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41. Re: A Selection Of Network Information Resources (forestry) etc) gophermaster@csc.liv.ac.uk +INFO 1forestry 1/libraries/ubcpress AGRIC gopher.ortta.umn.edu70 +INFO 1agriculture and forestry 1/agriculture pinus.slu http://www.metla.fi/archive/forest/1993/11/msg00008.html | |
42. ETH-Bibliothek: Links To The ETH: Agriculture And Forestry Courses and Continuing Education at the ETH Zurich Overview. libraries. AgriculturalEconomics. Applied Entomology. forestry Library. Institute of Food Science. http://www.ethbib.ethz.ch/link/eth100_e.html | |
43. College Of Hill Agriculture And Forestry - Govind Ballabh Pant University Of Agr technology and flow of electronic form of information in libraries the world over Thisdatabase is the archive of research on agriculture, forestry and allied http://www.gbpuat.ac.in/acads/cfor/ | |
44. United States Libraries In South Africa: Topics--Agriculture And Forestry TopicÂagriculture forestry. Updated May 20, 2004 Archive. THE STATEOF FOOD AND agriculture 200304. Food and agriculture Organization http://usembassy.state.gov/pretoria/wwwhtagric.html | |
45. MU Libraries Database Page Has Moved!! Subject coverage includes plant and animal sciences, food and nutrition,agriculture, biotechnology, entomology, forestry, and wildlife. http://web.missouri.edu/~elliswww/subjectdatabases.cgi?subject=Forestry |
46. Baylor University Libraries -- Selected Forestry Internet Resources Link to Baylor University libraries Home Page which are available alt.agroforestryalt.forestry bionet.agroforestry clari.biz.industry.agriculture clari.biz http://www3.baylor.edu/Library/BeyondLib/powell.html | |
47. UW Libraries - Forest Resources Library forestry libraries or libraries with forestry Collections. Columbia Ministry of forestryLibrary Electronic Library Services) National agriculture Librarythe http://www.lib.washington.edu/Forest/webpage.html | |
48. Brief To The Senate Standing Committee On Agriculture And Forestry regional libraries. with the principles of minimizing the costs to the economy, therebybenefiting all sectors, including forestry and agriculture, and no http://www.quantumlynx.com/sarm/Policy/documents/senateclimatechange02-26-03.htm | |
49. UNL Libraries IRC Agriculture And Food Sciences publications subscribed to by the libraries for the National Forest Home Page WWWVirtual Library forestry. of agriculture Nebraska Game and Parks Commission http://www.unl.edu:2020/agricult.html | |
50. MSU Libraries - ERL Databases Covers all aspects of agriculture, including forestry, animal husbandry by the Foodand agriculture Organization of centres and specialized libraries which form http://www.lib.msu.edu/erl/ | |
51. Forestry Legislation - Searching For Legislation - Search Collect Publish - SLU International forestry legislation can be searched in FAOLEX, the food and legislationdatabase of the Food and agriculture Organization of SLU libraries. http://www.bib.slu.se/kurser/sss-proj/soka/Lag/elagskog.html | |
52. SLU Libraries The SLU libraries have been commissioned to act as a national resource libraryin the subject fields agriculture, forestry, veterinary medicine and http://www.bib.slu.se/bibliotek/eindex.html | |
53. Agriculture, Forestry And Fisheries Sector was implemented by the Agricultural forestry and Fisheries Laboratories and workshops,libraries, offices, research stations of Food and agriculture, and the http://www.csir.org.gh/NAT.html | |
54. Natural Resources: Databases And Literature of agriculture); National Library for the Environment; Natural Resources Canada Headquarters Library; Collective Directory World forestry libraries. http://www4.ncsu.edu/~leung/forlit.html | |
55. Steenbock Memorial Library, University Of Wisconsin-Madison UW Madison libraries Home Page. Opportunities and Job Resources on the Internet Seethe subpage devoted to job opportunities in agriculture, forestry Farming http://steenbock.library.wisc.edu/subjectguide/agric.htm | |
56. Libraries News produced by The American Association of Law libraries; provides access to legal literatureworldwide, covering all forms of foreign agriculture and forestry. http://www.helsinki.fi/kirjastot/eng/online/News/030910eng.htm | |
57. BUBL LINK / 5:15 Internet Resources: Forestry Subjects canada, canadian libraries, forestry DeweyClass 026 resources in forestry,veterinary, agricultural Subjects agriculture links, environmental science http://bubl.ac.uk/link/f/forestry.htm | |
58. Cyber-Sierra's Natural Resources Job Search: Reference Libraries agriculture, Aquaculture, Animals, Earth Sciences, forestry, Entomology, and of theUS Department of agriculture, is one of four National libraries in the http://www.cyber-sierra.com/nrjobs/library.html | |
59. WU Libraries Biology Dictionaries Online Dictionaries try the Special Language Glossaries Glossaries arranged bysubjects such as agriculture, Biology, Chemistry, forestry, Medicine, etc. http://library.wustl.edu/subjects/life/dictionaries.html | |
60. Agriculture, UM Libraries For additional resources see the UM libraries Electronic Resources in to the websitesof the participating schools of agriculture, forestry, and veterinary http://www.lib.umd.edu/MCK/GUIDES/agriculture.html | |
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