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41. Alaska Federally funded agencies spending big dollars in alaska loom ANCHORAGE, alaska  Some alaska school districts in the complicated world of urban education. http://www.stateline.org/stateline/?pa=state&sa=showStateInfo&id=AK |
42. American Red Cross- Talking About Disaster Eruptions are most likely to occur in Hawaii and alaska. you may contact any of the National Disaster education Coalition member agencies or their http://www.redcross.org/disaster/safety/guide.html | |
43. Agencies Of The World - Www.copnet.org Department, Soldotna. Safety, Training, education Research » alaska Department of Public Safety. US agencies Quick Pick Table. AL AK http://police.sas.ab.ca/cgi-bin/agencies.pl?&ykey=na&ckey=us&fkey=alaska |
44. FRAC - Summer Food Service Program through state agencies (generally state education agencies) to reimburse in 14 jurisdictions (alaska, Arkansas, Idaho for the State agencies Administering the http://www.frac.org/html/federal_food_programs/programs/sfsp.html | |
45. Key State Education Policies alaska. Source, Directory of State education agencies, 2002; Key State Policies on K12 education, 2002; State education Indicators with a Focus on Title I, 2000. http://www.ccsso.org/naepprofiles/StatebyState/Detail_KSP.cfm?recordID=Alaska |
46. Satellite Telemetry In Rehabilitation And Research - Alaska SeaLife Center - Pro to references and links to federal agencies such as of marine resources, and how alaska Natives have Project MASTER, please email education@alaskasealife.org http://www.alaskasealife.org/master/ | |
47. Organizations Who Have Worked With Doug Johnson alaska educational Technology Association, 2000. workshops and consulting for these districts and education agencies page www.dougjohnson.com/org.html last http://www.doug-johnson.com/org.html | |
48. AmeriCorps - Money For College that are made by state agencies, including state Loans; Nursing Student Loans; Health education Assistance Loans; AmeriCorps members by the alaska Commission on http://www.americorps.org/joining/moneyforcollege.html | |
49. Special Education Service Agency The Special education Service Agency (SESA) is a publicly funded agency which provides alaska Autism Resource Center (AARC) Providing information, referral http://www.sesa.org/ | |
50. USA - Federal Government Agencies - Alaska Web Directory Federal Government agencies Executive Branch, Executive agencies, United States Congress, Congressional Resources, Independant agencies, Boards, Commissions Commitees, Government News, unison.com ( Ireland) Muslim Nations News agencies. Algeria Daily Cooperative State Research, education, and Extension Service DL - DNR - EconDev - F G. alaska, Juneau - CC - DT - ED http://www.linkupalaska.com/usa |
51. SESA Programs: DSI Program alaska Dual Sensory Impairment Services (DSI). DSI Information. Special education Service Agency (SESA) is the recipient of federal funds under The http://www.sesa.org/sesa/agency/programs/dsi.html | |
52. Alaska Science Center Designed to help educators improve their teaching skills by offering relevant teaching materials, conducting workshops, and working with private and public agencies to promote science education, especially in rural alaska.ÃÂ http://www.alaskapacific.edu/science | |
53. Education Pathfinder American Indian alaska Native education. Mexican American bc.edu/bc_org/avp/soe/cihe education organizations, state education agencies and the MarcoPolo education Foundation http://www.canisius.edu/~cohen/portfolio/education_pathfinder.htm | |
54. The State Of Alaska http//www.parentsinc.org/ PARENTS is a partnership of alaska families with disabilities that provides Special education Service Agency (SESA) http http://health.hss.state.ak.us/gcdse/Links/default.htm | |
55. About Learn & Serve America :: Tribal Grantees Department of education Shannon Planchon alaska State Community 6284 Email shoytal@ksde.org Website www state.tn.us/education Texas education Agency Mr. John http://www.learnandserve.org/about/sea.html | |
56. NAMI-Alaska Home Page or to see how well your agency did in the mentally ill through advocacy, education, referral, research alaska Mental Health Trust Authority represents the only http://nami-alaska.org/ | |
57. Alaska DMV - AK DMV - Alaska Department Of Motor Vehicles Guide We constantly update our alaska Department of Motor with Traffic Schools, Driver education Schools, Auto operated, or affiliated with any government agency. http://www.dmv.org/ak-alaska/department-motor-vehicles.php | |
58. FinAid | Other Types Of Aid | US State Government Aid Goldbelt Place 801 West 10th Street, Suite 200 Juneau, alaska 998011894 (907 PENNSYLVANIA Pennsylvania Higher education Assistance Agency 1200 North http://www.finaid.org/otheraid/state.phtml | |
59. About NWREL's Comprehensive School Reform Demonstration Project NWREL is working with schools in alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon Each state education agency received copies NWREL s Web site at http//www.nwrel.org/scpd/catalog http://www.nwrel.org/csrdp/about.html | |
60. Charter School Web Sites For other states, visit the US Department of education State education agencies link. This document s URL is http://www.nwrel.org/charter/national.html | |
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