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41. SELECTED LIBRARY CALL NUMBERS 128 Middle West. 130 Great Lakes. 146 alaska. 154 Florida. 167 Michigan. 168 Minnesota.180 Ohio. ext. services. 544.3/.M5 MSU coop. ext. service. 544.5 Other Countries. http://www.msuplants.com/ref_info/LIBCLASN.htm | |
42. US EPA Software For Environmental Awareness alaska. University of alaska cooperative extension service www.uaf.edu/coopext/ace.htmlPublications Online catalog, many free publications by mail. http://www.epa.gov/seahome/farmasyst/states.htm | |
43. Anchorage Agent - Information And Resources Directory US Fish and Wildlife service, offices.fws Offices, www.uaf.edu/coopext/offices/anc_offic WeatherUnderground Anchorage alaska Forecast, www.wunderground http://www.kreisels.com/real-estate/anchorage-agent.htm | |
44. SWAN - Solid Waste Alaska Network net UAF/USDA cooperative extension service The cooperative their publications www.uaf.edu/coopext/publications/anrpubs Mat-Sucollege in Palmer alaska offers a http://www.ccthita-swan.org/Tutorials/composting_final.cfm | |
45. All.info: Science And Health / Agriculture / Youth / alaska State 4H home page is supported by the cooperative extension service which,in turn, is supported by the University of http//www.uaf.edu/coop-ext/4h http://all.info/directory/Science_and_Health/Agriculture/Youth/ | |
46. Subject Listings The Group is part of the Marketing and Rural Finance service of the AgriculturalSupport Accessible from http//www.uafadm.alaska.edu/coopext/html/publist http://www.central.agnic.org/subject-listing/Economic_Development.html | |
47. Favorite Conifers For Anchorage you contact alaska s cooperative extension service for good info on trees hardyto the area you are addressing. http//www.uaf.edu/coopext/dir_info/dir_alpha http://forums.gardenweb.com/forums/load/farnorth/msg0923445025255.html | |
48. Selected Books Alabama extension service http//www.aces.edu/pubs/. alaska http//www.uaf.edu/coopext/publications/.Arizona http//ag.arizona.edu/pubs/. http://library.tamu.edu/vgn/portal/tamulib/ssl/content/renderer/0,2774,1724_1819 | |
49. Kenai Peninsula Online - Alaska NewspaperClass Offers Cold Climate Home-building or the dreaming stage, cooperative extension service is offering class syllabus isposted on the alaska Energy and page at www.uaf.edu/coopext/faculty/seifert http://peninsulaclarion.com/stories/040603/peo_040603peo2020001.shtml | |
50. JuneauEmpire.com: State News: Berry Patch Is Pure Rapture For Fairbanks 'Berry L The cooperative extension service even has directions for what blueberries and publicationsavailable on alaska wild berries visit www.uaf.edu/coopext or call http://www.juneauempire.com/stories/080602/sta_berrypicker.shtml | |
51. Cooperative Extension Service alaska / United States of America Web Address www.uaf.edu/coopext/. Institutes /Stations Update data Update organisation cooperative extension service; Remove http://www.hridir.org/countries/united_states_of_america/alaska/cooperative_exte | |
52. USA WEEKEND Magazine :: Travel Service :: Fairbanks, alaska. ORDER HERE 28 Check Out, Region 5 coop, MARYLAND. For your freeMinnesota Travel Guide, call 1800-944-1442 ext. 758 www.exploreminnesota.com. http://cf.usaweekend.com/USAWtravelService/store.cfm | |
53. League Service Corporations AK. Robert (Bob) Teachworth, League Board Chair alaska League Services, Inc 6424 (Tom),ext. Mark) Fax 469385-6505 e-mail thodge@tcul.org mchatfield@tcul.coop http://www.cuna.org/cuna/lsc_roster.html | |
54. Wauu.DE: Recreation: Guns: Competition Shooting: 4H - Shooting Sports missouri.edu/adair/4h/shooting.htm. alaska State 4H http//www.uaf.edu/coop-ext/4h/shootingsports/.Baker County South Carolina County extension service links. http://www.wauu.de/Recreation/Guns/Competition_Shooting/4H_-_Shooting_Sports/ | |
55. Nutrition Info asp. Agricultural Research service Nutrient Data Laboratory extension.http//wwwzorba.uafdm.alaska.edu/coopext/efnp/pyramid.html. Food http://cc.ysu.edu/exsci-alumni/nutrition.htm |
56. Shopping Resources - Recreation And Sports DealTime is a free comparisonshopping service that helps http//www.uaf.edu/coop-ext/publications/freepubs InlineSkating in alaska Skate shops, skating lessons http://1nn.com/directory/143/14359.htm | |
57. Friends Of The NRA Grants Ozark Public Schools. Ozark Youth Shooting Team. Union County 4H Shooting SportsClub. University of Arkansas coop. ext service 4H. Yell County 4H Shooting Sports. http://www.nrafoundation.org/friends/states/grants.asp?state=Alaska&show=Arkansa |
58. ENC Online: Professional Development: Funding Opportunities: Guidebook Of Federa Development Programs are administered by the cooperative extension service at land Fax(907) 4658742 Email jyces@uas.alaska.edu www.uaf.edu/coop-ext/4h. http://www.enc.org/professional/funding/guidebook/state/0,2059,3,00.shtm | |
59. Welcome To The Alaska State 4-H Shooting Sports Program Air rifle, air pistol, rimfire rifle, archery, muzzleloading rifle and shotgun plus training and general information. http://www.uaf.edu/coop-ext/4h/shootingsports/ | |
60. HGA-00025 Carrots In Alaska Carrots in alaska. HGA00025. Some Facts. Carrots are among the most popular vegetables. Those grown in alaska are high in quality due to a greater accumulation of sugars in the root. University http://www.uaf.edu/coop-ext/publications/freepubs/HGA-00025.html | |
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