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81. MSN Encarta - African Languages Already a subscriber? Sign in above. african languages. I. Introduction. AfricanLanguages, group of languages that are native to Africa. http://encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761565449/African_Languages.html | |
82. African Language - Encyclopedia Article About African Language. Free Access, No languages. Some of the african languages with the largest number of speakersbelong to it. Greenberg Studying african languages. In Europe http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/African language | |
83. :: African Languages Technology Initiative (ALT-I) :: http://www.alt-i.org/ | |
84. The Webbook Of African Language Resources At Michigan State University The Webbook of african languages Resources. Includes speakers, teachingmaterials, contact information, the various african languages http://www.isp.msu.edu/AfrLang/hiermenu.html |
85. Africa: Language: African Languages, Dialects, Linguistic Groups, Ethnic Groups, Africa Language african languages, Dialects, Linguistic Groups, Ethnic Groups,Tribes, Peoples. SOAS Guide to african languages Language reference site. http://www.clickafrique.com/Arts\Language.asp | |
86. ERIC L & L Digest african languages at the K12 Level. To date, no teachers of african languageshave participated in the preparation of generic standards at these levels. http://www.cal.org/resources/digest/kuntz001.html | |
87. African Languages --Â Britannica Student Encyclopedia african languages Britannica Student Encyclopedia. To cite this page MLAstyle african languages. Britannica Student Encyclopedia. 2004. http://www.britannica.com/ebi/article?eu=294470&query=maban languages&ct=ebi |
88. LINGUIST List 10.101: Role & Reference Grammar, African Languages LINGUIST List 10.101. Fri Jan 22 1999. Calls Role Reference Grammar,african languages. Editor Message 2 african languages. Date http://www.linguistlist.org/issues/10/10-101.html | |
89. Ali Akan (pilot Project "African Languages Through Internet") Pilot project african languages through internet . Conditions of participation.Registered students of african languages and linguistics or related subjects. http://www.iuo.it/relaz_int/progetti/aliakan/aliakan.html | |
90. ALRC African Language Resource Council (ALRC). A Joint project of the AfricanStudies Center and. Other Online Resources on african languages http://www.ling.upenn.edu/~seidlf/ALRC.html | |
91. African Languages Outreach african languages Outreach . DenSu Ministries, Inc. was founded asa nonprofit Christian ministry in Akron, Ohio on January 1, 1990 http://www.densu.com/african.html | |
92. Sources For African Language Materialsfrom The Countries Of Anglophone Africa - of view of librarians outside of the African continent, it seems that there is ageneral lack of information on how to acquire materials in african languages. http://www.ifla.org/IV/ifla61/61-kaga.htm | |
93. Corpora August 96 To Present: Re: African Languages Re african languages. Daniel Ridings (ridings@svenska.gu.se) Fri, 4Oct 1996 104209 +0100 (MET) of african languages and Literature. http://helmer.aksis.uib.no/corpora/1996-3/0098.html | |
94. African Languages: Kanuri Kanuri is one of the most important languages in equatorial Africa. Norbert CyfferA Sketch of Kanuri Grammatical Analyses of african languages Volume 9. http://www.koeppe.de/html/e_kanu.htm | |
95. Against All Odds: African Languages And Literatures Into The 21st Century african languages and Literatures into the 21st Century. Related Articles. BobHolman. The Asmara Declaration on african languages and Literatures. http://poetry.about.com/library/weekly/aa020100a.htm | |
96. African Languages Olympiad Every year, FEST arranges an african languages Olympiad for learners fromgrades 10 to 12. african languages OLYMPIAD. VIEW THE RESULTS NOW! http://www.saasta.ac.za/alangolympiad.html | |
97. Polylog / Themes / In Dialogue / Language Matters! Decolonization, Multilinguali Conversation with the Ghanaian philosopher Kwasi Wiredu about decolonisation,multilingualism, and african languages in the making of African philosophy. http://them.polylog.org/2/dwk-en.htm | |
98. BU | African Studies Center | Language Study Resource Center for African Area Studies, the African Studies Center at Boston Universitycan offer you an important selection of african languages you are http://www.bu.edu/africa/languagestudy/ | |
99. Unisa Online - African Languages view printable version email african languages university call centre +27 12 4294111 technikon call centre +27 11 670 9000. department of african languages. http://www.unisa.ac.za/Default.asp?Cmd=ViewContent&ContentID=143 |
100. African Languages - Compare Prices, Reviews And Buy At NexTag - Price - Review african languages , Foreign Language Study , Books The NexTag shopping guidehas prices, reviews from stores all over the web. african languages. http://www.nextag.com/African_Languages~203571z0zBwzmainz5-htm | |
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