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Alabama Education Parent Resources: more detail | ||
1. SEAC Parent Assistance Center SEAC parent Assistance Center State of alabama resources. State of alabama Ala Web. Federal Regular / Special education Laws. Family education Rights http://home.hiwaay.net/~seachsv | |
2. Special Education Parent Training & Information Center: Alabama Internet Special education resources. Special education resources A Nationwide Directory. SEAC. Special education Action Committee. parent Training Information Center for alabama http://www.iser.com/SEAC-AL.html | |
3. Special Education Resources Centers: Non-profit Organizations Nonprofit centers offering information and referrals to parents with special education needs Internet Special education resources. Special education Learning National parent to parent Support Information Special education Action Committee (SEAC) The alabama PTI Center http://www.iser.com/nps.html | |
4. Alabama State Resources NICHCY State resources alabama. A publication of the National Dissemination parent Training and Information Center (PTI) Mavis Smith, Director. Special education Action Committee http://www.nichcy.org/stateshe/al.htm | |
5. COPAA State Special Ed Resource Page alabama Dept. of education Procedures Manual. Division of Exceptional Children Services. http//www.kde.state.ky.us/osis/children/ sepm/default.asp. parent and Teacher resources http://www.copaa.net/resources/statespedlaw.html | |
6. Online Resources For Special Education - Alabama - GreatSchools.net alabama. related processes, and lists parent resources stateby information on specialeducation law and http://www.greatschools.net/cgi-bin/showarticle/al/94/parent | |
7. Online Resources For Gifted And Talented Education - Alabama - GreatSchools.net alabama. for researchers, teachers, parents, administrators and in gifted childrenand their education. http://www.greatschools.net/cgi-bin/showarticle/al/97/parent | |
8. Middle Education Resources Search for educational information and links in over 50 categories. Middle education resources. AB CDE the zoo in Birmingham, alabama, and read all about It includes resources, job listings, information, teachers associations, parent associations, and http://www.educationindex.com/7-12 | |
9. Kent State University Parent Resources Faculty Inservice parent resources Related Links alabama Special education http//www.alsde.edu/html/sections/ section_detail.asp?section=65 footer= sections http://fp.dl.kent.edu/ecis/Web/Parent Resources/ParentResource.htm |
10. Special Education Resources ORGANIZATIONS resources BY STATE alabama Colleen R. Storm SEACSpecial EducationAction Committee, Inc. parent Assistance Center 600 Bel-Air Blvd. http://www.reedmartin.com/specialeducationresources.htm | |
11. Alabama Public Television Learning National parent Information Network www.npin.org National programs/ccb US Departmentof education www.ed http//www.pbs.org/newshour/ alabama Virtual Library http://www.aptv.org/Learning/resources.asp |
12. Parent Advocacy And Resources parent Transition Information Manuals. parent Advocacy and Resource Organizations.alabama 1. Special education Action Committee, Inc. Marcy McFarlin. http://education.uncc.edu/transition/parent_advocacy_and_resources.htm | |
13. Parent Resource Guide To Aviation Programs 15); Space Camp at Moffett Field, California, alabama, and Florida Check with yourparents first list of links to online web youth and education resources with a http://www.hiller.org/education/parent-resource.html | |
14. Resources The September 2003 issue of alabama education News, published by the State Departmentof education, offers a and schools committed to parent partnerships will http://www.bestpracticescenter.org/publ/wte3-4-res.html | |
15. State Resources For Gifted Education alabama Association for Gifted Children Laura Rose, President 119 Windsor Ridge DrivePelham, AL 35124 E parent Advocates for Gifted education http//www http://ericec.org/fact/stateres.html | |
17. Preface: Critical Parenting Practices H.Wallace Goddard, Ph.D., alabama Judith Myers resources listed in the CurriculumGuide section are examples of more specific parent education programs that http://www.cyfernet.org/parenting_practices/preface.html | |
18. AlabamaEd: "Link And Resources For Parents" alabama Specific parent Helps. Directory for parents The Awesome Library organizes10,000 carefully reviewed K-12 education resources for parents. http://www.alabamaed.com/references/parents.htm | |
19. PhatNav - Parents Section With Educational Resources Search And alabama Top Special education Action Committee, Inc. (alabama) PO Box 161274 Mobile,AL 36616 Program Fairbanks Native Association parent Information Resource http://www.phatnav.com/parents/parent_ed_links.html | |
20. About The California Parent Center parent Information and Resource Center of Central alabama (334) 514 California parentCenter (parental Assistance, resources,education, Networking, and http://parent.sdsu.edu/pirc_aboutcpc.htm | |
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