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Alaska Education Parent Resources: more detail | ||||
81. American Indian And Alaska Native Resources Security Administration s American Indian alaska Natives (AIAN). support groups for adoptive parents and for Provides community FAS education, prevention and http://www.nau.edu/ihd/airrtc/R_54/native.html | |
82. AKLegislature.com: Murkowski: Resources Can Pay For Education t include vouchers, which are state funds parents can use public or private school, in his education plan because they are unconstitutional in alaska. http://alaskalegislature.com/stories/090102/murkowski.shtml | |
83. Alaska Department Of Education & Early Development Provides information for educators and residents about public education programs and facilities in http://www.eed.state.ak.us/ | |
84. A Place For Teachers School Health Health education Programs, alaska School Counseling Research and readings for parents and teachers on a variety of education-related issues. http://www.educ.state.ak.us/Educators.html |
85. Welcome To NEA-Alaska End of Session WrapUp 23rd alaska Legislature Adjourns So why isnÂt K-12 education being adequately Parents, educators together tackle Juneau Post cards to http://www.ak.nea.org/ | |
86. Family Help In Alaska agency that provides assistance to school personnel, parents, and service incidence disabilities in rural and remote parts of alaska. Visit Special education. http://www.focusas.com/Alaska.html | |
87. Education - K-12 Articles Index myths about American Indians and alaska Natives that improve their children s schools, parents must become says former New Jersey education Commissioner Saul http://www.kidsource.com/kidsource/pages/ed.k12.html | |
88. Kids In The House - Parents And Teachers with a section for parents and teachers Department of Labor educational resources Provides links to General Government education The Digital Classroom Materials http://clerkkids.house.gov/parent_teach/edu.html | |
89. OJJDP Parenting Resources For The 21st Century - Family Concerns challenge of child abuse prevention in alaska. offers invaluable information for parents, educators, other the physical, emotional, and educational needs of http://www.parentingresources.ncjrs.org/familyconcerns/childabuse.html |
90. The National Organization On Disability: Education Read also Disabled Students Sue Over New alaska Exit Exam 17, 2004 The League of Special education Voters, in and NconSD, is calling on parents and advocates http://www.nod.org/education/index.cfm | |
91. National Park Service - NatureNet: Nature & Science: Links To Learning is information just for kids (parents welcome!), watershed videos and elementary and secondary education acid rain alaska Public Lands Information Centers. http://www.nature.nps.gov/edures/ | |
92. Primary & Secondary Education In Latin America - LANIC could be of use to students, parents, and teachers Immigration Teacher Vision; Improving education for Immigrant in the Northwest and alaska, Northwest Regional http://lanic.utexas.edu/la/region/k-12/ | |
93. Esmerel's Collection Of Special Education Resources gifted, autism, adolescence, parenting, psychological assessment Links; SESA Special education Service Agency Provides assistance to Alaskan school districts and http://www.esmerel.org/misc/special.htm | |
94. PADDA, People With Attentional And Developomental Disabilities Association Federal education Statutes and RegulationsA listing of IDEA, Section Parents Place reading room, shopping, live chats and more Accessible alaska Adventures; http://www.padda.org/disability.shtml | |
95. Education At The University Of Alaska Museum Of The North activities that engage teenagers, parents, and children. Join Friends of Museum education, become a opportunities for University of alaska Fairbanks students. http://www.uaf.edu/museum/educate/ | |
96. The Wildest Colts Make The Best Horses Wildest Colts resources Defense of parents from coercion, and young people from labeling and John is a keynote speaker at the RETHINKING education Conference in http://www.wildestcolts.com/ | |
97. Hermon Hutchens Elementary School -- Valdez Alaska Public School cut above all the rest of Alaskan schools The goal of my educational experience is threefold I in volunteering, please drop by our parent Resource Office, and http://valdezcityschools.org/hhes.webpage/ | |
98. AKInclusion that may help you as you work toward quality special education in alaska. The physical therapist, occupational therapist, parents, vision teacher and speech http://interact.uoregon.edu/wrrc/AKInclusion.html | |
99. Library Links guidelines to help public librarians examine how they respond to the specific informational, educational and cultural needs of their alaska Native users and http://www.akla.org/links.htm | |
100. Learning Disabilities OnLine: Finding Help: Virginia States Resources Select a State. http://www.ldonline.org/finding_help/local_org/virginia.html | |
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