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Agronomy Crops Index: more detail | ||||||
81. Putting Food On The Table breeding, says William Tracy, a University of WisconsinMadison agronomy professorwho 24, 2002 that global plantings of GM crops reached 52.6 million hectares http://whyfiles.org/162breed_plant/ | |
83. Elsevier Author Gateway containing relevant scientific and technological papers on crops and cropping systems.The subjects covered include crop ecology, agronomy, physiology, breeding http://authors.elsevier.com/JournalDetail.html?PubID=503308&Precis=DESC |
84. Agroforestry Guides For Pacific Islands Pacific Islands 203 General index 233 index of Botanical of ideas on what trees andcrops to plant to our faculty and students in agronomy, horticulture, and http://www.agroforestry.net/afg/ | |
85. History Of The Crop Science Department The history of instruction and research in farm crops at OSU traces back throughthe agronomy Department (19071916) of the Agricultural Division formed at the http://cropandsoil.oregonstate.edu/about/crop_history.html | |
86. Mississippi Corn Yields Near Record Charlie Stokes, Extension area agronomy crops agent based in Monroe County, saidhe had test plots that received 30 inches of rain from midApril through July. http://deltafarmpress.com/mag/farming_mississippi_corn_yields/ | |
87. Interactive Agronomy Handbook Available Online The Illinois agronomy Handbook is now available on the Internet at http climatology,corn, soybeans, small grains, grain sorghum, cover crops, alternate crops http://soybeandigest.com/news/soybean_interactive_agronomy_handbook/ | |
88. Forage Publications - UK Department Of Animal Sciences Alfalfa Legumes. AGR148, Weed Control Strategies for Alfalfa and OtherForage Legume crops agronomy Electronic file created in 1995 . http://www.uky.edu/Agriculture/AnimalSciences/extension/foragespub.html | |
89. Cereal Research Centre - Site Index Cereal Research Centre Site index; Cereal Research crop breeding, pathology, andagronomy for western management for healthy cereal crops; Cereal Research http://res2.agr.ca/winnipeg/site_index-index_du_site_e.htm | |
90. Contacts & Resources : Vermont Crops And Soils : University Of Vermont Albans, 5246501, heather.darby@uvm.edu. Sid Bosworth, agronomy/Field andForage crops/Pasture/Weed Mgt, UVM Campus, 656-0478, sid.bosworth@uvm.edu. http://pss.uvm.edu/vtcrops/?Page=contactsresources.html |
91. ISU Extension Crops Publications 1993, 110K. Recovery 27, agronomy Managing immature or frostdamagedsudangrass and sorghum crops, September 1993, 83K. Recovery 34, http://www.extension.iastate.edu/pubs/cr.htm | |
92. AgNIC Portal - Browse Aggie Horticulture index Texas A M publications many PDF files cover soils cropsirrigation fertilizer agronomy publications from Purdue Extension Many HTML http://laurel.nal.usda.gov:8080/agnic/Browse/browse?node=(agronomy and Horticult |
93. Field Crops Publications And Videos UC057 2002 Pennsylvania Soybean Performance Report (2003). For more informationabout field crops, visit http//www.agronomy.psu.edu/Extension/Extension.html. http://www.cas.psu.edu/docs/publications/freepubs/crops.html |
94. Crops Publications, Explore MU Extension Grasshopper Control in Missouri Forage crops and Pastures G4661 Warm-Season Annual Forage crops. G4669 - Tall Fescue Tables for Weights and Measurements crops. G4080 - No-Till http://muextension.missouri.edu/xplor/agguides/crops | |
95. Cover Crops And Green Manures This publication summarizes uses and benefits of cover crops and green manures, providing descriptions and examples for winter cover crops, summer green manures, living mulches, catch crops, and http://www.attra.org/attra-pub/covercrop.html | |
96. ProCrop Database & Crop Production Information Duane Berglund, NDSU Extension Agronomist, Terry Gregoire, NDSU Extension Areaagronomy Specialist, Kent McKay, NDSU Extension Area agronomy Specialist. http://www.ag.ndsu.nodak.edu/aginfo/procrop/procrop.htm | |
97. AgNotes Welcome to agronomy NOTES An information resource prepared by Dr. Jim Bauder, ExtensionSoil and Water Quality Specialist in the Department of Land Resources http://scarab.msu.montana.edu/Agnotes/ | |
98. Small Grains Information (Purdue Univ. Agronomy Extension) It is the policy of the Purdue agronomy Department that all persons shall have equalopportunity and access to its programs and facilities without regard to http://www.agry.purdue.edu/ext/smgrain/ | |
99. Department Of Plant Agriculture, University Of Guelph Without the study of agronomy, there wouldn t be much on our dinner plates. Fieldcrops like wheat, corn and oats are the staff of life in the northern climates http://www.plant.uoguelph.ca/courses/ | |
100. Pastures And Grazing 1996. Uses of Brassica crops in Grazing Systems Dr. Dan Undersander, UWEX AgronomyAdvice, Dec. 1996. Identifying Pasture Grasses .pdf file UWEX Bulletin A3637. http://www.uwrf.edu/grazing/ | |
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