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1. African Indigenous People Akye
africa, african Anthropology General Resources. By peoples. Akan Akuapem akye Anyi Aowin Asante Babanki Baga Bali Bamana Bamileke Bamum Bangubangu Bangwa Baule
Akye Home Africa, African Anthropology General Resources By peoples Akan Akuapem Akye Anyi ... Zulu Akye Arts You will find a good article and images of Akye art forms. - illustrated - From African Art Museum - Akye People "Akye are an Akan peoples living in southern Côte d'Ivoire. The rise of the early Akan centralized states can be traced to the 13th century and is likely related to the opening of trade routes established to move gold throughout the region." You will find history relating to population, religion, economy, history and more. - From University of Iowa - Top of Page

2. -- Your Window To The Best Of Jamaica
finds indigenous people, the aboriginal peoples are quickly akye fufo), the food that will become Jamaicas national fruit and dish, is introduced to the island from West africa, Reggae Music Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee Jamaica Jamaicana Jamaican Marley Coffee Jamaica Jamaicana Jamaican Coffee clothing Jamaica Jamaicana Jamaican Coffee Jamaica Jamaicana Jamaican Coffee Jamaica Jamaicana Jamaican Reggae Music Blue Mountain Coffee Jamaica clothing Jamaicana Jamaican Marley Coffee Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee Jamaica Jamaicana Jamaican Marley Coffee Jamaica Reggae Music Blue Mountain Coffee Jamaica clothing Jamaicana Jamaican Marley Coffee Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee Jamaica Jamaicana Jamaican Marley Coffee Jamaica Reggae Music Blue Mountain Coffee Jamaica clothing Jamaicana Jamaican Marley Coffee Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee Jamaica Jamaicana Jamaican Marley Coffee Jamaica
Columbus arrives in Jamaica on May 4, and claims the land and its inhabitants for Their Catholic Majesties, Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain. The expedition finds indigenous people, the Arawaks or Tainos living in structured communities led by caciques (chieftains). The island, which they call Xaymaca, (wooded land of water) is bountiful and the women raise cassava, sweet potatoes, corn and cotton. These aboriginal peoples are quickly enslaved in the service of growing grain, but mercifully do not last very long, disappearing from all the Caribbean islands within a few decades.
Since Jamaica was originally thought to be one of a chain of lands rich in gold and precious minerals, Spain wastes no time in initiating the African slave trade in the Caribbean. Forced labor is required in large quantities to unearth the bounty that never materializes, and Spain soon decreases its investment in settlements and military garrisons.

3. Musées Afrique
indigenous Knowledge in South africa . Yaure, Senufo, Lobi, Kulango, akye, Anyi, Adyukru Aquarelles de Joy Adamson peoples of Kenya
MUSEES Afrique Afrique du Sud Angola Botswana Burkina Faso ... Zimbabwe
ou plusieurs oeuvres majeures.
Afrique du Sud
Cape Town
South African National Gallery Government Avenue ma-di 10-17 Arts de la perle / Expositions temporaires Cape Town Gold of Africa Museum . Martin Melck House 96 Strand Street Bijoux d'or d'Afrique de l'Ouest (coll Barbier-Mueller); objets d'or des civilisations d'Afrique australe Cape Town - Gardens South African Museum 25 Queen Victoria Street lu-di 10-17 terres cuites de Lydenburg San (peintures rupestres), Zimb abwe Tsonga , Khoikhoi, Sotho, Nguni, Shona, Lovedu... Exposition " Ulwazi Lwemvelo - Indigenous Knowledge in South Africa Cape Town - Rosebank University of Cape Town Irma Stern Museum Cecil Road ma-sa 10-17 Arts de Zanzibar et du Congo: Lega, Luba Durban Art Gallery City Hall lu-sa 8.30-16; di 11-16 Durban Local History Museum Aliwal Street East London East London Museum lu-ve 9.30-17; sa 9.30-12

