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101. Office Of Minority Health Home Page A U.S. national resource and referral service on minority health issues. Collects and distributes information on topics including substance abuse, cancer, heart disease, violence, diabetes, hiv/aids and infant mortality in minority populations. http://www.omhrc.gov/ | |
102. AIDS/HIV SERVICES GROUP OF CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA Clinton, Mandella Address XIV International aids Conference. Director wants torefocus aids awareness An interview with Kathy Baker, ASG Executive Director. http://www.aidsservices.org/ | |
103. Mixture Sciences, Inc. A privately held company that specializes in research for treatment of hiv/aids, cancer, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, and infectious diseases, including Lyme Disease. Lists research projects and procedures. http://www.mixturesciences.com/ |
104. CDC National AIDS Hotline calls per year about 2,740 calls per day from people with questions aboutprevention, risk, testing, treatment and other hiv/aids related concerns. http://www.ashastd.org/nah/ | |
105. San Diego/Imperial Counties American Red Cross Provides a myriad of services including relief to victims of disaster, First Aid/CPR training, hiv/aids education, transportation for senior citizens, and nutrition assistance to women, infants, and children. http://www.sdarc.org | |
106. KNOWHIVAIDS.org KNOW hiv/aids, Home 1.866.344.KNOW, hiv/aids FAQ Get Involved, Order Free Materials,Subscribe To Campaign News, Are You A Community Organization? http://www.knowhivaids.org/ | |
107. Shepherd's Keep Cares For Abandoned Babies - HIV/Aids Or Not An organization in South Africa that cares for abandoned babies, often with hiv/aids. Supports adoptions or fostering. http://www.shepherdskeep.org.za/ | |
108. AIDS & HIV: The Alternative Medicine Homepage aids hiv Alternative Medicine Resources. aids Care Project Pathwaysto Complementary Medicine Boston Massachusetts provides http://www.pitt.edu/~cbw/hiv.html | |
109. Zimbabwe Second Worst HIV Rate CNN http://cnn.com/2002/WORLD/africa/07/02/zimbabwe.aids.ap/index.html |
110. HIV And AIDS Now there are an estimated 42 million people living with hiv or aids worldwide,and more than 3 million die every year from aidsrelated illnesses. http://kidshealth.org/teen/sexual_health/stds/std_hiv.html | |
111. CDC HIV Up Among Intravenous Drug Users CNN http://cnn.com/2003/HEALTH/conditions/07/11/aids.drugs.reut/index.html |
112. Coming On December 2nd, AIDSinfo! Information about current clinical trials for the treatment of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome and hivrelated conditions. http://www.actis.org/ | |
113. HIV Databases The hiv databases contain data on hiv genetic sequences, immunological epitopes,drug resistance This project is funded by the Division of aids of the National http://hiv-web.lanl.gov/ | |
114. CNN.com - Health - Lab Study Finds Key Protein In AIDS Virus Infection - Novembe CNN http://www.cnn.com/2000/HEALTH/AIDS/11/21/hiv.blocker.ap/index.html | |
115. HIV Und AIDS: Bücher Und Nachrichten Translate this page hiv.NET, 1996 gestartet, ist der umfangreichste Informationsservice zu hivund aids in deutscher Sprache. Home hiv Medicine, Geschichte Wer ? Was ? http://www.hiv.net/ | |
116. CNN - AIDS Activist Mary Fisher Ends Anti-HIV Treatments - February 1, 1998 CNN http://www.cnn.com/HEALTH/9902/01/hiv.fisher/index.html | |
117. HIV/AIDS Education Describes a number of activities that can be used to educate young people, parents, and teachers about hiv infection and aids. Also offers statistics, news, quizzes, and printable resources. http://www.avert.org/educate.htm | |
118. Florida HIV/AIDS Hotline The statewide resource for information, referrals, and supportive telephone counseling related to hiv, aids, and sexually transmitted diseases. http://www.tcrs211.org/hiv/ |
119. MayoClinic.com - HIV/AIDS hiv/aids By Mayo Clinic staff Overview later stages of hiv infection.But both the terms hiv and aids refer to the same disease. http://www.mayoclinic.com/invoke.cfm?id=DS00005 |
120. CNN.com - Congress Approves Funding For HIV-AIDS Programs - October 5, 2000 CNN http://www.cnn.com/2000/ALLPOLITICS/stories/10/05/aids.funding.ap/index.html | |
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