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81. International HIV/AIDS Alliance A development organisation which works in developing countries to support their response to aids. http://www.aidsalliance.org/ |
82. HIV/AIDS Ministries Network The hiv/aids Ministries Network is a network of United Methodists and others whocare about the global hiv/aids pandemic and those whose lives have been touched http://gbgm-umc.org/health/aids/ | |
83. National AIDS Committee Jamaica - HIV / AIDS / STIs Provides information on hiv / aids, Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs/STD's), counseling and fundraising efforts across the island. http://www.nacjamaica.com | |
84. The Dental Alliance For AIDS/HIV Care The Dental Alliance for aids/hiv Care. The Dental Alliance for aids/hivCare hiv/aids Links Government hiv/aids Links - Professional http://www.critpath.org/daac/ | |
85. The National Strategic Framework For HIV/AIDS 2000-2004 Overview in PDF format of the government framework for combating the hiv/aids problem. http://www.hsph.harvard.edu/hai/africanow/pdfs/malawi .pdf |
86. Webber Homepage Webber s Website An hiv/aids Law Policy Resource. My website hasmoved to. aidsandtheLaw.com. Please update your bookmark or link. http://www.critpath.org/aidslaw/ | |
87. LAPENGLISH Support group for people with hiv and caretakers. http://www.campus.ne.jp/~lap//lap1/lap2/english/lapeng.html | |
88. UN Poll Finds Asian Youth Ignorant About HIV CNN http://cnn.com/2001/HEALTH/05/14/asia.aids.reut/index.html |
89. Epidemiological Fact Sheets By Country Copyright ©2002 UNaids/WHO/UNICEF Last updated onThu, July 04, 2002 Contact hivaids@who.int. http://www.who.int/emc-hiv/fact_sheets/ | |
90. Senior HIV/AIDS Prevention Education Florida based organization to provide hiv and aids prevention information to adults 50 years and older. http://amhserver.fmhi.usf.edu/shape/ |
91. WHO/OMS: HIV/AIDS hiv/aids Prevention, policies and standards, caring for people withhiv/aids/sexually transmitted infections. UNaids/WHO Working http://www.who.int/health-topics/hiv.htm | |
92. Heroin Aids Thong tin canh bao cho ban tre ve tac hai cua ma tuy va can benh the ki hivaids. http://www.heroin-aids.com/ | |
93. AIDS/HIV Information - Marty Howard's HIV/AIDS HomePage Home page and comprehensive aids links from a man who has been hivpositive since 1985. http://www.smartlink.net/~martinjh/ |
94. AAC- AIDS Action Coalition Of North Alabama hiv/aids services and education for North Alabama. http://members.aol.com/aidsacthsv/ | |
95. ILO Programme On HIV-AIDS And The World Of Work , information and links to help you understand the social and economicimpacts of hiv/aids. Over 40 million people are living with hiv/aids. http://www.ilo.org/public/english/protection/trav/aids/ | |
96. Www.infoweb.org/ aids/hiv, UPMC University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Home Diseases Conditions aids/hiv, aids/hiv. Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome(aids) is an illness that weakens the body s immune system. Read more. http://www.infoweb.org/ |
97. A I D S - AIDS Information Dissemination Site - Southern Africa aids/hiv Publications and Resources Database http://www2.wn.apc.org/sahivaids/ | |
98. AIDS And HIV: Questions And Answers aids hiv  QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS. What is aids? How many people have aids?How could I get hiv? For additional information about aids and hiv. http://www.plannedparenthood.org/sti/aidsquestions.htm |
99. NACO::National AIDS Control Organisation Nodal organisation for formulation of policy and implementation of programs for prevention and control of hiv/aids in India. http://www.naco.nic.in/ | |
100. Daily HIV/AIDS Report - Kaisernetwork.org Daily hiv/aids Report. Special Coverage XV International aids Conference. Ifthe government views hiv/aids as an emergency, it would be defeated. http://www.kaisernetwork.org/daily_reports/rep_hiv.cfm | |
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