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181. Alliance For Global Sustainability Water And Agriculture Research Projects Abstracts of research on water management and availability, particularly in developing countries and arid regions. http://www.global-sustainability.org/Research/WaterandAgric/ |
182. CNAS History aspects of agricultural production systems, including more recently considerationof ecological and environmental problems. Links. UCR Oral history UCR Timeline http://cnas.ucr.edu/cnas/history.html | |
183. @gricompare.com Homepage - La Place De Marché Pour Les Agriculteurs Et Tous Les La place de march© pour les agriculteurs, et les fournisseurs de produits, mat©riels et services pour l'agriculture. Achat group© des agriculteurs et comparaison de prix. http://www.agricompare.com/ | |
184. School Of Agriculture At Murray State University Academic programs, courses, student clubs, rodeo team, equestrian teams, faculty staff. Includes online courses list. http://www.murraystate.edu/agr |
185. Diamond K Gypsum They specialize in mining and products processing for the agriculture, pharmaceutical and food industries. http://WWW.DIAMONDKGYPSUM.COM | |
186. Kansas Agriculture Public Universities agriculture Departments. Kansas State University. AgriculturalEducation. State Departments. Kansas Department of agriculture. http://www.depts.ttu.edu/agriculturaltechnologytransfer/states/kansas/ | |
187. AGrowPlan Consultancy - BioFarm Soil Management Products And Services For Sustai Australian agriculture and agribusiness consultancy. Specialising in soil and plant nutritional management, farm business and profit analysis, HACCP and Freshcare. http://www.agrowplan.com/index.html | |
188. Community Alliance With Family Farmers A group which fosters familyscale agriculture. http://www.caff.org/ | |
189. Greening Australia - Struan Diverse information about sustainable agriculture, native ecosystems, and issues in the South East of South Australia and Western Victoria. Sample topics are bush regeneration, farm forestry, coastal ecosystems. http://www.rbm.com.au/greening_aust/index.html |
190. Urban Agriculture In Havana Cuba Describes the growth of sustainable, urban agriculture to confront the food shortages of the 1990s. http://www.cityfarmer.org/cuba.html#cuba | |
191. Page Accueil 19/05/04 le site du Service des Nouvelles des March©s (SNM) recense les prix des produits agricoles (fruits, l©gumes, fleurs, poissons, viandes) sur les principaux march©s de France. http://www.snm.agriculture.gouv.fr/index.html | |
192. Genetic Engineering In Agriculture A virtual book about applications of genetic engineering in agriculture,and about the movement trying to discredit it. http://members.tripod.com/c_rader0/gemod.htm | |
193. AWIS Weather Services, Weather Data, Ag Weather, And Freeze / Frost Forecasting Climate data and forecasts in standard and custom formats, Ag weather, freeze and frost forecasting for agriculture, energy weather, and web weather content. http://www.awis.com | |
194. USDA For Kids Page Dozens of kidfriendly links to sites about food, agriculture, and the environment. http://www.usda.gov/news/usdakids/index.html | |
195. MARS The MARS project provides information on agricultural production to be expected in the current season, so as to help the implementation of the Common Agricultural Policy. The MARS site offers information about the current agricultural season in Europe and other important agricultural areas in the world, including maps of weather indicators, time profiles of crop indicators, and vegetation indices and cumulated dry matter. http://www.marsop.info/ | |
196. Oregon Women For Agriculture Educates the membership and the public about the importance of agriculture to the economy and to the environment. Information on membership and local chapters, events, and books and education resources. http://www.owaonline.org | |
197. NEOLITHIC AGRICULTURE An essay arguing that people began cultivating some crops long before they embraced agriculture, and that crop cultivation and village life often did not go hand in hand. http://cas.bellarmine.edu/tietjen/images/neolithic_agriculture.htm | |
198. LPA Saint Gaudens : Agricultures Du Comminges Et De La Voïvodie De KROSNO Analyse comparative de deux territoires ruraux et d©veloppement de liens entre eux. Travail r©alis© dans le cadre de la coop©ration FrancoPolonaise. http://www.noname.fr/lpa/ | |
199. Web Page Under Construction Translate this page Welcome -This site is currently under construction. Please check backat a later time. Willkommen! - Diese Seite ist jetzt im Bau. http://www.earth.org.hk/ | |
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