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41. JuneauEmpire.com: This Week: National Study Gauges Arts Spending In Juneau 07/25 The alaska State Council and 40,000 attendees at art events in 91 cities in 33 Communitiessurveyed ranged in population, geography and type rural to large http://www.juneauempire.com/stories/072502/thi_artspending.shtml | |
42. Alaskan Cities, Alaska Cities, Cities In Alaska alaskan towns and cities described in detail including accomodations, camping, fishing, shopping, visitor attractions alaska cities covered in detail including shopping alaska is large, and http://www.alaskashomepage.com/alaska.htm | |
43. Alaska Local & Borough Government alaska Division of Community and Business Development; Related The alaska MunicipalLeague is a member organization of the National League of cities. http://justice.uaa.alaska.edu/rlinks/government/ak_local.html | |
44. American Indian And Alaska Native Health (CBM 96-6) and alaska Native Health and alaska native health communities to develop programs that will meet these health challenges. By recognizing and incorporating American Indian and alaska http://www.nlm.nih.gov/pubs/cbm/amindhlt.html | |
45. Travel Alaska - Explore Cities And Towns Explore cities and Towns, Click on a community from the map above to learn more. Thetown offers breathtaking views of Denali and the alaska Range and looks out http://www.travelalaska.com/Regions/CommunityDetail.aspx?LocationID=71 |
46. List Of Cities In Alaska - Encyclopedia Article About List Of Cities In Alaska. Haines Community, alaska; Homer, alaska Homer is a city located in Kenai PeninsulaBorough, alaska. the 2000 census, the population of the city is 3,946. http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/List of cities in Alaska | |
47. Definition Of Alaska - WordIQ Dictionary & Encyclopedia it s like to live in a small coastal community in alaska Important cities and towns.alaska s most populous city is Anchorage, home of 260,283 people, 225,744 of http://www.wordiq.com/definition/Alaska | |
48. Education World ® Social Sciences/Geography Center interest by making them citizenleaders of a city called Tinseltown. Students Createa Virtual Tour of Their Community Two elementary Happy Birthday, alaska! http://www.educationworld.com/soc_sci/geography/index.shtml | |
49. CyberSleuthkids: United States - Alaska I Love alaska alaska s Home Page Interactive voting on 101 Reasons to Love alaska.357 villages, towns city and community pages. http //ilovealaska.com/; http://cybersleuth-kids.com/sleuth/Geography/United_States/Alaska/index2.htm | |
50. NN/LM PNR Regional Characteristics: Alaska the residents live in the largest city of Anchorage or uninhabited, and the communitiesare separated alaska s rugged geography and harsh climate challenges the http://nnlm.gov/pnr/characteristics/alaska.html | |
51. Alaska Geography Standards A-C Examine traditional alaska Native settlement sites to determine Build a model city,analyze its geographical characteristics of the local community in words http://www.educ.state.ak.us/tls/frameworks/sstudies/part2r.htm | |
52. Anchorage, Alaska active Asian, Eastern European, and Hispanic communities, along with to the southwest,in the alaska Range, there is definitely an American city, replete with http://www.fact-index.com/a/an/anchorage__alaska.html | |
53. Inner City Press' Alaska Report spent in Borough employment and services to its communities. the leading universityin the State of alaska. City, Borough, State and federal government agencies http://www.innercitypress.org/alaska.html | |
54. Ancient Alaska: Community Thrived For 1,200 Years heritage differently than modern bureaucrats and city dwellers near the tip of theAlaska Peninsula comes Aleut people often developed large communities as they http://www.ewebtribe.com/NACulture/articles/AncientAlaska.htm | |
55. Government Info. Guides - Chambers Library - UCO Housing Data is now available through the American Community Survey C GeographyState, counties, cities, and American Indian/alaska Native Areas. http://library.ucok.edu/gov/census.html | |
56. LookSmart - Directory - More Alaska Cities Named A Through H links to government services and community organizations and the official homepagefor the city of Delta I Love alaska Hydaburg Introduces the climate, the http://search.looksmart.com/p/browse/us1/us1154713/us1154715/us10211399/us102114 | |
57. Alaska Hunting: Ketchikan Area of islands and the adjacent Southeast alaska mainland at the Ketchikan is the largestcity. Other communities include Metlakatla, Hydaburg, Craig, Klawock, and http://www.outdoorsdirectory.com/areas/hunting/southeast/huntktn.htm | |
58. Alaska Travel Major Attractions Page 2 the Klondike goldfields near Dawson City, Yukon Territory mild winters compared withother alaska regions, and roadbuilding between many communities impossible http://www.themilepost.com/majorattrac4.html | |
59. Glacier Bay Alaska And The Community Of Gustavus rise enough to inundate half the world s cities. your next fantastic vacation toGlacier Bay alaska. bay boat tours and cruiselines, community news, merchant http://www.glacierbay.org/ | |
60. Friends Of Saguaro National Park - About Us: About Saguaro National Park: Geogra extraordinary recreational resource for the city while at please visit our BioticCommunities page high latitude or altitude locations); Tundra (northern alaska); http://www.friendsofsaguaro.org/geography.html | |
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