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101. Open The Public Aircraft View Park On West Side Of FLL Petition FLL), to reopen the popular public aircraft viewing park on the west side of Why haven t other us airports closed their viewing areas if this is a TSA mandate http://www.petitiononline.com/openpark/petition.html | |
Our reasons for re-opening the public view park as soon as possible: 1. Terrorists using this type of heat-seeking missile can do so within miles of an airport and would most likely use an isolated area for their atrocities instead of a public area full of spotters, photographers and families enjoying their fascination with aircraft. Numerous people would immediately call 911 to report suspicious characters in the public view park. Terrorists would prefer to attack an airliner in flight to ensure total fatalities and more deaths and damage on the ground rather than shooting at an aircraft on the ground. Even if the airport director's erroneous view was correct, there are numerous unattended parking lots on the north side of FLL that haven't been closed in the interest of security, in addition to an elevated Interstate 595 that provides excellent views of runway 9-left/27-right, the busiest runway at FLL. | |
102. Goochland | Economic Development Architectural and Site Development Guidelines and Protective Air Distance to nearest commercial airport (Richmond International and 1.5 miles to us Route 250. http://www.co.goochland.va.us/economic.asp?section=1773&subsection=2038 |
103. Genesee County NY, Western New York, Batavia university for women in the us The New County also operates Genesee County airport, Genesee County of Genesee County, New York, The Architectural Heritage of http://www.co.genesee.ny.us/ | |
104. English Architecture - A History anyone interested in exploring the architectural heritage of areas of London, Attractions, Airports). http://www.britainexpress.com/architecture/ | |
105. Architecture & Design - Visiting The City - Toronto - WGuides.com Visiting the City Multi-ethnic, multi-cultural, multi-national, multi-fun once the ''Meeting Place'' for Amerindians, now Canada's largest metropolis, http://www.wguides.com/city/89/subsub_164.cfm | |
106. Landscape Architectural Services In The US areas for projects, such as parks and other recreational areas; airports; highways; hospitals The Industry Landscape Architectural Services in the us is in http://www.ibisworld.com/alliance/asbdc/industry.asp?industry_id=1402 |
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