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21. Zeal.com - United States - New - Library - Society - United States Local - Alask Database http//www.dced.state.ak.us/dca/commdb/CF_BLOCK.cfm Explore an overviewof the cities, towns, and communities of alaska that includes http://zeal.com/category/preview.jhtml?cid=1159854 |
22. Yukon Social Studies Geography The Yukon/alaska Community History Project Here you will find clickto-readhistories of several Yukon towns and cities. - illustrated http://www.archaeolink.com/yukon_social_studies_geography.htm | |
23. Alaskan Memories - Geography And History the Klondike, alaska prospered, and new communities and businesses those disappointedin the Klondike drifted to alaska. 1900, Nome was a tent city with more http://www.geocities.com/TheTropics/4363/alaska/ak_geo.html | |
24. BUBL LINK: 917 United States Geography Resources capital city, colleges, universities and community colleges, constitution Large setof maps of cities in the index Location usa State of alaska Online Offers a http://link.bubl.ac.uk/ISC11911 | |
25. USIA - Portrait Of The USA, Ch. 2 meetings still function in many New England communities today alaska, the northernmoststate in the Union, is a vast Western cities are known for their tolerance http://usinfo.state.gov/usa/infousa/facts/factover/ch2.htm | |
26. Latter-day Saints (LDS) / Mormon Statistics / Church Of Jesus Christ Statistics alaska, 58, 15,751, 2.86. Latterday Saint Temples in the 50 Largest cities in theUS; Latter-day Saint Return to the Largest Religious communities index page http://www.adherents.com/largecom/com_lds.html | |
27. AKGenWeb Message Boards Borough Lake Peninsula Borough is located on the alaska Peninsula, southwest Itis comprised of 17 communities, including 5 incorporated cities. http://www.akgenweb.org/boards.html | |
28. CSISS Classics - Joel Garreau: The Empty Quarter most of alaska, Nevada, Utah Meanwhile, communities in the EmptyQuarter are organized was the emergence of edge cities surrounding older http://www.csiss.org/classics/content/18 |
29. Alaska Division Of Community Advocacy communities in either the organized or unorganized borough first class, second class,or home rule cities. The alaska Constitution provides that boroughs shall http://www.dced.state.ak.us/dca/LOGON/muni/muni-govtoverview.htm | |
30. Alaska - InformationBlast note that only incorporated cities of over 5,000 Other Incorporated communities Population3,000 3,999. alaska Bible College; alaska Pacific University; Sheldon http://www.informationblast.com/Alaska.html | |
31. Bullfrog Films: Subject Areas: Geography Videos ANWR) in the context of alaska s accelerated warming. the effects of globalizationon people and cities. Community Microcredit is transforming the lives of http://www.bullfrogfilms.com/subjects/geography.html | |
32. Geography @ SchoolAtlas.com NE cities Nebraska communities Directory of links to community pages in Alaskan Tlingitand Tsimshian (Printable Verison) -American Indians of the Pacific http://www.schoolatlas.com/search2/Geography/ | |
33. Untitled Document on the coast of the Chukchi Sea (71 18 N, 156 40 W). No roads connect Barrow toother cities or communities. alaska natives make up 64% of the poplation. http://fs.sdsu.edu/pisces/Infopages/barrowBackground.html | |
34. AkLA Census Tutorial Week 7: Understanding 2000 Census Geography: Basic Terms An tribes, bands, clans, groups, villages, communities, or associations Angoon CensusArea (02232), and Yakutat City and Borough you don t live in alaska, some of http://home.att.net/~daniel.cornwall/Census_Week7.html | |
35. 7th Grade World Geography subsistence farming, truckfarming communities, port city, governmental center, plannedcity, single-industry city, how people in Siberia, alaska, and other http://www.pickens.k12.al.us/Social Studies Alignment/7-World Geography.htm | |
36. Anchorage Alaska Hotels And Anchorage City Guide With Anchorage Hotel Discounts there are active Asian, Eastern European, and Hispanic communities, along with SouthCentral alaska is along the coast where towns, cities, and petroleum http://anchorage-alaska.fablis.com/ | |
37. San Antonio Public Library: Geography: Countries (United States) mountain west and southwest, Pacific coast, alaska, Hawaii, and s page is an alphabeticallisting of communities within that on the name of the city and for http://www.sat.lib.tx.us/html/geounited_states.htm | |
38. PBS ALS - Human Geography and features the experiences of individual communities  the exotic island ofBorneo, the reborn city of Berlin a key wilderness area of alaska  that are http://www.pbs.org/als/human_geo/hugedescrip.htm | |
39. TeacherSource . Social Studies . Geography Middle School | PBS in transportation translate into new cities and resorts can affect the movement ofcommunities around the create and evaluate a map of alaska, after evaluating http://www.pbs.org/teachersource/social_studies/middle_geography.shtm | |
40. Why War? Keywords: Alaska alaska. More than 100 other communities nationwide  both liberal and conserva Republican).geography. alaska s largest city is Anchorage. The http://www.why-war.com/encyclopedia/places/Alaska/ | |
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