation (AHFC)and offers various home loan programs emphasizing housing for low and moderate-income http://www.muni.org/cdbg/housing.cfm | |
18. Juneau, Alaska -- Housing Supply And Demand In Juneau the Juneau area through various loan programs in addition housing projects by nonprofithousing organizations. Library 292 Marine Way Juneau, alaska 99801 (907 http://www.juneau.lib.ak.us/cdd/landplan/house.htm | |
19. Alaska Division Of Public Assistance -Heating Assistance Program However, if you participate in a subsidized rental housing program that paysall of your home heating costs to within $200, you are not eligible. http://health.hss.state.ak.us/dpa/programs/hap/ | |
20. ACoA FY00 Annual Report: AHFC affordable and accessible housing for alaskaÂs senior equates to 825 new seniorhousing units in possible through the creative financing programs offered by http://health.hss.state.ak.us/dsds/fy00annualreport/ahfc.html | |
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