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Agriculture History: more books (100) | ||
141. TerraMetrics Provides digital image processing and analysis of remotely sensed data. http://www.terrametricsag.com |
142. Adepta Chiffres, cartes, ©volutions. Une publication ADEPTA en collaboration avec le Minist¨re de l'agriculture. http://www.adepta.com/panorama/index_fr.html?LNG=francais |
143. Main Frame A view on agriculture and global warming. http://www.geocities.com/freetime52/ |
144. SIMA Mondial des fournisseurs de l'agriculture et de l'©levage. Paris Nord Villepinte. Informations pour les exposants, les visiteurs et la presse. http://www.simaonline.com/ |
145. Purdue University School Of Agriculture West Lafayette, Indiana. http://www.agriculture.purdue.edu/ | |
146. Dow AgroSciences Canada Providing crop protection and plant genetic technology for agriculture, as well as products in forestry and urban pest management. http://www.dowagro.ca |
147. Michele Payn-Knoper United States based speaker who provides motivational and training packages to agricultural and agrifood businesses, including 'Celebrating agriculture', sales training, and community relations programs. http://www.agspeaker.com |
148. Don Villarejo - Consultant Studies and research on farm issues such as pesticide, sustainability, water, farmworkers. http://donvillarejo.com | |
149. CFIP: Canadian Farm Income Program Twoyear national program designed to provide funding for Canadian agricultural producers to cushion extreme income reductions beyond their control. http://aceis.agr.ca/aida/welcome.html | |
150. University Archives: Selected Holdings: Agricultural History And Rural Life Selected holdings from University Archives focusing on the history ofagriculture and rural life. University Archives and Manuscripts. http://www.lib.ksu.edu/depts/spec/flyers/ag-history.html | |
151. Regional Information Service Centre For Southeast Asia On Appropriate Technology Resource on appropriate technologies in the fields of sustainable agriculture, waste management, textiles and renewable energy, primarily in Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, Vietnam and Yunnan province in China. http://www.ist.cmu.ac.th/riseat/ | |
152. Cuban Urban Agriculture In Cienfuegos An agronomist, professor, and researcher at the University of Cienfuegos, Cuba, writes briefly of the development of urban agriculture in his city. Includes graphs and photos. http://www.cityfarmer.org/cubacastro.html#castro | |
153. Bienvenue Sur Le Site De La Chambre Régionale D'Agriculture De Normandie Organisation, missions et publications. Pr©sentation de l'agriculture, de l'agroalimentaire et du tourisme vert de la r©gion. http://www.cra-normandie.fr/ | |
154. Biotechnology A brief argument against the use of biotechnology in agriculture and the creation of genetically modified foods. The argument consists of eleven main assertions supported by detailed research. http://www.geocities.com/biotechdoubts/ | |
155. @griculture Online -- Weather Contains forecasting by FreeseNotis Weather and also features several weather maps and stories about commodities by WeatherTrades and Allendale to name a few. Farmers and agribusiness people will find a wealth of information and community topics worldwide covering a most critical industry involving food production. http://www.agriculture.com/agweather/index.html | |
156. IL Department Of Agriculture Kid's Page Explains what happens on the farm and how food gets from the farm to the table. http://www.agr.state.il.us/kidspage/ | |
157. EUROPA - Agriculture The Directorate General responsible for the Common Agricultural Policy http://europa.eu.int/comm/agriculture/index_en.htm | |
158. California Women For Agriculture Helps members develop the knowledge and skills necessary to convey the mutual benefits of a vibrant agricultural economy and healthy rural communities. News, projects, meetings, and positions. http://www.cawomen4ag.com |
159. Introduction To Archaeology (ANTH 110/310) An annotated collection of links on the origin of food production. http://www.ukans.edu/~hoopes/agri.html | |
160. Untitled Document Located in the outskirts of Tripoli, Libya, TNRC is an advanced research facility that centers its activity on the mastry of the atom and its peaceful application in industry, agriculture and medicine. http://meltingpot.fortunecity.com/kentish/880/ | |
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