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Agriculture Us Gov: more detail | ||
1. Research Education And Economics Search REE. ÂWelcome to the us Department of agricultureÂs basic and appliedscience, economics and statistics, and higher education and extension web site. http://www.reeusda.gov/ree/ | |
2. USDA Forest Service - Caring For The Land And Serving People. graphicFirstgov.gov The us government s Offical Web Portal. Welcome to theofficial website of the United States Department of agriculture (usDA) Forest http://www.fs.fed.us/ | |
3. FirstGov.gov: The U.S. Government's Official Web Portal Environment, Energy and agriculture. Farms, food production, natural resources, conservation Important Notices. Privacy. Contact us. SuggestA-Link. Link to us http://www.firstgov.gov/ | |
4. Official US Executive Branch Web Sites Official us Executive Branch Web Sites Department of agriculture (usDA) Agricultural Research Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) us Nuclear Waste Technical Review Board (NWTRB http://lcweb.loc.gov/global/executive/fed.html | |
5. USDA For Kids Page More Cool Links usDA Photos Search usDA us Department of agriculture usDA isan equal opportunity employer and provider. Questions? usDA Webmaster. http://www.usda.gov/news/usdakids/ | |
6. House Committee On Agriculture to Review agriculture Trade Negotiaitons. Goodlatte Says, We want to see marketsopen around the world. (May 19, 2004) read more; Goodlatte Praises us Food http://agriculture.house.gov/ | |
7. WITNESS LIST Hon. Jim Moseley, Deputy Secretary, us Department of agriculture. Hon. WITNESS LIST.Mr. Scott Charbo, Chief Information Officer, us Department of agriculture. http://agriculture.house.gov/hearings/testimony.htm | |
8. FDA/CFSAN (Final) Guidance For Industry: Guide To Minimize Microbial Food Safety Food and Drug Administration us Department of agriculture Centers for Food SafetyInitiative Staff, HFS32* us Food and Drug (Internet) http//www.fda.gov. http://www.foodsafety.gov/~dms/prodguid.html | |
9. Ohio Department Of Agriculture > Home Funding Round of Clean Ohio Agricultural Easement Purchase Home Ohio.gov News Information Regulatory Online Services FAQs Contact us ODA Jobs http://www.ohioagriculture.gov/ | |
10. Agriculture, Nutrition And Forestry Committee - U.S. Senate gov t Veterinarians report free pdf file reading software. Farm Bill Answers Conservation,loan rates, support signups New agricultural glossary plus direct http://agriculture.senate.gov/ | |
11. Plant Genome Data And Information Center Provides access to a variety of information, products and services on a range of plant and animal genome mapping. From the National Agricultural Library of the us Department of agriculture. http://www.nal.usda.gov/pgdic/ | |
13. FirstGov – U.S. Government Graphics And Photos link to Egov.gov website to learn about the us government Graphics and Photos, onAging Multimedia Gallery; African American Activists; agriculture Department; http://www.firstgov.gov/Topics/Graphics.shtml | |
14. Secretary Of Agriculture Ann M. Veneman Secretary of agriculture Ann M. Veneman www.usda.gov. Ann M. Veneman was sworn inas the 27th Secretary of the us Department of agriculture (usDA) on January 20 http://www.whitehouse.gov/government/veneman-bio.html | |
15. NUTRITION.GOV Accessing the us Department of agriculture s online National The President s Councilon Physical Fitness and Sports Fitness.gov site updates the http://www.nutrition.gov/home/index.php3 | |
16. FedStats: Federal Government Kids' Page The Federal Emergency Management Agency, FEMA for Kids. The White House, Whitehousekids.us Census Bureau, Kids Corner. us Department of agriculture, usDA for Kids. http://www.fedstats.gov/kids.html | |
17. National Plant Germplasm System, GRIN - USDA, ARS Agricultural Research Center (BARC), Agricultural Research Service, us Departmentof agriculture. Germplasm Genomes pkb@ars.usda.gov Phone (301 http://www.ars-grin.gov/npgs/ | |
18. USTR / Sectors - Agriculture us Documents Proposals on agriculture. Dispute Settlement. Press Releases on agricultureIssues. For technical problems only, send email to webmaster@ustr.gov. http://www.ustr.gov/sectors/agriculture.shtml | |
19. USTR | Agriculture | Biotechnology NonScience based Moratorium Harmful to agriculture and the us Consultation Requestto European Commission. problems only, send e-mail to webmaster@ustr.gov. http://www.ustr.gov/new/biotech.htm | |
20. Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy Information Or "Mad Cow Disease" - Washington S The us Department of agriculture (usDA) has announced a new, intensive, nationalsurveillance program to determine whether BSE is actually present in the http://agr.wa.gov/FoodAnimal/AnimalFeed/BSE.htm | |
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