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61. Hinduism Today | Mar 1996 the point of view of an akuapem, part of The indigenous religion revolves around everything and is the which undergird the relationships between people in the http://www.hinduismtoday.com/archives/1996/3/1996-3-11.shtml | |
62. Hinduism Today | Aug 1992 She is an ohemaa, or rulerpriestess of the akuapem (part of the Akan) people and culture Children are given indigenous names, and the naming and outdooring http://www.hinduismtoday.com/archives/1992/08/1992-08-08.shtml | |
63. INTRODUCTION The Primitive Ethics of a Savage People (Oxford, 1916 Tshi (Chwee, Twi), Based on the akuapem Dialect with to be supplanted by work from indigenous hands, is a http://www.crvp.org/book/Series02/II-1/introduction.htm | |
64. Peter Newman Anim, Ghana, Christ Apostolic Church IL Bennett (one of Anim s leaders) from Larteh akuapem. Jesus Christ sets free many people held in in pioneering the first indigenous evangelical Pentecostal http://www.gospelcom.net/dacb/stories/ghana/anim_peter.html | |
65. Ghanatourism.gov.gh - EASTERN REGION in turns by the chains of towns on the akuapem Ridge festival is celebrated by the Chiefs and people of New the other half is made up of indigenous trees, along http://www.ghanatourism.gov.gh/regions/region_detail.asp?id=2 |
66. Ethnologue: Ghana It is an indigenous deaf sign language, also used by many hearing people. 1990 WA); 1,170,000 Asante Twi; 4,300,000 Fante; 230,000 akuapem Twi (1993 UBS http://www.christusrex.org/www1/pater/ethno/Ghan.html | |
67. FEED THE MINDS - Christian Communication Worldwide - Grants Christaller Memorial Centre, Akropongakuapem - £1,000 This a Christian magazine for young people which will awareness book in various indigenous languages. http://www.feedtheminds.org/grants/winter.php | |
68. SERSAS a sense of Okyemfo, or the Akyem people , was, as establishing congregations first in Krobo and akuapem, and in denied a request by an indigenous cleric to http://www.ecu.edu/african/sersas/Papers/GetzTrevorFall2001.htm | |
69. E T H O S Venue AkrofiChristaller Centre, Akropong- akuapem, Ghana. missions and Southern African indigenous Church leaders;. At a consultation of people involved in http://www.hs.unp.ac.za/theology/ethos.htm | |
70. News From Ghana 05/98 Scientific Research into Plant Medicine based at Mampongakuapem. on earth (about four billion people) depend on therefore, to the fate of indigenous culture. http://www.xs4all.nl/~rainmed/pers/199805ge.html | |
71. WCRD - Christian Audio Resource Directory to advise language teams and indigenous churches/agencies AudioTreasure.com (AT), serving people in over 70 of NW corner of S. Guatemala) Akan, akuapem (40 km http://missionresources.com/christianaudio.htm | |
72. African Languages speak two, sometimes three languages, while people living out Twelve major indigenous languages or dialects are for us schools Akan (Asante, akuapem, and Fante http://chora.virtualave.net/afrilang1.html | |
73. GHANA @ Mail Order America in buildings of the Akan people of Ghana. akuapem Development Foundation NGO for social services Research Centre - Documenting the indigenous African culture http://www.mailorderamerica.com/ghana.htm | |
74. Elias Akafo S Koray - educated African looking back at his indigenous culture. People would always ask me why I wanted to Ohene (Chief) of Amanokrom and Gyasehene of akuapem.. http://www.freewebs.com/kodzoakafo/spotlight.htm | |
75. AIMS - News And Research Email (May 17, 2004) interviews with local physicians practising indigenous system of into Plant Medicine at Mampongakuapem, had been a study of more than 2,648 people tested for http://www.aims.ubc.ca/members/email_lists/aims-info/2004-05-17.htm | |
76. Camel World Adangbe, akuapem, Akyem, Ashanti, Bono, Dagomba, Ewe, Fante, Ga Ethnoreligionists or indigenous beliefs, 24 percent. Population per physician, 16,132 people (1996). http://www.camelworld.com/info_ghana.htm | |
77. GRi Newsreel Amanokrom of the Gyaase Division of akuapem called for that would respond to aspiration of its people. a course that exploit its own indigenous resources and http://www.mclglobal.com/History/Jan2003/07a2003/07a3n.html | |
78. Abstracts Of Papers Presented At The 1999 SEM Annual Meeting threat to indigenous music in akuapem than either Therefore, I argue that indigenous explanations of intellectual Jews to coalesce as a modern people using for http://www.indiana.edu/~ethmusic/programs/abstracts_99.html | |
79. Welcome To Africans-art.com Welcome to Africansart.com Africans-art portal is a unique ressource for African art collectors with information and links on african ethnies - african region and countries - primitive art http://www.africans-art.com/index.php3?action=page&id_art=363 |
80. AllAfrica.com: Ghana: Furore Over Payment Of NPP Polling Agents The feud between the District Chief Executive for akuapem South in the Eastern http://allafrica.com/stories/200404080360.html | |
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