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Home - Basic_A - African Culture General Resources |
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21. American Studies @ The University Of Virginia general resources. The africanAmerican Mosaic A Library of Congress Resource Thisguide to the study of Black history and culture is the first library wide http://xroads.virginia.edu/~YP/african.html | |
22. Visual Arts Resources: African Art Intended Audience general Reading Level Middle School Teacher Section Yes SearchableYes the Mask Learn about the role of masks in african culture at this http://www.nhptv.org/kn/vs/artlab8j.htm | |
23. African-American Resources general resources. the 20th Century http//pathfinder.com/photo/essay/african/home.htm. resourcesfor AfroAmerican History and culture - includes original texts http://ww2.ocls.lib.fl.us/favorites/african2.html | |
24. Dartmouth Library Collection Development Policy Materials on africanAmerican life and culture in the part of the african and african-AmericanStudies program (AAAS) but also as general resources in support http://www.dartmouth.edu/~cmdc/cdp/aaas.html | |
25. PopCultures.com | General Links Archives of african American Music and culture. Collections Theory. Includes materialon general Cultural and Critical Theory resources, LateNineteenth http://www.popcultures.com/general.htm | |
26. African general resources BACK to TOP. promotes the exhange of ideas, information, and resourcesbetween artists, teachers, and students of african art and culture. http://www.hipopl.org/Links/african-american.htm | |
27. Useful Links By Harvard Comm. On African Studies by Karen Fung, Stanford. Languages general resources 2004 Summer net bookstorefor South Africa; UCLA Language BAKA Videos for Hausa language and culture; http://www.fas.harvard.edu/~cafrica/links.shtml | |
28. Multicultural Resources: African-American/Africana Studies National Civil Rights Museum general information about the Museum, with a State University;Extensive links to Black History and culture and african History http://www.union.edu/PUBLIC/LIBRARY/guide/mcafric.html | |
29. General Resources - Calls For Papers prose works, aimed for a general readership of gay perspective, on any issue relatedto disability culture. DS Izevbaye A Festschrift african and Black Lit. http://www.inform.umd.edu/EdRes/Topic/Diversity/General/Calls_for_Papers/ | |
30. AFS General Resources If you have a general or current topic use the general list. 1999. Ref E185.N490,Encyclopedia of african American culture and History. 5 vols. http://library.uncg.edu/depts/ref/bibs/afam.htm | |
31. Academic Info: African Studies A large, well organized collection of general online resources rich multimedia sitewith information about african religion (Ifa), culture, art, song http://www.blacknet.co.uk/education/histafrica.html | |
32. UPS Library African-American Studies Resources reviews and dissertations on the history and culture of the American Slavery (E441.D53 REF); Encyclopedia of africanAmerican Civil Selected general resources. http://library.ups.edu/gateway/africanamerican/home.shtml | |
33. F&M Library: African Studies general resources. Schomburg Center for Research in Black culture The Schomburg Centerat the Images of african Americans from the 19th century An exhibit by http://library.fandm.edu/esources/es_africana.html | |
34. Southern Africa Resources Main So. Africa Online Travel Guide general Background info for So. Africa. The WeatherUnderground Africa. The Kennedy Center african Art culture. http://www.questconnect.org/africa_resources.htm | |
35. African Genealogy - The Genealogy Beat to share your genealogical research and resources in general and your african Ancestryin Angola culture; Angola Genealogy Hints at the Portuguese Genealogy http://society.searchbeat.com/africaroots.htm | |
36. Neuse Regional Library - Internet Resources culture Tour, resources on african American culture in North Christine s GenealogyWebsites, africanAmerican genealogy, GO THERE! general Back to TOP. http://www.neuselibrary.org/Internet Resources/afroam ir.htm | |
37. NPL African-American Resources general resources african American Odyssey (http//lcweb2.loc.gov information on Africaand the african diaspora selected resources for news, culture, and history http://www.normal-library.org/R_african.shtml | |
38. Cyndi's List - African-American More than 209 300 links! 206 850 links, categorized crossreferenced, in over 160 categories. Another 2 450+ uncategorized new links in the works. general Resource Sites. History culture. How http://www.cyndislist.com/african.htm | |
39. U Of Pennsylvania, African Studies Center | African Studies WWW general resources. Country Pages; K12 resources; Bulletin Board; MultimediaArchives; Web Links Black / african Links. Funded Projects. http://www.sas.upenn.edu/African_Studies/AS.html | |
40. African Studies Center | K-12 Electronic GuideK-12 Electronic Guide K12 Electronic Guide. for african resources on the Internet in Africa. african-American. general resources. Lesson Plans uses available on the african Studies WWW. The african Studies http://www.sas.upenn.edu/African_Studies/Home_Page/AFR_GIDE.html | |
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