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81. Lawrence County & North Alabama History, Geography & Genealogy Census, cemeteries, historical sites, Indian mounds and trails, slave data, folklore, family history, and original stories of Lawrence, Franklin, Colbert, Morgan, and Winston Counties of North alabama. http://www.lawrencecounty.ala.nu/ | |
82. Delta Genealogical Society Association for people interesed in the genealogy and history of Northwest Georgia, Northeast alabama and Southeast Tennessee. Includes schedule of monthly meetings and links to research resources. http://www.rootsweb.com/~gadgs/ | |
83. Index Provides the hours of operation, history, and staff. Also includes links with a wealth of information on the State of alabama, genealogy, kids interests and senior citizens. http://www.pinebelt.net/~ccpl/ | |
84. Family Tree Maker's Genealogy Site: User Home Pages: Southern Ballards Researcing the lineage migration from Virginia to alabama. Includes home photograph of Joshua Ballard and Ellen Elizabeth Burson, Omaha, alabama circa 1880. Compiled by Allan Joshua Ballard. http://familytreemaker.genealogy.com/users/b/a/l/Allan-J-Ballard/ | |
85. Genealogy Resources On The Internet - WWW/Alabama Julia s Southern States genealogy alabama http//www.geocities.com/Heartland/Meadows/5387/alabama1.HTMLMaintained by Julia Hendrix, this site contains http://www-personal.umich.edu/~cgaunt/alabama.html | |
86. Vinson, Chambers, Speake, Fleetwood, Anderson, McDaniel, Cates, And Much More> Family history including surnames Anderson, Chambers, Fleetwood and McDaniel. Areas include Tennessee, Kentucky, alabama, North Carolina and Texas. http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~vinson/ | |
87. The North Central Genealogical Society Home Page The North Central alabama Genealogical Society (NCAGS) publishesthe alabama FAMILY HISTORY AND genealogy NEWS. Our querterly http://www.airnet.net/lthurman/society.htm | |
88. Family Tree Maker's Genealogy Site: User Home Pages: "Bobby & Catherine Carter H Researching the William J Howard family of Calhoun County, alabama and looking for descendants of Lewis Carter of Rowan County, North Carolina. Includes contact information. http://familytreemaker.genealogy.com/users/h/o/w/Bobby-R-Howard/?Welcome=9903941 |
89. Kissin' Cuzens Of Coosa The Aplin, Bateman, Collier, Cousins, Holley, McFerrin, Penton, Spiers related families who settled in middle alabama in the mid 1800's by Ellis Bateman. http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~kissincuzens/ | |
90. Coosa County Alabama Cemeteries For Genealogy And History Research Surveys of grave markers in four Coosa County cemeteries (Ebenezer Cemetery, Higgins Cemetery, Old Mt. Moriah, and Providence Missionary Baptist), for genealogy and history research. http://members.aol.com/coosaboy/Coosa.htm | |
91. Directory Of Alabama Historical Societies And Genealogical Search for any Society in alabama. Listing of alabama Historical and GenealogicalSociety Addresses and Links. alabama Products at genealogy Shopper. http://www.daddezio.com/society/hill/SH-AL-NDX.html | |
92. The Alabama Department Of Archives & History - Home Your first stop for information on alabama history, genealogy, references, teacher resources, and links. http://www.archives.state.al.us/index.html | |
93. Directory Of Alabama Cemeteries - AL Cemetery Junction More details . alabama Products at genealogy Shopper. Visit genealogy Finders,the online source for all your genealogy resources. Additional Links. http://www.daddezio.com/cemetery/junction/CJ-AL-NDX.html | |
94. Black Families Of Alabama's Black Belt History and genealogy of African American families in the alabama Black Belt counties of Butler, Dallas, Lowndes, Marengo, Perry and Wilcox. http://www.prairiebluff.com/blackbelt/ | |
95. The North Central Genealogical Society Home Page Publishes the alabama Family History and genealogy News. Quarterly covers Cullman, Blount, Marshall, Winston and other neighboring counties. http://home.hiwaay.net/~lthurman/society.htm | |
96. Alabama Genealogical Society, Inc. Home To bring together genealogists with interests in the 67 counties of alabama for theexpress purpose of strengthening genealogy with respect to mutual statewide http://www.archives.state.al.us/ags/ | |
97. ALABAMA ARCHIVES: FAMILY HISTORY AND GENEALOGY Historical genealogical societies, Related Links, genealogy, Records not at theADAH, Newspapers. Updated April 1, 2004, alabama Department of Archives History http://www.archives.state.al.us/referenc/family.html | |
98. Alabama World Vital Records adding more and more genealogy web sites to help you learn more about using theInternet to find your genealogy. Or click here for more alabama Vital Records http://worldvitalrecords.com/alabamavitalrecords.htm | |
99. Genealogy Of Hale County Alabama Designed by Rosetta Networking Systems, Inc. http://www.halecoal.org/ | |
100. GENEALOGY: MORGAN COUNTY, ALABAMA We have something to dance about!! Come see Morgan County s GenealogicalSociety, Inc. Genealogical Events Conferences, Seminars, Fairs, etc. http://www.genealogyshoppe.com/almorgan/ | |
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