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Agriculture Us Gov: more detail | ||||
121. Alberta Agriculture, Food And Rural Development - Unexpected Error Research Report 9910028-R11999 - Hemaruka, Alberta, Canada. Alberta agriculture, Food and Rural Development. This trial has shown that hemp can be used as cattle feed when fed as silage. http://www.agric.gov.ab.ca/crops/special/hemp/hemplowthc.html | |
122. Library Of Congress / Federal Research Division / Country Studies / Area Handboo Prospects in Science and Technology. Chapter 7. agriculture Land UseHimalayas; IndoGangetic Plain; Peninsular India. Land Tenure Landholding http://lcweb2.loc.gov/frd/cs/intoc.html | |
123. Advice And Topics In Acid Sulfate Soils On management of acidforming soils in coastal New South Wales (Australia) agriculture. Drainage of coastal flood plains exposes these soils and releases acid leachate, aluminium, iron, and heavy metals into water. http://www.agric.nsw.gov.au/reader/8632 | |
124. Library Of Congress / Federal Research Division / Country Studies / Area Handboo Civil Aviation; Telecommunications. agriculture, FORESTRY, AND FISHING;LIVING STANDARDS. Chapter 5. International Economic Relations http://lcweb2.loc.gov/frd/cs/jptoc.html | |
125. Agricultural Research Service (ARS) The main inhouse research arm of the U.S. Department of agriculture. Research news, find-a-researcher, consumer and educational information on a wide range of topics in food, agriculture, pest management, and related areas. http://www.ars.usda.gov/ | |
126. Sheep Care For New Farmers This agriculture Note is a brief what to do when guide for sheep. http://www.nre.vic.gov.au/4A2568B2008332A3/BCView/F5C217809732C23BCA256BCF000BBF |
127. Office Of Governor Tim Pawlenty And Lt. Governor Carol Molnau Legislation benefits dairy industry, streamlines agriculture laws for Minnesotafarmers. Governor Tim Pawlenty today announced the us Department of Justice http://www.governor.state.mn.us/ | |
128. Footrot In Sheep Treatment This agriculture Note discusses treatment options. http://www.nre.vic.gov.au/4A2568B2008332A3/BCView/4888A07B659CA175CA256BCF000BBF |
129. Home Biography of the minister, contact address, organization chart and links to other ministry sites. http://www.agriculture.gov.af/ | |
130. AgNIC Portal - Connecting You To Food, Agricultural, And Environmental Informati Focal point for access to quality information and subject specialists. http://laurel.nal.usda.gov/agnic/ | |
131. MapStats Links For Fresno County California County statistics collected by the Federal Interagency Council on Statistical Policy, including agriculture, census, business, crime, energy and environment, and general profile. http://www.fedstats.gov/cgi-bin/mapstats/LinkLookup?06019 |
132. ERS Publications - A January, 2000 report by the United States Department of agriculture Economic Research Service. This report is being published only on the internet. http://www.ers.usda.gov/publications/ages001e/ | |
133. Defra, UK - Animal Health & Welfare - Foot And Mouth Disease Latest news and advice for farmers and visitors from the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) formerly the Ministry of agriculture, Fisheries and Food MAFF). http://www.defra.gov.uk/footandmouth/ | |
134. Dry Sheep Equivalents This agriculture Note describes the Dry Sheep Equivalent system and indicates its limitations so that it may be used with more effect and discretion. http://www.nre.vic.gov.au/4A2568B2008332A3/BCView/CFF9963950B3CC13CA256BCF000BBF |
135. New Jersey Department Of Agriculture Governor s Charge My charge to the Secretary of agriculture is to preserve ourfarms, fight for our farmers and ensure that our agriculture industry is http://www.state.nj.us/agriculture/ | |
136. Alberta Agriculture, Food And Rural Development - Unexpected Error Information includes Crop reports and market prices; departmental services; fertility; flax management; harvesting and storage; links; marketing information; newsletters; research; seeding; utilization; varietal selection; and weeds, diseases, and insects. http://www.agric.gov.ab.ca/navigation/crops/flax/index.html | |
137. MapStats Links For Glenn County California County statistics collected by the Federal Interagency Council on Statistical Policy, including agriculture, census, business, crime, energy and environment, and general profile. http://www.fedstats.gov/cgi-bin/mapstats/LinkLookup?06021 |
138. Growing Industrial Hemp In Ontario Ontario Ministry of agriculture site which describes cultivation methods, processing techniques, potential products and economics of hemp cultivation in Canada. http://www.gov.on.ca/OMAFRA/english/crops/facts/00-067.htm | |
139. New Hampshire Department Of Agriculture, Markets & Food Web Service New Hampshire Department of agriculture, Markets and Food. http://agriculture.nh.gov/ | |
140. Grain Inspection Facilitates the marketing of livestock, poultry, meat, cereals, oilseeds, and related agricultural products, and promotes fair and competitive trading practices for the overall benefit of consumers and American agriculture. http://www.usda.gov/gipsa/ | |
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