4. Africa Anthropology
Ancient African Civilization African Archaeology. By peoples By peoples. Akan Akuapem akye Anyi Aowin Asante Babanki Baga Bali Bamana Bamileke Bamum The indigenous peoples Rights Question
Indigenous Studies - African Anthropology Home Ancient African Civilization African Archaeology By peoples Akan Akuapem Akye Anyi ... Zulu Abang Dance: Radiance from the River and Efik Ideal of Femininity "To dance is human, and humanity expresses itself in dance. Dancing interweaves with many aspects of life, such as art, communication, belief systems, social relations and political dynamics. Interwoven in Abang dances are three modalities: space, rhythm, and unity. Each of these modalities conveys its own distinct message(s) but interacts with each other to produce a specific form of dance as an expression and communicative art." - From Africa Resource Center - Acacia Initiative: International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Centre de recherches pour le développement international (CRDI) (3.1) "The Acacia Initiative: Communities and the Information Society in Africa Program Initiative is an international program to empower sub-Saharan communities with the ability to apply information and communication technologies (ICTs) to their own social and economic development." - From International Development Research Centre - Africa Online: Kids Only A great kids site about Africa. Language, people, land and culture. Offers games and online quizzes. - illustrated - From -

5. Welcome To
Akan. Akuapem. akye. Ashanti. Azande. Baga we must consider both perspectives the indigenous as well as the Western nonwriting, pre-colonial peoples of africa. To illustrate my point

6. Welcome To
Akan. Akuapem. akye. Ashanti. Azande. Baga years ago, somewhere in africa, an indigenous Hunter had a idea that For early indigenous peoples, masks were "a way to the gods " and

7. Africa
africa; the first language of most people is one Nyanja, Tonga, and about 70 other indigenous languages, agarakan (twi, fante, ashanti, akoli, akye, alaba, alur
Home About Africa Services Health Education Portfolio Get Quote ...
County Flag Language Support Algeria Arabic (official), French, Berber dialects Yes Angola Portuguese (official), Bantu and other African languages Yes Benin French (official), Fon and Yoruba (most common vernaculars in south), tribal languages (at least six major ones in north) Yes Botswana English (official), Setswana Yes Burkina Faso French (official), native African languages belonging to Sudanic family spoken by 90% of the population Yes Burundi Kirundi (official), French (official), Swahili (along Lake Tanganyika and in the Bujumbura area) Yes Cameroon 24 major African language groups, English (official), French (official) Yes Central African Republic French (official), Sangho (lingua franca and national language), Arabic, Hunsa, Swahili Yes Chad French (official), Arabic (official), Sara and Sango (in south), more than 100 different languages and dialects Yes Congo, Democratic Republic of the

8. Collection - Charles Derby
and insects) account for the loss of much indigenous historical evidence. points up the complexity of modern africa, whose peoples may simultaneously

9. The First Masks
Over thirty thousand years ago, somewhere in africa, an indigenous Hunter the Latin, persona, which means mask. For early indigenous peoples, masks were a

10. Index.html
Aduma. akye. Ambete. Anang. Asante the only tribe of Inland West africa to have a centralized governing body Lineages and clans of the indigenous tengabisi inhabitants own the masks, and
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11. In The Presence Of Spirits
and sculptural inventiveness of the cultures indigenous to these of objects from the Bidjogo peoples who live figures and other sculpted objects from africa.

12. Tribal Arts - Links - Autumn Gallery Handcrafted Tribal Arts
peoples Resources Information available for the following peoples Akan Akuapem akye Anyi Aowin Rainforest Jewels. Rare indigenous Folk art from the
@import url(;
A Cool Tribal Arts Gallery

Hand crafted tribal, native and eastern sculpture, masks and other art works inspired by famous balinese, buddhist and hindu legends.
Africa Tribes

Learn about the customs, languages, and history of African tribes. Tribes. People who belong to a common ethnic group may one of the following tribes: Wolof, Fulani, Serer, Toucouleur of Madagascar, 18 different tribes speak Malagasy and French.
Afro-Dit, a place where lovers of African tribal art can share their enthusiasm

Any Search Info - Directory Arts Visual Arts Native and Tribal Oceania

Search-Info.Com leading the way for better search technology. Enjoy your search experience with fast relevant and comprehensive results!
Any Search Info - Directory Arts Visual Arts Native and Tribal

Search-Info.Com leading the way for better search technology. Enjoy your search experience with fast relevant and comprehensive results!
Art Deals Now on eBay
You can find art right here. With over 5 million items for sale every day, you'll find the art deals you're looking for at the world's online marketplace - eBay. ArtNatAm Native American Artists.

