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101. Invasive Species Home Page Trust National Feral Amimal Control and National Weeds Programs funded many projectsto reduce the damage to agriculture and the environment from feral animals http://www.deh.gov.au/biodiversity/invasive/ | |
102. Sustainable Animal Production - Visions For The 21th Century Download the proceedings of a series of conferences (held October 1999 through October 2000) on future supply and quality of food for humans and animals, animal welfare and health, the effects of animal production on the environment, the influences of new technologies, future animal production sites and global trade. http://www.agriculture.de | |
103. Agriculture, Agribusiness & Environment Consultants / Consultants & Experts En A An international network of professional agriculture, agribusiness and environment consultants. Web site is designed to enable visitors find a consultant from the network database or post an anonymous contract opportunity. http://www.agriversal.com | |
104. USDA GLOBE Home Page U.S. Department of agriculture Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Employee Organization (USDA GLOBE). To create a work environment free of discrimination and harassment based on sexual orientation. News, contacts, information. http://www.lambda.net/~aglobe/ | |
105. UA Controlled Environmental Agriculture Center Details of the center, and of growing crops by protected cultivation. http://ag.arizona.edu/ceac | |
106. UK-FarmClassifieds Comprehensive classified advertising system for agriculture,horticulture,livestock farming and the rural environment http://www.ukfarmads.com |
107. Volunteer Work Abroad And International Internships In Thailand And Tanzania Wit International volunteering and internship opportunities for crosscultural learning and community service in Thailand and Tanzania. Short-term (two to four weeks), long-term (two to six months), and student internship programs are available, in projects in healthcare, education, and environment/sustainable agriculture. http://www.globalservicecorps.org/ | |
108. Index.html Supplies microbial inoculants which protect the root system of plants and creates a healthy growing environment within the soil. For horticulture, agriculture and turf industries. http://www.naturalindustries.com | |
109. Agroservice AgriBusiness Club The AgriBusiness Club and its associated webpages are prime sites for agriculture, food industry and environment. (in English/Hungarian.) Agr¡r internet port¡l magyarul ©s angolul, agr¡rhÂrek, agr¡r kereskedelmi szolg¡ltat¡s ©s Magyar Agr¡r Telefonk¶nyv. http://www.agroservice.hu/ | |
110. Hydroponic Lettuce Production Details of setting up and running a lettuce production facility using Controlled environment agriculture techniques. Illustrated with descriptive photos. Cornell University. http://www.bee.cornell.edu/extension/CEA/LettuceHandbook/Lettuce Main.htm |
111. National Assembly For Wales Subject Index Enviroment Home and Countryside Committee Planning Environmental policy Countryside Parks AuthoritiesCadw agriculture and rural Key Publications Subject index Themes and http://www.wales.gov.uk/subienvironment/ |
112. Welcome To Terraseed Ltd Provides a new seedmat system for landscaping for agriculture, amenity, forestry and environment. UK. http://www.terraseed.com | |
113. Phosphorus, Agriculture & The Environment step in keeping phosphorus in agricultural fields data are available and sitespecificindex values of the best tool for minimizing environmental problems with http://www.ext.vt.edu/pubs/grains/424-029/424-029.html | |
114. Agriculture & Environment Division of division and its research projects.......IACRRothamsted,UK. Aims to optimise crop yield and quality while protecting soils, water, the food chain and the global environment through an understanding of nutrient acquisition, nutrient transformations, soil ecology and remediation. http://www.iacr.bbsrc.ac.uk/aen/aenindex.htm | |
115. Nizwa.NET (Oman Information Of Tourism, Agriculture, And Environment) Information about the sultanate with emphasis on travel, agriculture, heritage and the environment. http://www.nizwa.net/ | |
116. Environmental Quality Board Home Page, Environmental Quality Board: Energy Facil fax 651296-3698 Page name http//www.eqb.state.mn.us/index.html Page September 19,2002Animal agriculture Generic Environmental Impact Statement is http://www.eqb.state.mn.us/ | |
117. Agriculture Activities: Soil Designed for students to study how soil and the environment affects agriculture. They include investigations into soil texture, a sedimentation test and soil observations. http://interactive.usask.ca/ski/agriculture/activities/soil.html | |
118. Minnesota Environmental Quality Board: GEIS On Animal Agriculture, Minnesota Env 2963985, fax 651-296-3698 Page name http//www.eqb.state.mn.us/geis/index.htmlPage Final animal agriculture generic environmental impact statement http://www.eqb.state.mn.us/geis/ | |
119. Promoting Education About Agriculture And The Environment A nonprofit educational organiztion promoting learning to help people better understand agriculture, the environment and people of the world. http://www.foodlandpeople.org | |
120. CanExplore Developed through a cooperative agreement between agriculture and Agrifood Canada, environment Canada, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, and Natural Resources Canada. Provides access to information related to the sustainable use of natural resources. http://rn4nr.agr.ca/ | |
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