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21. CAREN CALDER - Traditional African Dance CAREN PLUMMER Traditional african dance. /. Caren Vietta Plummer has extensive Traditional african dance. Caren Calder performs traditional African http://www.lotusarts.com/caren.html | |
22. Dance Council - Promoting And Supporting Dance In Dallas And North Texas Offers scholarships, classes for all ages in modern, West african dance, and Irish dance. Located in Dallas, Texas. http://www.thedancecouncil.org |
23. Diamano Coura West African Dance Company: HOME About Us, Bios, Workshops, Events, Reviews, Contact Us, Links. Copyright © 2003 Diamano Coura 1428 Alice Street, Oakland CA 94612 510733-1077 diamanoc@aol.com. http://www.diamanocoura.org/ | |
24. RASTA MOMBASA African Acrobats Shows International acrobats from Kenya, traditional african dance, acrobatic stunt and fire show with live music in authentic Kenyan costumes. http://www.rastamombasa.com/ | |
25. African Dance african dance. Gambians love music. And whenever there s a party, they will dance. For official occasions like a wedding or a naming http://home01.wxs.nl/~verka067/African_dance.html | |
26. DJEMBE-L FAQ African Dance Teachers ©20002002 Djembe-L FAQ. All Rights Reserved. Welcome To DJEMBE-L FAQ african dance Teachers. 2004 african dance Workshops. ARKANSAS. Drum Class. http://www.drums.org/djembefaq/african_dance.htm | |
27. Portsmouth Percussive Dance Festival Workshops, student performance, concert, classic film, jams. Tap, jazz and swing dance, african dance and drumming, and vocals. http://jazzandtap.com/ppdf.html |
28. DJEMBE-L FAQ African Dance Videos Welcome To DJEMBEL FAQ african dance Video s. This page is a listing on West african dance videos and where to buy them. african dance Links. http://www.drums.org/djembefaq/african_dance_videos.htm | |
29. WADaBo - West African Dance In Boston WADaBo West african dance in Boston. Welcome to the online home of West african dance in Boston! Welcome to the site of WADaBo (West african dance in Boston). http://www.wadabo.org/ | |
30. WADaBo - West African Dance In Boston WADaBo West african dance in Boston. Dedicated to the There is at least one african dance class per day in Boston. We have the http://www.wadabo.org/_wsn/page2.html | |
31. Caribbean & West African Dance Caribbean West african dance Discover authentic traditional dances and songs of West African countries. Also learn the ritual and social dances of Haiti. http://www.freeu.com/classes/2273.html | |
32. African Dance african dance $200 per term. So, if you are adventurous and looking for something new and different, come and join us in african dance! http://www.uwcsea.edu.sg/cep/African Dance.htm |
33. Dance.net - African Dance: Ballet, Jazz, Modern, Hip Hop, Tap, Irish, Disco, Twi african dance. Post New Topic Post New Poll african dance, 0, 4, Dance2ueen, Thu May 13 1216. I don t Like african dance, 10, 163, bermydanza, Thu May 13 1210. http://www.dance.net/african.html | |
34. Alphamusic - African Dance Music Translate this page Montag, 17. Mai 2004. african dance Music. Cover zu african dance Music Cover vergröÃern, african dance Music. CD / Rock http://www.alphamusicshop.de/5113707.html | |
35. African Dance african dance Its impact on modern dance and culture. For Africans, the magic of all life is experienced. african dance is basic, vital, and complete. http://www.mith.umd.edu/outreach/digitaldirections/students/salma/africandance.h | |
36. Londondance.com : Adzido Pan African Dance Ensemble You are here Home Directory Companies Adzido Pan african dance Ensemble. Adzido Pan african dance Ensemble. Adzido Pan African http://www.londondance.com/content/150/adzido_pan_african_dance_ensem/ | |
37. Londondance.com : African Dance & Drumming Workshops You are here Home Directory Classes and Workshops african dance Drumming Workshops. african dance Drumming Workshops. Frititi http://www.londondance.com/content/830/african_dance_&_drumming_works/ | |
38. West African Dance BOUBA S. CAMARA. LIVE FROM CONAKRY, GUINEA. Teacher, Choreographer, Composer of Traditional West Africa Dance and Drums. All ages and level of experience Welcome! http://www.palmbayflorida.org/Departments/Parks&Rec/west_african_dance.htm | |
39. DER Documentary: African Dance An exploration of African contemporary dance through eight modern dance companies from Africa, Europe, and Canada. african dance Sand, Drum and Shostakovich. http://www.der.org/films/african-dance.html | |
40. Music Style:: African Dance Brief Record Display. Music Style african dance. Claes, Jeanine; Foshuaa, Emelia Yas; Gumboot Dancing; Hamilton, Sarah; Kadogo, Aku; Lamotte, Jane; http://www.acslink.aone.net.au/christo/list2/l2000002.htm | |
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