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Agriculture International Gov: more detail | ||||
21. U.S. Export Statistics of agriculture. US Trade and Industry Data. The Office of Trade and Economic Analysis(OTEA) collects and analyzes international and domestic trade data and http://www.export.gov/tradestatistics.html | |
22. U.S. Customs And Border Protection - Import items with extraordinary precision, CBP agriculture inspectors work at key US portsof entry and land borders that include US international airports and mail http://www.customs.ustreas.gov/xp/cgov/import/ | |
23. Office Of Policy And International Affairs, Library to 1605bgeneralguidelines.comments@hq.doe.gov Secretaries of Commerce and agriculture,and the account emerging domestic and international approaches. Please http://www.pi.energy.gov/enhancingGHGregistry/ | |
24. WSDA - Washington State Department Of Agriculture Home Page - WSDA Facilitate the movement of Washington agricultural products in domesticand international markets. Washington State Department of http://agr.wa.gov/default.htm | |
25. International Marketing - Washington State Dept. Of Agriculture - WSDA The WSDA international Marketing Program consists of five staff with anindustry advisory committee of agriculture and food export leaders. http://agr.wa.gov/Marketing/International/default.htm | |
26. GOP.gov - Bereuter Presented With International Agriculture And Rural Developmen Center. NEWS RELEASE Media Contact Carol Lawrence. Bereuter Presentedwith international agriculture and Rural Development Award. The http://www.gop.gov/item-news.asp?docId=59548 |
27. Defra, UK - Farming - World Trade Organization - Negotiations On Agriculture Amos, Secretary of State for international Development agriculture negotiations contactthe WTO agriculture web site Industry at http//www.dti.gov.uk/worldtrade http://www.defra.gov.uk/farm/international/wto/wtopaper.htm | |
28. Defra, UK - Exports & Trade Help for Exporters. *Agricultural industry The international agriculture Technology Centre (IATC) offers support and advice to UK companies in the http://www.defra.gov.uk/exports/default.htm | |
29. AFSIC Sustainable Agriculture Information and Rural Development Concept, international Institute for Research Service LogoNational Agricultural Library The Center afsic@nal.usda.gov, http//www.nal http://www.nal.usda.gov/afsic/agnic/agnic.htm | |
30. Women In Agriculture | Front Page Women in agriculture and Rural Life An international Bibliography.Published to coincide with the Second international Conference http://www.nal.usda.gov/afsic/wia/women.htm | |
32. International Agriculture: Grant Opportunities ARS) Research, US Department of agriculture, No fixed sbe/int ceeinfo@nsf.gov AlexandraStepanian Regional Coordinator international Division, Suite http://www.uga.edu/~int-ag/grants.html | |
33. International Agriculture: Activity Reports grant opportunities, visit www.fedgrants.gov/grants/servlet/SearchServlet. SpecialAnnouncements. Vicki Collins Joins Office of international agriculture We are http://www.uga.edu/int-ag/activity.html | |
34. International Schedule Of Classes Of Goods And Services international Schedule of Classes of Goods and Services. GOODS. 1. Chemicals usedin industry, science and photography, as well as in agriculture, horticulture http://www.uspto.gov/web/offices/tac/doc/basic/international.htm | |
35. Gov.ph - Agriculture FREE gov.ph Newsletter. 2022 January 2005 international Workshop on Culture, Fisheriesand Bt cornThe Philippines Department of agriculture (DA) approved the http://www.gov.ph/cat_agriculture/default.asp | |
36. Welcome To The Forestry Department || Ministry Of Agriculture Jamaica the scientific community, governments, international organisations, indigenous Department(Ministry of agriculture, government of site (www.forestry.gov.jm) is http://www.forestry.gov.jm/ | |
37. Office Of The Commissioner Of Agriculture - Agriculture Grant Program Highlights of Indiana agriculture s international initiatives are OCA sinternational agriculture trade specialist is Andres Lelong. http://www.in.gov/oca/trade/intl.html | |
38. Ministry Of Agriculture, Fisheries And Cooperatives Design and management of the regulatory framework relating to agricultural health betweennational institutions and with regional and international organizations http://www.belize.gov.bz/cabinet/d_silva/welcome.shtml | |
39. The Department Of Agriculture And Livestock Advise on policies and plan of international and extraterritorialbodies dealing with agriculture and livestock organisations. http://www.agriculture.gov.pg/ | |
40. Women In Agriculture Home Page The Third international Conference on Women in agriculture valuable resources forwomen in agriculture Cooperative Service http//www.rurdev.usda.gov/rbs/pub http://www.wia.usda.gov/ | |
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