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141. Regency Foundation A notfor-profit organization working with United Nations agencies on issues of agriculture, environment, telecommunications, and development. http://www.regency.org/ |
142. Electronic Indexes / Databases By Subject also Interdisciplinary Coverage ~ agriculture ~ Computer Science ~ Engineering ~Environmental Sciences ~ Geo Conference Papers index DOE Information http://library.msstate.edu/resources/databases/subject.asp | |
143. Untitled Document Nonprofit organization working on promoting eco-tourism, eco agriculture and protection of environment. http://eko-liburnia.hr/eko/ |
144. Biotechnology Maine Home Page Research program at University of Maine explores the modern biochemical and biological techniques in medicine, agriculture, forestry, the environment and many areas of industry. http://www.umaine.edu/biotechnology/ | |
145. Arizona - Mexico Commission Conducts cooperative initiatives in trade and related areas, including transportation, education, health, the arts, agriculture, tourism, and environment. Details of organization activities and reports on topics of interest. http://www.azmc.org/ | |
146. Functional Trade Policy Issues Functional trade policy issues including development, agriculture, environment, labour, finance, investment, and transport. http://www.thunderlake.com/linksissue.html | |
147. BIOLOGICAL & AGRICULTURAL INDEX [143] field, Biological Agricultural index covers a Agricultural Chemicals; agriculture;Animal Husbandry; Cytology; Ecology; Entomology; Environmental Science; Fishery http://library.dialog.com/bluesheets/html/bl0143.html | |
148. Department Of Primary Industries, Water & Environment Responsible for agriculture, fisheries and aquaculture, environmental management and protection, land and water resource management, nature conservation, Crown land management, quarantine, and Service Tasmania shop management. http://www.dpiwe.tas.gov.au/inter.nsf/Home/1?Open |
149. CSALE Index Page Offers an overview of CSALE's mission, history, team, current and past research projects, news, events and links. http://www.csale.usask.ca/ | |
150. Information Services - Royal Tropical Institute Offers a collection of books, journals, maps, and articles concerning developing countries. Special themes include agriculture, environment, and reproductive health. http://www.kit.nl/information_services | |
151. Welcome To Pact Publications - PACT Publications Books related to international development, small and microenterprise, microenterprise, micro-finance, microfinance, civil society, participatory evaluation, community development, gender issues, health, environment, water and sanitation, training, evaluation, education, finance, agriculture. http://www.pactpub.com | |
152. Siskiyou County Agriculture Department - Yreka California County Departments Services. A healthy environment and productive agriculture isin the public http://www.co.siskiyou.ca.us/agcomm/ | |
153. Oregon Women For Agriculture Educates the membership and the public about the importance of agriculture to the economy and to the environment. Information on membership and local chapters, events, and books and education resources. http://www.owaonline.org | |
154. UO/E Site Index and Extension Alphabetical Web Site index. Agricultural, Resource, and EnvironmentalSystems (CARES); (MO) Agrability Project; agriculture; agriculture Community http://outreach.missouri.edu/siteindex.html | |
155. Chilton, Elizabeth Profile of this Harvard University Associate Professor. research interests include the origins of agriculture in New England, as well as the relationship between changing environment and subsistence choices. |
156. Defra, UK - Animal Health & Welfare - Foot And Mouth Disease Latest news and advice for farmers and visitors from the Department for environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) formerly the Ministry of agriculture, Fisheries and Food MAFF). http://www.defra.gov.uk/footandmouth/ | |
157. Maharishi Vedic Organic Agriculture Institute agriculture in harmony with Natural Law, a system of agriculture that nourishes and supports the farmer, his crops, and the greater environment. The Institute, besides its information role, offers three different certification programs. http://www.mvoai.org/ | |
158. Washington Toxics Coalition Dedicated to protecting public health and the environment by identifying and promoting alternatives to toxic chemicals. Provide reliable information about preventing pollution in homes, schools, workplaces, agriculture, and industry. http://www.watoxics.org/ |
159. Home Under the motto of Farmers helping farmers , KFA provides political and public information about agriculture in the region which include topics such as finance, farm impact on environment, land use and members' services. http://www.ofa.on.ca/kent/ | |
160. World Bank - Documents & Reports - Agriculture And The Environment - Perspective Home Documents Reports Report Details. agriculture and the environment perspectives on sustainable rural development. Document Type Publication. http://www-wds.worldbank.org/servlet/WDSServlet?pcont=details&eid=000094946_9903 |
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