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41. Www.foodsafety.gov - Federal, State, And Local Government Agencies With Food Saf Search FoodSafety.gov and government food safety sites, Many federal, state, andlocal agencies work Agencies Department of agriculture Agricultural Research http://www.foodsafety.gov/~fsg/fsggov.html | |
42. Science.gov Topic Agriculture & Food For User Category All Categories pest management by tactic, state or commodity technology Department of agriculture(USDA), Natural Service (NRCS) NationalAtlas.gov Delivers authoritative http://www.science.gov/browse/w_105.htm | |
43. Agriculture à Size and Acreage of Farms in Nevada. 1997 Census of agriculture StateHighlights. http//www.nass.usda.gov/census/census97/highlights/nv/nv.htm. http://www.budget.state.nv.us/sa01Ag.htm | |
44. BRS Agricultural Biotechnology June 23, 2004. National Association of the state Departments of agriculture (NASDA)Meeting of the Biotechnologists at biotechquery@aphis.usda.gov . http://www.aphis.usda.gov/bbep/bp/ |
45. WSDA - Washington State Department Of Agriculture Home Page - WSDA Information on products and their content of heavy metals, along with fertilizer laws and label requirements. http://agr.wa.gov/ | |
46. Under Secretary For Economic, Business, And Agricultural Affairs The announcement of the winner(s) of the 2004 World Food Prize took place at a StateDepartment ceremony with Secretary Powell, agriculture Secretary Veneman http://www.state.gov/e/ | |
47. New Zealand - Consular Information Sheet at http//www.customs.govt.nz and the Ministry of agriculture and Forestry preparednessis available via the Internet at http//travel.state.gov/crisismg.html http://travel.state.gov/new_zealand.html | |
48. FCA Info Memo - USDA 1997 Census Of Agriculture State &County Demographics Of Fa http//www.usda.gov/nass Specifically, state and county level tenure and demographiccharacteristics information is found under Census of agriculture; Volume 1 http://www.fca.gov/apps/infomemo.nsf/0/f04ac6906f7cbcf68525675b00635e7d?OpenDocu |
49. OPHS Home Page Office of Public Health and Science Links. Links to state Departments of PublicHealth and agriculture. state, Public Health, agriculture. Alabama, Dept. http://www.fsis.usda.gov/ophs/stategov.htm | |
50. USDA.gov - United States Department Of Agriculture Illinois Farm Service Agency state Office. Soybean Request for Referendumcontinues through May 28, 2004, William J. Graff. state Executive Director. http://www.fsa.usda.gov/il/ | |
51. State Agriculture Commissioner Issues Allergy Alert On Undeclared Milk Allergens Recall state Press Release. state agriculture Commissioner Issues AllergyAlert on Undeclared Milk Allergens. Contact Jessica Chittenden 518457-3136. http://www.fda.gov/oc/po/firmrecalls/grandprix03_04.html | |
52. Oregon NRCS Oregon state web site. Overlooking Tillamook Watershed, USDA Announces Watershedsfor the Conservation Security Program. May 19, 2004Âagriculture Secretary Ann http://www.or.nrcs.usda.gov/ |
53. Missouri State Government Home Page Official state of Missouri Home Page Secretary of state. state Auditor. state Treasurer state Public Defender. Executive Departments. Administration (Office) Â Â agriculture Administration http://www.state.mo.us/ | |
54. Research Education And Economics Through the Agricultural Research Service; the Cooperative state Research, Education,and Extension Service; the Economic Research Service; and the National http://www.reeusda.gov/ree/ | |
55. USDA.gov - United States Department Of Agriculture Agricultural and related information. http://www.usda.gov | |
56. Vegetables All aspects of vegetable production are covered including factsheets, newsletters, crop updates, pest and disease control and statistics. http://www.gov.on.ca/OMAFRA/english/crops/hort/vegetable.html | |
57. AccessIndiana :: The Official Web Portal For The State Of Indiana PermitsFamilyHealthSafetyTaxesFinanceAgr icultureEnvironmentTravelTransportationL awJusticePublic eNewsroomisdh state Releases Data on Indiana Youth Risk Behavior ( view) gov gov http://www.state.in.us/ | |
58. USDA Forest Service - Caring For The Land And Serving People. graphicFirstgov.gov The US government s Offical Web Portal. Welcome to theofficial website of the United States Department of agriculture (USDA) Forest http://www.fs.fed.us/ | |
59. Hemp With introduction, and guide to hemp licensing, market opportunities, adaptation, rotational considerations, varieties, seeding, fertilization, weed, disease, and insect control, THC sampling and analysis, harvesting, storage and handling, economics of production, and additional information. http://www.agr.gov.sk.ca/docs/crops/special_crops/hemp.asp | |
60. Animal Health Centre Newsletters Informative articles about interesting cases, diagnostic tests, field disease investigation, and general happenings in the laboratory from the Diagnostic Diary , a quarterly publication from the British Columbia Ministry of agriculture and Forestry. http://www.agf.gov.bc.ca./croplive/anhlth/ahc/ahcnews.htm |
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