13. A Special Gleaner Feature On Pieces Of The Past -The Mutiny On The Bounty And Th
Its name is derived from the West african akye fufo. endemic to Jamaica but was introduced from West africa during the PIMENTO Pimento is indigenous to Jamaica
News Go - Kingston Discover Jamaica
Mutiny on the Bounty and the
Arrival of the Breadfruit

To the voyage of the Bounty. Still waters of the great golden sea. Flying fish like streaks of silver, and
mermaids that sing in the night. The Southern Cross and all the stars on the other side of the world.
A toast given by Bounty Midshipman Roger Byam to his 1787 voyage to collect the breadfruit.
T HESE DRAMATIC words heralded the start of an equally dramatic voyage to collect a simple fruit. Named for the fact that its thick, white, starchy interior is reminiscent of bread, the breadfruit was in high BREADFRUIT BLIGH MUTINIED Meanwhile Christian and the rest of the mutineers realized they could not return to Tahiti for fear of execution. They therefore sailed around the Cook Islands looking for a place to hide from the British War ships they assumed were after them. The mutineers eventually would up in the Pitcairn Islands of the South Pacific. Within 10 years, only a few of the mutineers were left alive. One of them, John Adams, repented and became a reformed Christian, eventually giving his name to the capital of Pitcairn, Adamstown. The origins of other Jamaican Fruits and Spices NATIVE

akye uka’ö wai nzkz nukswä’ niyuähku’tz Far away like the Siberian peoples, the Native shamanic tradition in my own indigenous culture , although
  • Evald Saag "Uku Masing ja sumerlased" Andres Ehin "Uku Masingu ideoloogia põlisrahvaste kultuuri küsimuses. Eelkäijad. mõttekaaslased."
Masing kuulus kindlalt nende õpetlaste hulka, kes on leidnud, et mõtlemine sõltub keelest, milles me mõtleme. Erisuguseid keeli kasutavate inimeste mõtlemine ei saa olla ühesugune. Selle seisukohaga tuli minu teada esimesena lagedale nüüdisaegse üldkeeleteaduse rajaja vabahärra Wilhelm von Humboldt, ehk täpsemini Friedrich Wilhelm Christian Karl Ferdinand von Humboldt, Goethe ja Schilleri kaasaegne ning maailmakuulsa loodusteadlase Alexander von Humboldti vanem vend. Eelnimetatud väite leiame Wilhelm von Humboldti esseest “Über die Verschiedenheit des menschlichen Sprachbaues”, mis omakorda kujutas endast sissejuhatust kolmeköitelisele teosele “Über die Kawisprache auf der Insel Java” (1836-1840). Vaevalt oleks Humboldt nii selgesti täheldanud eri rahvaste mõtteviisi erinevust, kui ta kavi ja baski keele asemel oleks piirdunud hollandi või inglise keele uurimisega. Wilhelm von Humboldti ideid on edasi arendanud neohumboldtianism 1920.-te aastate Saksamaal. Selle keeleteadlaste rühma esileküünivam kuju oli L. Weisgerber. Grammatikate koostamisel, leidsid neohumboldtiaanlased, pole vaja enamasti lähtuda ajalooliselt väljakujunenud mõõdupuudest, tähtsam on rõhutada keele neid jooni, mis võimaldavad selle keele kasutajale tegelikkusest eriomast, antud rahva kultuurile iseloomulikku pilti luua. Grammatikad peavad olema sisukesksed (inhaltbezogene).

