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1. Agriculture Resources Search for educational information and links in over 50 categories. out the index for an overview) and offers information on the farming community, farming and the environment, farm http://www.educationindex.com/ag | |
2. University Of Maryland, Agriculture And Environment Resource agriculture and environment Resources. IMG SRC="/Pictures/Bullets/arrows/arrow_red2 Agricultural and Related Information index. EINET Galaxy's agriculture Directory. NetVet WWW http://www.inform.umd.edu/EdRes/Topic/AgrEnv | |
3. FirstGov – Citizen Gateway – Environment, Energy And Agriculture By Organization ». AZ Agency index. Federal Executive Home Citizens Topics environment, Energy and agriculture. environment, Energy agriculture http://www.firstgov.gov/Citizen/Topics/Environment_Agriculture.shtml | |
4. Site Index: Agriculture And Agri-Food Canada Online (AAFC Online) Site index. ManureNet; National environment Strategy for agriculture andAgriFood; National Land and Water Information Service; http://www.agr.gc.ca/site_e.phtml | |
5. Agriculture And The Environment - Legislation All of agriculture and Agri Food Canada s environmental assesments are listedon the Federal Environmental Assessment index found at the Canadian http://www.agr.gc.ca/policy/environment/legislation_e.phtml | |
6. Food And Environment Watch UCS urges USDA to delay decision on GE bentgrass pending review of environmentalrisks. Activist Update Victories for sustainable agriculture in 2003. http://www.ucsusa.org/food_and_environment/index.cfm | |
7. Soils And Environment: Index Hills region. Soil is in a dynamic equilibrium. It is always changingas a result of its interaction with the environment. As wind http://interactive.usask.ca/ski/agriculture/soils/soilform/ | |
8. Defra, UK - Environmental Protection - Genetic Modification (GM) - GM Dialogue Reports by the agriculture and environment Biotechnology Commission (AEBC) are available(via Defra web site at www.defra.gov.uk/environment/gm/fse/index.htm http://www.defra.gov.uk/environment/gm/debate/ | |
9. Environmental Benefits years ago when improved hybrid seeds spurred an earlier revolution in agriculture. toplant biotechnology to boost production while preserving the environment. http://www.whybiotech.com/index.asp?id=1805 |
10. 34-Phosphorus Management For Agriculture And The Environment resolution, is searchable, and includes an index and PowerPoint Lesson 34 PhosphorusManagement for agriculture and the environment Andrew Sharpley and http://www.lpes.org/Lessons/Lesson34/34_Phosphorus_Management.html | |
11. Biotechnology In Food And Agriculture A halfday roundtable organised as part of the Geneva environment Network Roundtables byFAO, the International Federation of Organic agriculture Movements and http://www.fao.org/biotech/index.asp |
12. Biological Diversity In Food And Agriculture agriculture therefore provides incentives to preserve areas such as hedgerows aquacultureprovides incentives to protect the aquatic environment from adverse http://www.fao.org/biodiversity/index.asp | |
13. Nat'l Academies Press, Sustainable Agriculture And The Environment In The Humid 79, 103, 148 Poverty alleviation programs, 76, 145 index debt burden selection ofland uses, 146150 enabling environment for sustainable agriculture, 15-16 http://books.nap.edu/books/0309047498/html/679.html | |
14. Departments And Agencies | Canada Site A to Z index. and Technology Museum Corporation Canada agriculture Museum; Canada Commissionerof the environment and Sustainable Development; Communications http://canada.gc.ca/depts/major/depind_e.html | |
15. UMBI Homepage Specializing in biotechnology research in order to improve human health, marine environment, agriculture and protein development. Explains in detail about the purpose of each of the five research centers. Includes news releases and education outreach project information. http://www.umbi.umd.edu/index.html | |
16. UF/IFAS EDIS Homepage Printable handbooks from the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences on production agriculture, natural resources and the environment, forestry, veterinary medicine, and rural development. Topics include crops, animals, organics, pest control, food safety, beekeeping, ornamental horticulture, lawns and home gardening. http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/index.html | |
17. Society Of Chemical Industry Organised by the agriculture and environment Group, the visit to three farms includesone specialising in thatching straw, and another with a thriving wildlife http://www.soci.org/SCI/index.jsp |
18. Centre For The Study Of Agriculture, Food And Environment: Research Organics Group ( http//www.environment.org.nz International Federation of OrganicAgriculture Movements ( http//www organic.aber.ac.uk/index.shtml ) Biological http://www.otago.ac.nz/nzpg/csafe/research.html | |
19. Peace Corps | Learn About Peace Corps | Who Serves In Peaces Corps? | College St in areas such as youth development, health and HIV/ AIDS, business development andinformation technology, agriculture and the environment, and skilled trades. http://www.peacecorps.gov/index.cfm?shell=learn.whovol.collegestu.associate |
20. California Department Of Food And Agriculture > Subject Index Rate Our Web Site. Contact Us. My CA CDFA. Subject index for the California Departmentof Food and agriculture. agriculture and the environment, Office of http://www.cdfa.ca.gov/subjectindex.htm | |
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