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Agronomy Crops Index: more detail | ||||||
61. UC Cooperative Extension Rice Project agronomy Fact Sheets rice blast, straw incorporation, monitoring nitrogen, granularcarbofuran Waterfowl the rice waterfowl story, Cover crops nitrogenfixing http://agronomy.ucdavis.edu/uccerice/ | |
62. Soil Fertility For Forage Crops Gives detailed description of the soil and fertilizer requirements of forage crops during establishment and maintenance. University of Pennsylvania. http://www.cas.psu.edu/docs/casdept/agronomy/forage/docs/fertility/fertility.htm |
63. ESA European Society For Agronomy For agronomists, researchers and teachers who are concerned with basic and applied science in agronomy the relationships between crops, soils, climates and agricultural practices, and between agriculture and the environment. http://www.esagr.org/structure/ |
64. Peter Lapinskas - Advice On Evening Primrose And Borage Sources, New Crop Resear Advice on agronomy and breeding of evening primrose (Oenothera spp.) and borage (Borago officinalis). Site contains a range of published articles on the development of novel crops. http://www.lapinskas.com | |
65. Alternative Field Crops Manual Alternative Field crops Manual. Introduction. This Alternative Field crops Manual addresses the need for detailed information on the production of a number of agronomic crops adapted to the upper Midwest. Wisconsin Cooperative or Extension Service, Department of agronomy, Madison, WI 53706, Telephone (608)262-1390 http://www.hort.purdue.edu/newcrop/afcm | |
66. Ohio Agronomy Guide, Bulletin 472-96 Ohio agronomy Guide. Bulletin 472. NoTillage and Ridge Planting. Drainage; Soils;Compaction; Cover crops; Planting; Seed Treatment; Fertilization; Soil Testing; http://ohioline.osu.edu/b472/ | |
67. Experimental Agriculture Publishes the results of original research on the agronomy of field, plantation and herbage crops grown for food or industrial purposes, and on systems of agricultural production. http://titles.cambridge.org/journals/journal_catalogue.asp?historylinks=SUBJ& |
68. Crop And Soil Sciences Publications Index Crop and Soil Sciences Publications index. agronomy Facts 33 Use of brassica cropsto extend the grazing season PDF; agronomy Facts 39 Prairie Grass PDF; http://cropsoil.psu.edu/Resources/PubIndex.html |
69. Louisiana State University Department Of Agronomy Includes undergraduate studies, research, news, faculty and staff, graduate studies and Louisiana crops, soils and environment. http://www.agronomy.lsu.edu/ | |
70. Brassica Home Page Characteristics and adaptation, establishment, harvest management, fertility, and pests of Brassica crops for forage. http://www.cas.psu.edu/docs/casdept/agronomy/forage/docs/species/brassica.html |
71. Soil Fertility Establishment Soil fertility management for forage crops. A introduction from the Penn State University's agronomy Department. http://www.cas.psu.edu/docs/casdept/agronomy/forage/docs/fertility/fertilityBdoc |
72. Agronomic Acumen : NEWSLETTER 2002: Index index FOR 2002 NEWSLETTERS. If you would like to arrives  need to treat wheat cropswith fungicide agronomy Fertilisers A new bulk buying fertiliser company http://www.agronomy.com.au/2002newsletterindex.htm | |
73. MSUcares: Wheat Last Modified Tuesday, 22Jul-03 082538 URL http//msucares.com/crops/grain/index.htmlMississippi State University is an equal opportunity institution. http://msucares.com/crops/grain/ | |
74. Corn Silage Rankin, crops and Soils Agent, UWExtension-Fond du Lac County. How Thick ShouldI Plant My Corn for Corn Silage Production? by Dr. Joe Lauer, UWEX agronomy http://www.uwex.edu/ces/crops/uwforage/Silage.htm | |
75. Grain Sorghum Information (Purdue University Agronomy Extension) Grain Sorghum Background Information Center for New crops Plant Products, Purdue Itis the policy of the Purdue agronomy Department that all persons shall http://www.agry.purdue.edu/ext/sorghum/ | |
76. Transgenic Crops: An Introduction And Resource Guide crop development, nor are they affiliated with groups campaigning against such crops. TheAmerican Society of agronomy has awarded this web site a certificate http://www.colostate.edu/programs/lifesciences/TransgenicCrops/ | |
77. New Crops 2004 Home Page Second Australian New crops Conference in association with ACOTANC2004. ContactDr Rob Fletcher, School of agronomy and Horticulture, The University of http://www.newcrops.uq.edu.au/nc2004/ | |
78. IPM : Field Crops IPM Site index. links below to get to each crops main page 20002001 Interactive AgronomyHandbook. http://www.ipm.uiuc.edu/fieldcrops/ | |
79. Crops Department Data are even available from crops grown on sites that have been in no the headingÂIowa Crop Performance Tests. Contact Ken Ziegler, agronomy Dept., Iowa http://farmindustrynews.com/mag/farming_crops_17/ | |
80. Crops crops Mar 1, 2004 1200 PM Electric pump for controllers. the respect it deserves,according to a recent survey by private and publicsector agronomy experts. http://farmindustrynews.com/mag/farming_crops_33/ | |
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