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161. Growing Careers Jobs and careers service for the environment, conservation, agriculture, and horticulture sectors. http://www.growing-careers.com/ |
162. School Of Agriculture And Environmental Sciences, NC A&T University of Human environment Family Sciences (HEFS) is one of four academic departmentswithin the North Carolina A T State University School of agriculture. http://www.ag.ncat.edu/academics/hefs/ | |
163. Wyoming Rural Appraisers Appraisals of agricultural enterprises and rural properties demand a qualified expert who understands the complexity and intricacy of modern agriculture and today's rural environment. Rural appraisers are trained to render an accurate opinion of value. Offices in Wheatland, Wyoming, directory of members covers Wyoming and surrounding region http://www.wyomingruralappraisers.org | |
164. Welcome To The Royal Netherlands Embassy In Zagreb Site include informations about the Royal Netherlands Embassy, its consular, political, economy and trade, agriculture, culture and press, education and science, and environment and water management sections. http://www.netherlandsembassy.hr/ | |
165. Welcome To DID Terengganu Provides management and development of water resources in agriculture and food production, protection of property and life from river and coastal forces, the environment and water quality. FAQ, feedback, publications, and programs. http://agrolink.moa.my/did/didterengganu/english/ | |
166. Muroran City With guide to industries and business, recreation, commerce, agriculture and fisheries, health and welfare, environment, sightseeing, festivals, activities, and city administration. http://www.city.muroran.hokkaido.jp/English/ |
167. Weed Risk Assessment evaluates the risks associated with the introduction of exotic plants not present, and those recently introduced and considered to pose a threat to agriculture and the environment http://agspsrv38.agric.wa.gov.au/servlet/page?_pageid=449&_dad=portal30& |
168. New Page 2 Ensures the wellbeing of agriculture, the environment and the public through administration of farm commodity programs; farm ownership, operating and emergency loans; conservation and environmental programs; emergency and disaster assistance; and the dairy price control program. http://www.fsa.usda.gov/or/tillamook.html | |
169. EPA - The National Agriculture Compliance Assistance Center The National agriculture Compliance Assistance Center is the first stop forinformation about environmental requirements that affect the agricultural http://www.epa.gov/agriculture/ | |
170. Defra, UK: Re-direct To Defra Website Do it online. Department for environment. Food and Rural Affairs Department for environment, Food and Rural Affairs http://www.maff.gov.uk/environ/envindx.htm | |
171. Agricultural And Environmental Safety Pesticide and Health Effects index Environmental Hazards Endangered and ThreatenedSpecies index FAQ Mold Pesticide Labels On-line Agricultural Chemical http://www-aes.tamu.edu/ | |
172. Defra, UK - Environmental Protection - Water - Water Quality - Nitrates it has to be removed before water can be supplied to consumers, and it can harm thewater environment. Over 70% of nitrate enters water from agricultural land. http://www.defra.gov.uk/environment/water/quality/nitrate/default.htm | |
173. Water And Environmental Home Page Water and Environmental Programs (WEP) provides loans, grants and loan guarantees UnitedStates Department of agriculture 1400 Independence Ave SW, Washington http://www.usda.gov/rus/water/ | |
174. Sustainable Agriculture And Rural Livelihoods The Sustainable agriculture and Rural Livelihoods (SARL) Programme of IIED seeksto promote sustainable, equitable, decentralised agrifood systems based on http://www.iied.org/sarl/ | |
175. FrontPage Webs\Content\SouthSuccess\index http://www.agctr.lsu.edu/Subjects/SouthSuccess/00harmony.htm | |
176. FrontPage Webs\Content\SouthSuccess\index http://www.agctr.lsu.edu/Subjects/SouthSuccess/harmony.html | |
177. Index Of /cygov/ministry/magric index of /cygov/ministry/magric. Parent Directory 03Nov-1998 1701- _vti_cnf/ 19-Nov-1998 1604 - index.htm 24-Mar-2000 0941 7k http://www.kypros.org/PIO/cygov/ministry/magric/ | |
178. Cyber-Sierra's Natural Resources Job Search: Index Find employment in environmental occupations. Find employment in naturalresource occupations, ecology and environmental disciplines. http://www.cyber-sierra.com/nrjobs/ | |
179. 2nd International Conference - HAICTA INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE on INFORMATION SYSTEMS INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES INAGRICULTURE, FOOD and environment. 1820 March 2004 Thessaloniki Greece. http://www.epegenorth.gr/ | |
180. Meetings And Conferences Agricultural Equipment Technology Conference. May 1820, 2005 Beijing,China, Seventh International Livestock environment Symposium. http://www.asae.org/meetings/ | |
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