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21. AFL Homepage african languages AT PENN. Welcome. Welcome to the African Language Program of the African Studies Center is to provide courses in african languages and cultures to undergraduate and http://ccat.sas.upenn.edu/afl | |
22. African Americans - African Languages african languages. Afaan Oromo. This paper explains what Afaan Oromo is, the debate about choosing an its about the four basic groups of african languages. http//www.lib.ohio http://www.africanamericans.com/AfricanLanguages.htm | |
23. African Studies - African Language Resources WWW Virtual Library. Department home. African Language Resourceson the Internet. Conferences on african languages and Linguistics http://www.columbia.edu/cu/lweb/indiv/africa/cuvl/langs.html | |
24. Classification Of African Languages Classification of african languages. Language Group. AfroAsiatic; Khosian;Niger-Congo; Nilo-Saharan. Pidgins. Hausa based; Swahili based; Zulu based.Creoles. http://www.sas.upenn.edu/African_Studies/K-12/menu_afr_lang.html | |
25. Warsaw University, Poland Department of african languages and Cultures. http://www.orient.uw.edu.pl/~afrykanistyka/ |
26. AfricanLanguages.com - African Languages Info This website contains information about african languages, and other AfricanLanguage related resources. Languages. Swahili. South african languages. http://africanlanguages.com/ | |
27. Christian Churches Of God South Africa The Christian Churches of God publish details of their Bible Study work on original Christian Doctrines, History, Prophecy and Living in Afrikaans, English and other South african languages. http://www.logon.org/Afrikaans | |
28. Aaronc - African Religions A short overview of the many Traditional Religions practiced among people of differing cultural, linguistic, and ethnic groups; gives names for the supreme deity in many african languages; part of a larger site on polytheism. http://jpdawson.com/modrelg/relafri.html | |
29. Walter De Gruyter Translate this page Journal of african languages and Linguistics. Editors FELIX K. AMEKA andMAARTEN MOUS Mouton de Gruyter. ISSN 0167-6164 ISSN (Internet) 1613-3811. http://www.degruyter.de/rs/384_394_DEU_h.htm | |
30. Walter De Gruyter Translate this page Kontakt. Inhaltsverzeichnisse / online-Content - Journal of african languages andLinguistics. Mouton de Gruyter, Journal of african languages and Linguistics, http://www.degruyter.de/journals/jall/384_5502_DEU_h.htm | |
31. African Language Collection Introduction. Search and Browse Catalogue of african languages. Periodicalson African Linguistics and in african languages. Films in african languages. http://www.indiana.edu/~librcsd/afrlg/ | |
32. African Languages At Michigan State University (ASC) Course offerings and African Linguistics information. Language map, extensive website directory. http://www.isp.msu.edu/AfrLang/ | |
33. African Languages african languages. Since 1965, we have offered over 100 courses and tutorials in40 african languages at the elementary, intermediate, and advanced levels. http://www.indiana.edu/~afrist/languages.html | |
34. WOCAL4 And ACAL34 Home Page The description of african languages in a rapidly changing field. WOCAL 4 and ACAL 34 to be held 1722 June 2003 at Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ. Call for papers, workshops, speakers and international symposium. http://www.wocal4.rutgers.edu/ | |
35. African Language Studies At MSU The African Studies Center, through the Department of Linguistics offers instructionin 29 african languages through classes and individual tutorials. http://africa.msu.edu/afrilang.htm | |
36. Department Of Linguistics And Germanic, Slavic, Asian And African Languages Top/Reference/Education/Colleges_and_Universities/North_America/United_States/Michigan/Michigan_State_University/Colleges_and_Departments/College_of_Arts_and_Letters/Departments http://www.msu.edu/~linglang/ | |
37. Africana Webserver, The Department Of African Languages And Cultures, Ghent Univ Logo Ghent University, Africarelated education and research in and aroundthe Department of african languages and Cultures at Ghent University. http://africana.rug.ac.be/ | |
38. MailAfrica.net Provides free email in african languages, hosting, and design. Services, search engine, and contact information. http://www.mailafrica.net | |
39. Welcome At The Department Of African Languages And Cultures - University Of Ghen http://africana.rug.ac.be/department/ | |
40. Weiterleitung Provides an extensive section with positively critical book reviews written by specialists in the field. Further contains a list of recently published books on african languages and linguistics. Includes description, subscription information, editorial team and information for authors. Online access available for institutional subscribers. http://www.degruyter.de/journals/jall/ |
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