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Alabama Coop Ext Service: more detail | ||||
41. FSCPE Contacts toml@adeca.state.al.us State Data Center www.adeca.alabama.gov. E,P) (919) 7337061ext. Office of State Budget and Management 20321 Mail service Center Raleigh http://www.census.gov/population/www/coop/coop.html | |
42. Cooperative State Research, Education, And Extension Service (CSREES) Of USDA Information on Diversity and Pluralism at cooperative State, Research, Education, and Extension service Auburn University. alabama coop. Extension System. pwbrown@acesag.auburn.edu Ann Berry . http://www.reeusda.gov/diversity/contacts.htm | |
43. Alabama Fruit Crops Herbicide Pricing from Florida Cooperative ext. service. Labels and MSDS Sites. AgMachinery Marketplace. alabama Cooperative extension System Homepage. http://www.aces.edu/dept/peaches/ | |
44. Extension Publications Balances EX0019, extENSION PUBLICATIONS CATALOG, WHATLEY, 365. EX-0020, MEDIA LIBRARY CATALOG,MORGAN, 8. EX-0021, alabama COOPERATIVE ext. service COUNTY OFFICES, WHATLEY, 0. http://www.aces.edu/pubs/balances/auto/EX.html | |
45. Southern Region SARE Cathy Sabota Training Coordinator alabama A M University 213 Dawson Building Normal,AL 35762 Phone 256851-5710 FAX 256-851-5840 csabota@acesag coop. ext. http://www.griffin.peachnet.edu/sare/coordinators.html | |
46. CES CYF Network Human Resources Database Cook, Donnie, Health and Nutrition Specialist, alabama A M University. Agent,Family Consumer Education, NC Cooperative ext. service Rowan Co. Center. http://www.cyfernet.org/profdata/view.asp | |
47. HIA Contacts Laura Booth alabama Cooperative extension System 213 extension Hall Auburn University,AL 36849 Phone of Arkansas Cooperative ext. service 2301 S. University Ave http://www.montana.edu/wwwcxair/contacts.htm | |
48. Collecting A Poultry Litter Sample For Analysis Circ. ANR1102, alabama coop. ext. Serv. Certified Nutrient Management SpecialistTraining Manual, Chapter 3. Univ. of Georgia coop. ext. Serv. http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/BODY_HS189 | |
49. Priester Conference 2000 Participants Colleen Svingen North Dakota State University ext, West River Health service PO Box KathleenTajeu alabama Cooperative extension System 220 F Duncan Hall http://www.nnh.org/priester/participants00.htm | |
50. Página Do Clube Da Floresta of Conservation Inforestry, Ohio Division of Forestry Florida Division of ForestryBritish Columbia Ministry of Forests alabama Forestry Link coop. ext. http://www.eb23-pontinha.rcts.pt/floresta.html |
51. AGRICULTURE alabama Cooperative extension service Almanac, Auburn University gov Cornell UniversityCooperative extension service Subscribe to almanac@ext.missouri.edu http://www.salsburg.com/Fed/agriculture.html | |
52. Parasitic Diseases About Controlling Head Lice GR Strother alabama coop. ext. System(US). How to manage head lice Mazurek and Lee - WJM May 00. http://www.mic.ki.se/Diseases/c3.html | |
53. US Fish And Wildlife Service -- Daphne Ecological Services Field Office and recovery efforts are a cooperative venture of on the Sea Turtle Volunteer Programfor alabama, please contact Celeste South at (251) 4415181, ext. http://daphne.fws.gov/news/release17aug01.htm | |
54. US Fish And Wildlife Service -- Daphne Ecological Services Field Office Public Affairs Specialist (251) 4415181 ext 39 kevin_mciver genetic material fromthe only alabama sturgeon in captivity in an ongoing cooperative effort to http://daphne.fws.gov/news/rel5apr02.htm | |
55. Poster Contest - #GetStateName(GetPoster.StateAbbrv)# alabama David West alabama Cooperative ext System 1702 alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado History Public service Announcements Press http://www.arborday.org/kids/postercontest/postercontest.cfm?State=AL |
56. Newsletters & Updates (Corn Growers' Guidebook, Purdue University) alabama Corn Timely Information Sheets Auburn Univ. Delaware Weekly Crop UpdateUniv. of Delaware Cooperative Extension service Illinois Pest http://www.agry.purdue.edu/ext/corn/cgg1.htm | |
57. IFA Directory Section Five alabama Kathy L. Flanders extension Entomologist and Assistant Professor 208 Dr.Dave Pollet Cooperative ext. service Knapp Hall Rm 202H Louisiana State Univ http://entweb.clemson.edu/fireant/dir/sec5.htm | |
58. United States Freshwater Prawn And Shrimp Growers Association Mississippi State University extension service Website. 2472915 Fax 662-247-3823Email jsteeby@ext.msstate.edu. alabama Cooperative extension System Website. http://www.freshwaterprawn.org/Extension/extension.html | |
59. Cooperative Extension Sponsored Or Co-sponsored Volunteer Water Quality Monitori Bill Deutsch (1992) alabama Water Watch Auburn University 203 Swingle Hall PacificNW Water Quality Monitoring Program Washington State University coop. ext. http://www.uwex.edu/ces/csreesvolmon/VolunteerMonPrograms/ | |
60. Other Pond Management Resources service. Pond Trouble Shooting University of Maine Cooperative Extension. Backto top. Fish Management Management Of Recreational Fish Ponds In alabama http://www.dnr.cornell.edu/ext/fish/Pond/otherresourcesdoc.htm | |
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