15. The Blacksmith's Art From Africa
to interpret the metallurgical processes the people witnessed when inexpensive iron onto the shores of africa. By 1920 indigenous furnaces ceased to produce

16. African Statues, Sculptures, Figures, Fetishes
is now Burkina Faso centuries ago, they subjugated indigenous populations. in the style of the Agni/akye/Ankye/Anyi 6. Fon or Ewe/Evhe people in Benin (formerly
Pictures / photos / images of some STATUES, figures, fetishes, sculptures, puppets, dolls, door locks, carvings, statuary,
in the African tribal, ritual, antique, ethnographic, classical, "primitive" art collection
(of variable age, artistic quality, and degree of authenticity)
Clicking on a small photo brings you a bigger photo. Some of the pieces are available (for exchange for instance). The attributions of the origin of the objects is based on their stylistic characteristics and/or on the data provided by the seller and/or experts, but of course certainty cannot be reached.
1. Bamana / Bambara / (Baumana) people/tribe from Mali, West-Africa
1.1. Female janiform figure in the style
of the Bamana / Bambara / (Baumana) or the neighbouring Marka/Warka tribe/people Information about Bamana/Bambara ceremonies and art can be found for instance in the following sources:
  • Jacques Kerchache, Jean-Louis Paudrat, Lucien Stephan, L'art et les grandes civililitations: L'art africain. Paris : Editions Mazenod, 1988, 620 pp. Youssouf Tata Cisse, Les dieux et les hommes: permanence du sacre dans les arts bambara, a chapter in

17. African Art Course Slide List - Bowles
Stool with antelope. Anyi or akye, Ivory Coast. Metropolitan Mus., NY (M41). indigenous West African women. ca. Nail Fetish figure. Vili or Yombe people, Kongo.
African Art Slide List
(no images shown)
Personal Slide Library of Gerard Bowles
July 1999
I now have 709 African art slides. Of these 542 are African (incl. Egypt-Nubian), 117 Egyptian (non-Nubian), and 47 African American introduction slides. This page lists the African, Egypt-Nubian, African American introduction, and a few of Western art influenced by African art. This page does not list my Egyptian non-Nubian slides, and additional African American and African European slides, which are on different lists. In addition to the above slides, I show additional works or art on the 20 videotapes I have on African art and related culture, and art processes. The timeframes of these tapes range from approximately 15 to 90 minutes. I plan to write a Web page of notes on these tapes. In teaching African art, I use all or part of these slides, videotapes, and other materials, depending on the nature and purpose of the course, and the course's place in the institution's curriculum. This list divides the continent into three geographic divisions, North, East and Southern, West, and Central. Each division is subdivided by traditional, crafts, and neo-African art as recent as 1999. The list concludes with African-influenced art and crafts, and an introduction to African American art if the latter is appropriate. Use your Web browser's search engine to find a specific artist, title of work, type of art, people, culture, society, town, country, or continental division.

18. Population Index - Volume 61 - Number 1
article will examine the case of an indigenous matrilinear population, the akye of South kind of birth control technique in the People s Republic of
Volume 61 - Number 1 - Spring 1995
F. Fertility
Studies that treat quantitative fertility data analytically. References to crude data are coded under S. Official Statistical Publications . Methodological studies specifically concerned with fertility are cited in this division and cross-referenced to N. Methods of Research and Analysis Including Models , if necessary.
F.1. General Fertility
Analytical studies of quantitative birth data and reproduction rates and studies of fertility and its concomitants. Studies of age at marriage, divorce, and factors influencing family size are coded under G.1. Marriage and Divorce or G.2. Family and Household Adamchak, Donald J.; Mbizvo, Michael T. The impact of husband's and wife's education and occupation on family size in Zimbabwe. Journal of Biosocial Science, Vol. 26, No. 4, Oct 1994. 553-8 pp. Cambridge, England. In Eng.
"This paper assesses the impact of husband's and wife's education and occupation on family size in Zimbabwe. Results from the 1988 Male Fertility Survey indicate that husband's education had a strong negative effect, and wife's education had a moderate negative effect on the number of children ever born. Contrary to the literature, wives who were not employed had significantly fewer children than those who work in agriculture, and fewer, but not significantly, than those in non-agricultural occupations. Findings show the importance of husband's education and the changing dynamics of wife's occupation in fertility decline."

19. Welcome To
Welcome to Africans-art portal is a unique ressource for African art collectors with information and links on african ethnies - african region and countries - primitive art

20. Untitled
TIGenetic diversity and relationships of cacao (Theobroma cacao L.) in southern Mexico AUWhitkus R.; Cruz -M.-de-la; Mota-Bravo -L.;

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