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101. New Agricultural Teacher Program Resource guide for new agricultural teachers in the state of Texas (and in general throughout the United States). http://www.depts.ttu.edu/agriculturalteachers/ | |
102. Deniz Agricultural Products Turkish exporters of capers, nuts, and pulses. Product and contact details. http://www.deniztarim.com |
103. Karadeniz Celik Döküm Sanayi A.S. Features grey iron and steel castings as well as machining services for international companies in the automotive, agricultural machinery and industry construction industry. Based in Turkey. http://www.karceliktas.com.tr | |
104. News And Events- College Of Agriculture, University Of Kentucky College of Agriculture news and Upcoming Events CalendarUniversity of Kentucky. University of Kentucky http://www.ca.uky.edu/news/ | |
105. Denver Rubber Company Homepage Supplies custom gasket products, rubber products, brass fittings, hose and agricultural and high pressure pumps. http://www.denverrubber.com/ | |
106. Weed Management Society Of South Australia Provides a forum for the interaction between community groups, professionals and researchers managing weeds in agricultural and natural environments in South Australia. http://www.ssn.flinders.edu.au/geog/weeds/ |
107. Beijing Agricultural University Basic information on the history and organisation of the university. http://www.friends-partners.org/~china/uni/BAU/agri.html |
108. CALS News: We've Moved University of Wisconsin College of Agriculture and Life Sciences news. The Collegeof Agriculture and Life Sciences has recently overhauled its news department. http://www.cals.wisc.edu/media/news/ | |
109. Agricultural Consultants - Experts Online - Agricultural Consultancy Crops Exper Offers advice, consultancy, and expertise from a group of experts. Services are initially provided online. http://www.agrisupportonline.com |
110. Texas Pest Management Association news from Agriculture, Texas USDA Announces Availability of Differential Schedulesfor 2004 Cotton Crops 04/19/04 The US Department of Agriculture s Farm http://www.tpma.org/ | |
111. Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly For the dissemination overseas of upto-date information on research activities in agriculture, forestry and fisheries that are carried out in Japan but would also be relevant to other countries, particularly in the developing regions. http://ss.jircas.affrc.go.jp/engpage/jarq/firstpage1.html | |
112. Www.abc.net.au/rural/news_states/trannrn.htm House Committee on Agriculture news Room Bill (November 18, 2003); Chairman Goodlatte, Pombo news Conference Today on AgricultureSubcommittee Holds Hearing to Review Domestic Policies Affecting the http://www.abc.net.au/rural/news_states/trannrn.htm |
113. LTRAS Homepage Based at UC Davis, LTRAS is a longterm comparison of 10 conventional, organic and alternative cropping systems, both irrigated and nonirrigated. http://LTRAS.ucdavis.edu/ | |
114. House Committee On Agriculture Most Recent news. Agriculture Subcommittee Holds MidTerm Review of2002 Farm Bill. (May 20, 2004) read more; Committee Continues http://agriculture.house.gov/ | |
115. University Of Maryland Agricultural Nutrient Management Program Farmers and scientists can learn about nutrient contamination of the Chesapeake Bay and ways to prevent it by using best management practices. http://www.agnr.umd.edu/users/agron/nutrient/ | |
116. Interest!ALERT: Quality Content Canadian beef products into the United States despite concerns about mad cow diseasesaid it doubts Agriculture Secr 18 news Copyright © 2002 Interest!ALERT. http://interestalert.com/remote/siteia/morenews.shtml?Sys=siteia&Fid=AGRICULT&Ty |
117. BRS Agricultural Biotechnology Lists the rules and procedures for obtaining and keeping a US permit to work with genetically modified plants and animals. Defines pharmaceutical and commercial use. http://www.aphis.usda.gov/brs/ | |
118. ÃÃÃâºÃÃÃÃÃÃÃÃõÃÃû»¯ÃÃÃÃ÷ÃÃÃù«Ã¾ China. Needlepunch and spunbond fabrics for industrial, medical, packaging and agricultural applications, from polypropylene. Custom coloring and specialty treatments. English and Chinese. http://www.chinayongdeli.com/ |
119. Australian Agricultural Company Details of Australia's oldest agricultural company with 18 stations spanning 6.5 million hectares and running up to 400,000 beef cattle. http://www.aaco.com.au/ |
120. Cook College Home page for Cook College and the NJAES. http://www.cook.rutgers.edu/ | |
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