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African Literature: more books (100) |
141. APOOO Bookclub An online bookclub who enjoy reading and discussing books by and about african Americans. Site also provides the 411 regarding african American literature and Events. http://www.apooo.org | |
142. Stars Of Tomorrow Youth Foundation Nonprofit organization based in the Washington Metropolitan area seeks to teach today's youth to be tomorrow's leaders, by having positive role model and leaders and periodical showcasing historical and contemporary africanAmerican literature, art forms, and culture. http://www.starsoftomorrowyouth.org/ |
143. African Studies Introduces students to the cultural diversity of Africa with courses in ancient and contemporary history, traditional political systems, art and literature. Students are encouraged to spend a semester or a year studying in Africa. http://www.trincoll.edu/depts/ints/Africa/default.htm | |
144. Flash Intro The G.R.I.T.S., an acronym for Guys/Girls Raised In The South, is an online literary club for men and women who love reading and discussing classic and contemporary african American literature! http://www.thegrits.com |
145. Poetry, Prose And Other Noize Offers a mix of africanAmerican poetry, literature and opinions, with original works by C. Mari. http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Museum/4959/ |
146. AALL: Links Top/Reference/Education/Colleges_and_Universities/North_America/United_States/North_Carolina/Duke_University/Academics_and_Research/Arts_and_Sciences_and_Trinity_College http://www.duke.edu/web/aall/ |
147. Harlem Renaissance - Suite101.com Discussion of literature, poetry, and book reviews, in addition providing articles dedicated to the enormous contributions of african Americans during the Harlem Renaissance era. http://www.suite101.com/welcome.cfm/harlem_renaissance | |
148. Richard Wright Black Boy Indepth look at the african American writer who changed the face of American literature. Includes list of interviewees, chronology of the author's life, and profiles of show's producers. http://www.itvs.org/external/RW/index.html |
149. Between The Covers, Rare Books, Inc. First editions, with illustrated catalogues of new acquisitions. Specializing in literature, africanAmericana, mystery, drama, science fiction and horror. http://www.betweenthecovers.com/ | |
150. Drum And Spear Books Offers africanAmerican literature for adults and children, calendars, posters, cards, crafts and cuisine. Features events and news. http://www.drumandspear.com/ | |
151. Badlands: An Underground Science Fiction Novel Badlands An Underground Science Fiction Novel. The story of a warrior who seeks to liberate Earth from alien conquerors. For lovers of scifi and african-American literature. http://www.geocities.com/badlandsbook/index.html | |
152. S. African Wins Literature Nobel CNN http://cnn.com/2003/WORLD/europe/10/02/nobel.literature.ap/index.html |
153. Univ. Of Rochester Libraries - Koller-Collins Center For English Studies Includes resources for the study of English and American literature. One highlight is resources on africanAmerican literature. http://www.lib.rochester.edu/camelot/k-chome.htm | |
154. UTPress - Home Publisher specializing in American studies, concentrating on history, anthropology, vernacular architecture, material culture, religion, folklore, literature, african American studies, Native American studies, and works in all disciplines concerned with Appalachia and the Southeast. http://utpress.org/ | |
155. Program In Black Studies: Africa And The Diaspora Explores the african diaspora and its interaction with culture and society in the Americas. T he interdisciplinary program combines humanities courses from literature, music and film together with the social sciences and history to provide students with an understanding of the farreaching impact of race and ethnicity across continents. http://www.fairfield.edu/academic/artsci/majors/black/ugblhome.htm | |
156. The Black Library Booksellers Booksellers specializing in african American literature. http://www.theblacklibrary.com/ | |
157. Welcome To Da Capo Press Kendall Square publisher of quality paperbacks in American and world history, film, dance, theater, music, literature, art and architecture, sports, and african American studies. Site includes book descriptions and ordering information. http://www.dacapopress.com/ | |
158. Mood Makers Books Independent africanAmerican bookstore specializes in multicultural and Afrocentric literature. Book listing, monthly picks, events calendar, online ordering. http://www.moodmakersbooks.com/ | |
159. Literature African, American, Asian, Fiction, Poetry,Science Please, put literature (you can specify african, American, Asian, British, European, Fiction, Criticism, Poetry, Science Fiction, Theater) in the subject http://www.ohiou.edu/oupress/bapliterature.htm | |
160. Postcolonial Literature In Africa: An Overview Science Technology Visual Arts Religion Postcolonial Theory Nations. Ghana Botswana Nigeria South Africa Zimbabwe. http://www.postcolonialweb.org/misc/africov.html |
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