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21. WebMD Health Ask Our Experts. ADD/ADHD Richard Sogn, MD. aids/hiv Catherine Salveson, RN, PhD. Diabetes Brunilda Nazario, MD. diet and Nutrition Martha McKittrick, RD, CDE. http://my.webmd.com/roundtable.asp | |
22. Nutrition For AIDS And HIV Infected Patients no cure for aids, acquired immune deficiency syndrome, and there is not a set diet for a person with hiv, which is the virus that causes the disease, aids. http://vt.essortment.com/hivnutrition_ruec.htm | |
23. Books On Aids, HIV, Patient's Rights, Drug Handbooks, Cookbooks A nutritionally sound diet can play or maintain health, say the authors, two of whom are dieticians who have counseled and fed people with hiv and aids. http://www.gayreading.com/Books/Aids/aids.htm | |
24. HIV And AIDS Support aidsrelated weight loss and chronic diarrhea are sometimes This condition, called Âhiv enteropathy (pronounced Âen-ter-OP-a respond to a gluten-free diet http://www.vitacost.com/science/hn/Concern/HIV_Support.htm | |
25. Diet And Nutrition: Key Research study of food intake and nutritional status in hiv infection. J Hum Nutr diet 4(3)149154, 1991. Gazzard BJ. Treatment of GI manifestations of aids. http://www.aidsmap.com/treatments/ixdata/english/53DE27E6-8079-484E-97AE-FDC03A6 | |
26. The Expert Panel For Developing National HIV/AIDS Nutrition Guidelines If there is an hiv/aids diet that is scientific and not just a matter of opinion, why can t the nutritionists just give it to PWA/hivs who really need it? http://www.momentumaidsproject.org/nutrition/nutguide.html | |
27. AIDS-HIV Treatment Briefs The Real Thing aidshiv Treatment Briefs The Real Thing One of the drugs most commonly used by people with hiv which requires an acidic diet Coke was the clear winner. http://www.aegis.com/pubs/step/1993/STEP5112.html | |
28. FACT SHEET HIV/AIDS And Alternative Therapies diet and Nutrition. Even when nutritional intake is adequate, an hivpositive person may lose weight long before he or she develops aids. http://www.aegis.com/pubs/cdc_fact_sheets/1994/cdc94033.html | |
29. Partnerships For HIV/AIDS Research In African Populations the importance and availability of a balanced diet in the care and treatment of hivinfected patients in Africa? What are effective hiv/aids-related training http://www.nichd.nih.gov/RFA/HD-02-003/contact.htm | |
30. The Body - An AIDS/HIV Information Resource Review - Nutrition Navigator - Tufts Organization Type DiseaseSpecific. Intended Audience People with hiv/aids. Sections Reviewed  Quality of Life -diet Nutrition. http://navigator.tufts.edu/special/sites/174.html | |
31. ScienceDaily -- Browse Topics: Health/Conditions_and_Diseases/Immune_Disorders/I 1996. More books about Nutrition . Links about Nutrition The Body.com Covers hiv/aids diet and nutrition issues. Users have http://www.sciencedaily.com/directory/Health/Conditions_and_Diseases/Immune_Diso | |
32. HIV & AIDS - HIV Voodoo From Burroughs-Wellcome The references to diet, exercise, and so on are merely window dressing be the real causes of aids , multifactorialists who reject the hivaids hypothesis have http://www.virusmyth.net/aids/data/jlvoodoo.htm | |
33. HIV & AIDS - H.I.V. Equals AIDS And Other Myths Of The AIDS War Such a diet not only leads to vitamin and mineral Part of the aids myth is the idea that this is most people who are newly diagnosed as being hivpositive have http://www.virusmyth.net/aids/data/gnhivequals.htm | |
34. HIV/AIDS, Obesity To Top Agenda For UN Health Agency S Governing The priorities for discussion include strategies needed to fight hiv/aids, increase safety on the world s roads, improve the diet and general health, increase http://www.un.org/apps/news/story.asp?NewsID=10749&Cr=world&Cr1=health |
35. SF AIDS Fdn: BETA 7/98 -- Women, Food And HIV Unplanned weight loss is often what first compels women with hiv to consider food and diet. In the context of hiv disease, it is called aidsrelated wasting http://www.sfaf.org/treatment/beta/b37/b37women.html | |
36. Living With HIV Eating Defensively Food Safety Advice for Persons with aids from the Food as a tool to assist in the management of hiv. diet and Nutrition from The Body. http://www.dhmh.state.md.us/AIDS/livw.htm | |
37. Diet For HIV-positive Individuals Eating a wellbalance diet is crucial to maintaining the body s ability to fighting hiv/aids, and to delaying the deterioration associated with the disease. http://www.hhp.ufl.edu/keepingfit/ARTICLE/hiv.HTM | |
38. AIDS, HIV & Tuberculosis (TB) their life, it cannot stop people from dying of aids. East Asia are mainly attributable to the hiv epidemic was previously treated with a special diet and bed http://www.avert.org/tuberc.htm | |
39. HIV/AIDS Treatment And Care with hiv in the United States and other countries, developed opportunistic infections, progressed to aids and died, even though they had an excellent diet. http://www.avert.org/hivcare.htm | |
40. MoonDragon's Obgyn Information & Discussion -HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) allergenic foods from the diet because they wreck havoc in the body, causing damage to the immune system. Suggested Nutritional Supplements for aids hiv. http://www.moondragon.org/obgyn/disorders/hivaids.html | |
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